Why is this chapter a closing reflection rather than a closing speech?

Because the closing remarks are in the later chapter, this chapter is basically reflection, or self-criticism, or whining.

In short, this is a chapter full of negative emotions, everyone can watch it or not, and at the same time leave mercy under the mouth.

So not much nonsense, just start reflecting, reflect on what are the shortcomings of this novel, what are the bad points.

First of all, the first point at the beginning is that the protagonist is not well chosen.

The protagonist I chose crossed into Mount Hori, of course, and later changed his name to Mount Hori because he had to cut off from Mount Tanukin.

I don't know how many people hate the role of Takugaku, this character is bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, extremely bad, and can easily betray his family and companions for his own life.

In itself, this is a very nasty character, a very nasty villain.

Many readers see the protagonist crossing into this character, and immediately abandon the book and do not read it.

Well, this is one of my mistakes.

Why did I choose to cross the protagonist into Mount Taku in the first place?

It is to add a sense of contrast, a sense of gap.

You see, the protagonist crossed into such a nasty villain, what should he do? What about the villain to the end? Or is it just whitewashing?

That's what I thought.

But unfortunately, I obviously miscalculated and let the protagonist cross into a wrong character from the beginning, and many readers probably just read the introduction of this book and don't want to read it.

Well, this lesson is quite heavy.

This lesson tells me that until I don't have the pen power to control the protagonist to cross into a villain, don't be too ambitious and engage in this routine.

Without this diamond, this porcelain job would have been done.

The second point, which has been criticized by many readers so far, is the heroine problem.

This heroine problem can probably be divided into three parts, divided into the upper part, the middle part and the lower part.

Let's start with the upper part.

The heroine problem in the upper part is the three heroines I set at the beginning, You Bean, Butterfly Shinobu, and Honey.

Since they are three heroines, it is obvious that they want to open a harem.

Some readers like to watch the harem, and some readers like the single heroine, so there has been a change at this time, and those who like to watch the harem may continue to watch it, and they like the direct abandonment of the single heroine.

There's no way around it.

Turnip greens have their own love, so I can't solve the problem in the first half of this part.

Part of the heroine problem is that each heroine spends a different amount of space.

If there are readers who can watch it from beginning to end, they can find that among the three heroines, the most deservedly deserves to be butterfly Shinobu.

The second is honey glass.

The one with the least scenes and space is Youdouzi, and there is almost no space for her.

Obviously there are three heroines, I, the author, can't favor one over the other, even if the space given to them is not much, but at least it should be about the same.

It's really unfair that there are so many differences between each other.

I must admit that I did a very bad job on this point, especially in dealing with this heroine of Your Bean.

It is clear that You Bean is the first heroine to appear, but there is basically no role for her later, except for the presence of this part of Yoshiwara Flower Street, she is basically sleeping at other times!

I can also understand the feelings of readers, and readers who like You Beans will definitely feel very annoyed and annoying when they see such a thing.

Once again, this is my mistake, I obediently beat and scolded, please show mercy to your grandfathers.

Why did you make this mistake?

To put it bluntly, my pen power is not enough, the plot is not shaped enough, and the character shaping is not enough.

On the one hand, the heroine of You Bean does sleep more, on the other hand....

On the other hand, You Bean basically acts as a ghost throughout the novel.

Once you become a human again, it means that the novel is coming to an end.

And You Bean in the ghost state basically can't speak, and usually speaks only a few tone words, and can only appear at night, and cannot appear during the day.

This leads to the fact that I want to increase the length of Your Bean, want to increase the existence of this heroine, or want to further increase the relationship between the protagonist and him, which cannot be done.

The first thing is that the heroine who cannot appear during the day and cannot speak, how should the protagonist communicate with this heroine? If you can't even communicate, how can you enhance your feelings?

I found this question not long after I wrote it.

I still used You Bean as the first protagonist at the beginning, and I chose Your Bean on the cover of this novel at the beginning.

Now that I think about it, I was really stupid.

I thought I could write like this, and I wrote that I found that I couldn't write anymore.

Then there is the next part of the heroine problem.

This is also the most serious problem among the heroine.

It's my backsliding!

Obviously, at the beginning, I swore that the heroines were three, but then inexplicably added two, one is Zhu Shi and the other is Lixia.

This kind of backsliding, saying good but regretting it, is really bad.

This is probably the most criticized point in this novel, I admit my mistake, I admit my scolding.

This is also the biggest mistake I think I found.

Everyone can scold if they want to, as long as they don't greet my family, it's okay to greet my personality, after all, I am the first to make a mistake, and I will be beaten if I make a mistake.

It is really time to be scolded and beaten, this kind of third-party intervention seems to be reneging, it is indeed annoying enough!

Especially when it is clear that the three heroines are not well written, they also add two heroines, which is no longer as simple as drawing snakes and adding to the foot.

So continue to reflect, why did Hao Duanduan add these two heroines?

The first is why Gazhushi.

If you read my novel in its entirety, readers should know that the character of Zhu Shi appeared relatively early.

And the character of Zhu Shi, when he appeared, when he was described by me, the character was indeed more attractive.

When I read those chapters at that time, many readers left messages one after another, saying that I took Zhu Shi, or directly hugged my thighs and ate soft rice!

To be honest, I was very moved at that time, and I had plans to increase the three heroines to four heroines.

But after thinking about it, I felt that it was already very troublesome for three heroines to write, and it was even more troublesome to add another heroine to write, so I put it on hold for the time being.

It wasn't until later, probably later in the novel, that I didn't know how things started to muddle.

