Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 97-You Don't Know

At the beginning, I still doubted him very much, but now I see him refining the pill with my own eyes, and there is no doubt about it, but more admiration and appreciation.

Seeing that Yun Hao was about the same age as himself, he could actually refine pills.

Even though he was a member of the Wuhun Hall, he was refining the pill for himself. I don't know why, Dugu Yan was so moved in his heart.

Dugu Bo was very devoted, and Yun Hao had never seen this kind of refining method, including the combination of drugs, which was very novel.

He is mainly engaged in the pharmacology of poisons, and the combination of medicines is different, even if there is a slight difference, sometimes the poisons refined are different, and this is naturally the same.

"The heat is properly controlled, and the degree of refining is controlled quite accurately. I really can't tell that it is a young man..." Dugu Bo muttered in his heart.

As the titled Douluo Dugu Bo, he has also traveled to many places in the Douluo Continent and has seen a lot of novel things. It can be said that he has a wide range of knowledge. Only when he came to Yunhao, he could not see his way.

There are really no surprises in this world. With the development of the times, there will always be some special characters.

Dugu Goose blinked and asked Dugu Bo:

"Grandpa, how long do you think this pill will be refined?"

Dugu Bo could only shook his head and replied without a clue:

"Grandpa doesn't know either. I haven't seen this kind of refining method, and it's the first time Jade Yongjue has heard of it."

Dugu Yan said softly: "This boy is so special!"

Dugu Bo said: "Why, do you think he is very unusual?"

Dugu Goose: "Hmm!!!"

Dugu Bo: "Wait for him to finish refining the pill!"

Only Yun Hao knew about the refining process of this pill, and Dugu Bo couldn't give his own thoughts, and could only be a quiet bystander.

And the refining time of Jade Eternal Jue is very special, Yun Hao only briefly introduced it when he changed to soft fire halfway.

The medicinal properties of Jade Forever must be the best, the quality must be guaranteed, and the purity of the pill must be more than 90% in order to play an important role.

The entire refining process requires seven to seven forty-nine days. After the impurities are removed, it is necessary to alternately refining with soft and rigid fire so that the medicinal effects in the medicine are fully mixed and evenly distributed.

During these forty-nine days, Yun Hao could not leave the pharmacy for one step, and must always pay attention to the situation in the Danding.

But the two grandpa and grandson of Dugu can only observe quietly, and Hu Liena occasionally visits Yun Hao, even Yan and Xie Yue have been there.

Needless to say, Bibi Dong is very obsessed with the refining of pill now, and after taking Nine-Rank Ganoderma, if she wants to improve her strength faster, she needs some special pill to promote her own cultivation.

With the special efficacy of the pill, it can also achieve a multiplier effect with half the effort.

At the end of the forty-nine days, Yun Hao took a deep breath.

After extinguishing the flame, he walked to the Danding in three steps in two steps, and opened the top cover to see that there was a crystal-clear and translucent pill inside. The whole body was emerald, and the color was as bright as jasper. general.


He took out a small white bottle made of cold jade and filled the pill into it.

Jade Yongjue is considered a complete success here, and after getting the medicine, it can detoxify the Dugu Goose.

Dugubo's eyes flickered and said:

"I only need such a jade forever, can it be interpreted for the geese?"

Dugu Bo also watched Yun Hao's refining completed, and then he asked his doubts.

If it is said that refining a jade will never require a nine-section jade, then where can I find so many nine-section jade?

Yun Hao grinned and said:

"One is enough, I'm afraid she really has no chance after taking this jadeite forever."

"Well, starting today, I will help her with the detoxification process that lasts for five hours every day. During this period, none of you can disturb me. You must remember that you must never disturb."

"Once Jade Yongjue breaks, and the toxins inside penetrate her body, I can't do anything."

Hearing this, Dugu Bo also had a cold back. Unexpectedly, the danger of this is not small.

But compared to himself, Yanyan can hardly bear such pain.

Dugubo pulled Dugubo's sleeves, and said weakly:

"Grandpa, I'm a little scared, do you really want to do this?"

Dugu Bo comforted Dugu Goose with a kind and kind smile:

"This is the only way to save you. Believe in Grandpa and in yourself. Be patient and never be careless."

"Yeah..." Dugu Goose can only nodded and agreed, "I will not let Grandpa down."

"Hey, my wild goose is the best."

Dugu Bo has always been very fond of his granddaughter, and Yun Hao couldn't be more clear about this.

However, it was strange that the Dugu Goose would look so young and lovable.

They are all people who have boyfriends. Even if it is a daisy in bud, it should be bolder!

Inadvertently, Yun Hao saw Dugu Goose but remembered a lyric:

The shy rose bloomed quietly, slowly blooming the feelings she left to me~~~

Spring's hand, flipping through her waiting~~~

I'm thinking secretly~~~

Shouldn't she be picked gently!


"What's the matter with you, Haohao?" Hu Liena looked at Yunhao for a while and asked quickly.

"Oh?" Yun Hao returned to his senses and said with a grin: "No...nothing, just thinking about the process..."

After tidying up the jade, Yun Hao said immediately:

"Let's go, let's just start, and no one else will follow."

Dugu Yan looked at Dugu Bo, Dugu Bo nodded at her, and then Dugu Yan left the pharmacy with Yun Hao.

All the way back to Yun Hao's room, Yun Hao closed the door easily.

Dugu Goose suddenly felt that it was weird for a man and a woman to be alone in a room, but in order to understand the poison, he also cared so much.

"Okay, let's take off your clothes!" Yun Hao said immediately, sitting beside the bed.

"Huh?" Dugu Yan was surprised, "Take off... undress?"

Yun Hao raised his eyebrows and explained:

"What do you think, I asked you to take off your coat, I have no other meaning."


"Why, are you thinking of other meaningful things?"


"That's fine!"

Yun Hao stopped taking care of Dugu Goose, took Jade Yongjue out of the medicine bottle, and sat cross-legged on the bed.

Dugu Goose took off his coat, and only wore a thin shirt inside. There was a special fragrance on his body. Is this the natural fragrance of girls?

"Come, swallow, don't use spirit power. Think of yourself as an ordinary person at this time. You have to do what I say. If something goes wrong, even Da Luo Jinxian will be unable to recover."

Yun Hao handed Jade Yongjue to Dugu Yan and reminded her solemnly.


As a result, Jade Yong Jue swallowed it in one gulp. Hearing Yun Hao's words, he didn't use his spirit power and sat cross-legged in front of him.

After everything was ready, Yun Hao smiled and said to Dugu Yan:

"Don't worry, I will lighten it!"

Dugu Goose hasn't understood yet:

"What...what lighter?"

"I mean I will slowly inject my soul power into your body, and start to use jade to absorb the poison lurking in your body forever. If you feel the pain, just endure it. Don't make any movements, understand?"

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