Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 108-The Power of Silver Dragon Spear 1

The silver dragon spear is shiny, surrounded by dragon shadows, like a peerless artifact, standing on the ice-bound throne for thousands of years, showing its dragon power to the world!

Those five red auras were the five spirit rings that Gu Yuena had condensed with her own strength, and they were all over a hundred thousand years old.

The silver dragon gun is silver in its entire body, and it is also very slender. On the slender gun body, there are fine silver scales, which are very delicate and well-proportioned.The straight end of the long gun has a tip. The length of the tip occupies about one-third of the length of the gun body. The tip of the gun is tapered as a whole with 24 grooves on it. From a distance, the silver dragon gun looks like a straight line. The silver dragon flying straight into the sky has a strong aura!

Gu Yuena walked slowly to the extreme cold and ice-bound big formation, dismissed the big formation, and pulled out the silver dragon spear with her smooth white hand.

Yun Hao was about to step forward to observe, Gu Yuena turned around and stabbed her with a shot.

"Damn, what are you doing?"

Yun Hao was so frightened that he quickly dodged back.

"Let me try your skills, don't worry, I don't use the power of the soul beast, just this silver dragon spear is at the level of your human soul king!"

Gu Yuena quickly finished explaining, and continued to attack without preparing Yun Hao.

Holding a long spear in her hand, she danced up and sprinted and shot out before she came to Yun Hao.

Yun Hao was not to be outdone, and did not immediately release his martial soul. He moved to the side and avoided the gun, then grabbed the handle of the gun and wanted to take away the silver dragon spear with his bare hands.

However, when his body was leaning forward towards Gu Yuena and coming suddenly, there was a burst of icy cold from his hand, and he quickly shrank his hand.

"Look at the gun!"

call out---

Another shot came quickly, with an icy air, approaching Yun Hao's face.

Yun Hao stepped Ling Bo with a slight step, and his figure stretched away like an illusion, and at the same time opened the Wuhun Guangming Divine Emperor.

Although Gu Yuena didn't use the power of the Silver Dragon King itself, the Silver Dragon Spear also had the power of the Soul King, and it was even used in Gu Yuena's hands so quickly, accurately, and ruthlessly!

If you don't fight back, there will be no chance!

"You bully me like this, a person whose strength is so different from yours, isn't it a bit too much?" Yun Hao complained, but still pretending to be calm. Up.

"Haha!" Gu Yuena smiled, "This is too much, you are the one who is bullying, look at the gun!"

Let's start without a second word, this is also Gu Yuena's unruly character.

The silver dragon spear flashed with bursts of silver light, quickly approaching Yun Hao.

Yun Hao condensed the Divine Sword of Light and cut through the air!

Cang Dang!

The sword and the gun collided in the air, sparking sparks, and the sound was crisp and harsh.

The Silver Dragon Spear is longer than the Light Excalibur and has a slight advantage. Gu Yuena found the right time, leaned over and pulled the spear, straddling it horizontally, and at the moment Yun Hao used the Light Excalibur to move the dragon around a circle , Cut off the strength of the Light Divine Sword, held high the silver dragon spear, and snapped it.

"Damn, you're real!"

There was no flaw in Gu Yuena's moves, and the speed was fast. Yun Hao could only resist with the sword.

Condensing the soul power on the sword, holding the hilt with both hands, just like a sweeping monk posture, scratching the ice surface and picking it up horizontally, leaving a long and distinct sword mark on the ice surface.


This time the blades of the two sides blasted together, the energy burst instantly, the entire cave was shaking, and the surrounding ice layer cracked under the impact of such energy.

But Gu Yuena's shot was strong and powerful, and Yun Hao's body also knelt on one knee directly on the ice, smashing a hole.

Seeing that this shot did not have any significant effect, Gu Yuena decisively closed her gun, turned around 360 degrees, and her body naturally lay down, stabbed from below, the gun body was parallel to the ice surface, this time the gun body was full of The scorching fire, the temperature of the air soared, and the ice quickly melted.


A qi dragon shadow blasted towards Yun Hao with fiery flames. Yun Hao hadn't had time to react. Although he used Ling Bo's microstep to avoid it cleverly, it was still affected a little.

"I haven't even used the soul abilities of the Silver Dragon Spear, are you going to die?" Gu Yuena said with irony.

Not to be outdone, Yun Hao responded:

"It's not the same as I didn't use spirit abilities. Just relying on weapons to compete, I didn't seem to be suppressed much by you."

"The mouth is very stiff, then I allow you to use spirit abilities, I don't use them, let me see what your limit is—"

Yun Hao turned and ran back and forth, and Gu Yuena chased out.

Yun Hao is not stupid if he can't use his abilities in such a place.

In order for the effect of Lingbo's microsteps to reach a superb realm and state, the space for display must be spacious, and with the flying ability of the Golden Dragon Wing, there is also room for dealing with Gu Yuena in the vast area.

The two rushed out of the cave one after the other. Yun Hao felt that he had gone from an extremely cold place to a warm place, but this was just instinct. He possessed an ice and fire alchemy body and would not be affected by this environment.

When he was outside, Yun Hao was able to perform better.

Gu Yuena did not use the spirit ability of the Silver Dragon Spear, and she was able to have such strength by relying on a lone spear, which also proved her power.

The two sides played well, because with the Golden Dragon Wings, Yun Hao occupied the dominant position, and after several attempts, he could make a tie with Gu Yuena.

Without using the power of the Silver Dragon King, Gu Yuena couldn't do a floating battle, and could only face Yun Hao on the ground.

Turning on the first soul ability Floating Light Phantom and the second soul ability Light Sacred Armor, plus Lingbo Weibu appeared to be quite comfortable when fighting against Gu Yuena. Although the dominant power is not so obvious, Gu Yuena can't Threatened him.

"It's okay, it seems that you couldn't show all your strength in the cave just now. Only when you get out of the cave, your strange-looking body can perform miraculous effects." Gu Yuena said.

"It doesn't matter if you see it. First of all, if you don't use the spirit beast power and the silver dragon spear's spirit ability, you can't suppress me, and I have more advantages, plus the power of the spirit ability. I can still handle you."

"You don't know the true power of the Silver Dragon Spear. I don't blame you. Why don't you try?" Gu Yuena smiled and looked at Yun Hao, not at all joking.

I really don't believe in that evil!

The golden dragon wings slapped and fluttered, and the body was in a downward punching posture, rushing towards Gu Yuena quickly like a phantom.

The divine sword of light descended from the child, and a slashed sword fell, with great power.


Gu Yuena didn't retreat but instead advanced, she picked up the silver dragon spear and slammed into the air without any muddle.

Yun Hao also added the blessing in speed, the impact is very strong, Gu Yuena dare to face such a simple frontal attack?

But in fact, this was justified, Gu Yuena just dared.

The silver dragon spear was in his hand, with a squinting posture, proudly firing the spear without any thoughts of coming back and retreating.

The weapons of the two sides clashed once again, but this time it was Yun Hao and Gu Yuena who flew out of the shock and took only three or four steps to stand firm.

After a few laps in the air, he stopped, and the Light Excalibur he was holding was still shaking slightly. This was due to the deterrence of the Silver Dragon Spear against the Light Excalibur itself, and it could not be matched at this stage.


"You didn't use the spirit ability just now, then you will try this trick again!"

Yun Hao lowered his head and said loudly.

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