If you have to explain, in order to avoid getting dirty, it seems more cultural and can make a good impression.

If Dugu Bo was here, he would definitely beat Yunhao severely, taking pictures of his granddaughter while the old man was away, looking for shit!

But Yun Hao had no intentions in that regard.Although the Dugu Goose is cute and lovely, it is not his own dish.

On the whole, it looks ordinary and plain. It may also be because of family inheritance that Yun Hao is quite resistant to the natural poisonous body of Dugu Goose.

If Dugu Goose is not Dugu Bo's granddaughter, then she will naturally consider it. Even if she has a boyfriend, she will have to dig for him, but it is not the type she likes, what a pity!

By the time Dugu Yan checked the Guan Yinzuo with dumbbell press, her whole body was completely numb and she had no sense at all.

During the process, I kept babbling and babbling, saying that I had low back pain and I could hardly stand it.

With Yun Hao's encouragement, she persisted to the end.

Even the pain caused by detoxification can be tolerated. What is the pain?

"You still need more exercise. In addition to your usual practice, your physique is also very important." Yun Hao gently lifted the Dugu Goose onto the stool and sat down, muttering in his mouth.

It's not that he is talking nonsense, but that Dugu Yan's physical fitness is really bad. If it's not because she is a girl, if she is a boy, she really looks too weak and can't help but exercise, so the most important thing is to impose exercise.

Dugu Yan believed what Yun Hao said, and asked with interest:

"Then, anyway, this month I will be detoxifying in the Spirit Hall. Can I ask you to teach me how to exercise at any time?"

Yun Hao replied with some interest:

"Come if you want, as long as I have time."

Dugu Yan had said so, and Yun Hao couldn't refuse her.

"That's really great. I hope I can improve my physical fitness as soon as possible."

"Okay, you have just detoxified. Go back and take a good rest..." Yun Hao took out a bottle of medicine from the soul guide and handed it to Dugu Goose. Refined cold lotus powder, use it to soak every time after detoxification, don't put too much at a time, a little can play a good role, this is your one month's amount, so much, don't waste it. "

This was something Yun Hao had prepared long ago. Of course, the effect of Hanlian San wasn't that much, but it was just suitable for Dugu Goose.

After receiving the cold lotus powder, Dugu Goose thanked:

"Thank you for detoxifying me so hard!"

"Okay, you go first. I have something to deal with later, so I won't keep you." Yun Hao waved his hand and said, "Remember to detoxify every morning and don't oversleep."


Knowing that Yun Hao didn't want to be disturbed anymore, Dugu Yan left directly.

Yun Hao sorted out his thoughts, and then left for the Pope's Palace.

Dugu Bo was not seen along the way, and the breath at the door had long since dissipated.

This showed that he had left two or three hours ago, and had not been waiting until the Dugu Goose was detoxified. The preliminary judgment was that the Pope should have entrusted him with that matter.

But that's okay, Yun Hao originally planned that way, and Bibi Dong just had an idea in advance.

The method of incorporating forces in the Wuhun Temple must be slightly changed. Of course, it must be tough, but to make the opponent unable to resist, you must directly attack the opponent's pain points, try to figure out your mind, wake up in advance, throw some ideas for the other party, and you can grasp the opponent's idea.

Walking into the Papal Palace, the hall was still so solemn, and from a distance I saw Bibi Dong sitting there alone, waiting for something leisurely.

"Know that I am coming?" Yun Hao walked over and asked.

Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes shimmered with dim light, and he muttered:

"Well, so I waited for you for a long time, thinking you won't be here today."

Yun Hao looked back, then paid attention to the surroundings very seriously, as if he was confirming something, then said slightly relaxed:

"Xiaodong, you are too anxious, you at least deal with that matter first, and then deal with the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family?"

He strolled to Bibi Dong and looked down at her affectionately.

Bibi Dong suddenly hugged Yun Hao's waist, nestled his cheeks on his body, and said a little coquettishly:

"Should you not support me, shouldn't you believe me?"

Yun Hao thought for a while, grinned and said:

"How can I not support Xiaodong, your decision is my decision, hehe!"

Suddenly being hugged by Bibi Dong, Yun Hao only felt a sense of happiness, mainly seeing Bibi Dong acting like a baby, completely forgetting her original appearance of a fearsome queen, not at all like that high and noble. Bibi Dong.

Sure enough, in the heart of every powerful woman, there is still a cute and kind little princess, it just depends on who she faces.

I have this blessing to share and receive this warm love, so I should naturally be happy.

"Don't worry, Yueguan and Guimei are going to deal with that matter, but are you sure this is useful?" Bibi Dong still had some doubts while speaking.

"Of course it works..." Yun Hao hugged Bibi Dong, and said firmly: "The people who win the hearts of the people win the world. Compared with unnecessary massacres, controlling the hearts of the people is the most powerful weapon."

Bibi Dong hesitated and said: "People all over the world are afraid of the Wuhun Temple, and the seeds of shadow are inevitably planted in their hearts, just to see when they take root and sprout..."

Yun Hao gently stroked Bibi Dong's soft and fragrant long hair, and said:

"So we help this kind of children grow into towering trees and blossom and bear fruit. Wouldn't they also thank us for taking care of their most basic dignity?"

"The most important thing to control the world is to have the faith of all people in the world. The power of faith is endless. Although it is an abstract concept, it is the most deadly tool for penetrating people’s hearts. What we have to do is to make more People believe that only the Hall of Souls is worthy of being respected, and only Hall of Souls can bring a better future to this world, instead of empires like Xingluo and Tiandou that will be annihilated with the evolution of the times at any time, we To build a larger root of power, a steady stream of faith is needed..."

"When one day when the Wuhun Temple dominates the world, it is already the hope of everyone, and the faith monument that people want, even if there are so few disobedient grasshoppers, they will not be able to find the hot oil pot!"

Yun Hao spoke like a famous saying, completely stunned Bibi Dong.

With this kind of thought, she feels ashamed of herself. Such meticulous and interlocking arrangements have continuously controlled people's hearts and gained the world. She is really clever.

Bibi Dong happily praised:

"It seems that you are very suitable to be the future leader of Wuhun Palace, I am optimistic about you!"

"Uh, what you said sounds a bit perfunctory."

"Perfunctory?" Bibi Dong was unhappy, "I am happy for you from the bottom of my heart, OK, I really consider it for you."

"That's also how His Majesty the Pope is far-sighted and far-sighted. His subordinates are just men who silently dedicated themselves behind the Pope, which is nothing." Yun Hao teased.

"I don't like to listen to what you said. I have to act in front of me. It's serious!"

"Um... this... what you said really hurt me. You know that once a man's heart is hurt, it will be difficult to heal..." Yun Hao pretended to suffer from the trauma of his soul. Looks like that, that expression is not too rich.

"Huh, a man's heart is shit, he only knows to play some fancy things all day long!" Bibi Dong sarcastically said powerfully.

Yun Hao could only remain silent, but he did not agree with Bibi Dong's words.

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