Or rather the brain pumped.

Or that the brain is hot, and I think it should be okay to add another heroine!

So I planned to add Zhu Shi to the heroine.

When I had this plan, my brain pumped further.

At that time, I thought, since Zhu Shidu has joined the heroine, then it is okay to add another one, right? Just add the carp summer too!

In this way, as soon as the brain was hot, the brain was pumped, and these two heroines were added.

Now that I think about it, I regret that I didn't start at the beginning.

Of course, there must be readers who like these two characters and think it's good to add these two characters to the heroine, or just like to see it this way.

I am here to admit my mistakes, to blame myself so much, to repent so much, it is a betrayal of this part of the readers, and this part of the readers must be unhappy.

But one thing has to be admitted, that is, the addition of two more heroines, at least in the eyes of most readers, should be bad.

Then there is no way, the minority obeys the majority has always been our principle here.

As an author, I have to take into account the feelings of most readers.

So I can only characterize the two more heroines as wrong here.

The brain is a little messed up.

All in all, this incident is probably the biggest mistake in this novel! At least it should be one of the biggest mistakes!

The above is the heroine's problem.

The third issue is water.

About the water thing....

To be honest, I don't have much to do either.

At the beginning, I had a lot of energy for this novel, and I could have made the pace of the plot faster, not so watery, after all, most of my energy was on it at that time.

But later, in the middle and late stages, there was no way.

I can't possibly devote so much time to this novel every day.

And so much energy was instilled in the early stage, which led to a great decrease in my interest, and I was not as serious about this novel as I was at the beginning.

As it was written, it involuntarily got up.

This is also a big mistake, I must admit.

Fourth, combat power collapses.

Belch...... This is a mistake, or deficiencies, that most works can have.

Sure enough, my novel also made such mistakes and had such shortcomings.

Especially the combat power of the protagonist is really outrageous.

In the early stage of the novel, at the beginning, the protagonist was able to kill the winding jade pot more crisply, but later, when it was the turn of the winding dog for half a day, it took so much effort.

From here, the combat power is relatively broken, and some readers may feel unhappy when they see this.

In the back, especially after the protagonist meets the Flying Thunder God, the protagonist's combat power has collapsed to a very strange degree.

Why is it a strange degree?

Because I am obviously the author, I have added many settings to my protagonist to make my protagonist strong to this extent, but sometimes I can't figure out how strong my protagonist is.

No way, I can only add a setting.

Use the villain boss of Wu Misery as the combat measurement unit to estimate the approximate combat power of the protagonist.

All in all, when the villain's big boss at the end of a novel becomes a unit of measurement for battle, the specific combat power of the protagonist is obviously unsatisfactory.

Even after I watched it myself, I felt that the protagonist's combat power had a feeling of being decoupled from everyone.

Alas...... This is a big mistake.

The fifth point is the writing style, or pen power.

This problem is hard power, and it cannot be improved in a while, and I can only say that I will work harder and learn more in this area in the future.

The sixth point is that the plot is not well grasped, and the plot of the novel is not set well.

There were a lot of pits I dug, but in the end I couldn't fill them.

I filled in some pits, straightened out the logic, and filled in the loopholes, but I also reluctantly filled them.

Among them, there are two worst points in this aspect of the plot.

The first place is to humiliate the wind pillar immortal Kawa Shiya.

There is nothing to say, my brain twitched again when I wrote that!

Everyone can scold as much as they want, as long as they don't ask my family how to scold!

The second place is about the plot of the system.

Many readers, do not like the system this goldfinger has their own ideas, because there will be a sense of insecurity, instability, always feel that the system will bite itself back to stab the protagonist.

Well, I understand very well.

So in the middle of this novel, after my brain was pumped to increase the existence of the system, I decisively reduced the existence of the system, making the system an instrumental thing.

This...... I don't know if it can be regarded as a dead sheep, which is the only mistake that this novel makes so many mistakes that gradually makes up for in the later stage.

Writing here, the brain is getting more and more messed up.

My current messy brain can only reflect on these six general points.

But I'm also sure I made more than these six mistakes.

No way, writing here has consumed a lot of my energy, my brain is getting more and more chaotic, and I really can't think about it.

In fact, to sum up, the reason why I make so many mistakes, in addition to the real lack of personal strength, another very important point is that my brain will twitch from time to time!


Everyone, please see, so many of the above mistakes, how many mistakes I made in the first stroke of my brain.

I guess it's not just fiction authors, it's a mistake that many creators can make, and I'm especially serious.

The brain was hot, twitched, and a new idea was born.

At that time, I thought that this new idea was a very good inspiration, and adding it to my own work would definitely make the work better, and so on.

But calm down afterwards and look, what shit thoughts!?

Or after being woken up by the reader's bad review, look back, what a mess!? How could I have that thought? Could it be that I was stupid at the time?

Yes, I did make a fool of myself!

This is often the case.

So, how to stop my brain from twitching occasionally, or how to calm down in time when I think I have an inspiration, is a question.

In a word...... Probably so be it.

In any case, the novel has been reduced to such a point that it cannot be saved.

Under such a bad situation, I insisted on writing this novel, and I was stunned to write more than 1 million words! Wasted a lot of my time and life!

Then this chapter is the final reflection.

The next chapter is the closing remarks.

In the end, I don't know how many readers can see here, or see the last of this novel?

Can there be hundreds?

I don't know, it's a pity, it's a bad mood.

Dear readers, I'm really sorry, maybe my bad mood has also affected your mood.

Still that sentence, scold casually, as long as you don't greet my family.

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