Control the world from Douluo

112-This is a warning and even an opportunity 1

After all, it was Bibi Dong's message, and Dugu Bo didn't want too many people to know. As for Yu Yuanzhen's own feelings, it was his own business as the lord of Wing Sect.

The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family has never participated in the struggle for power, but the Wuhun Palace does not want to have such a third party who is waiting to change, so he must be allowed to choose one side, and he must carefully consider and consider it.

Yu Yuanzhen didn't understand what Dugu Bo wanted to do, but he still called out all his subordinates.

In the huge hall, only Dugu Bo and Yu Yuanzhen were left.

The atmosphere fell silent first, and Dugu Bo was looking for a way to speak.

Yu Yuanzhen's temper is even more stubborn than him. If there is anything overly aggressive in the language, it will definitely make him angry.

Of course he is not afraid of him with poison, but if he fights, he is not the opponent of this old dragon at all.

Seeing that Dugu Bo hadn't spoken, Yuyuan Zhen took the initiative to ask?

"Do you have any difficulties seeking my help, or do you mean... you were targeted by the Spirit Hall again?"

As an old friend, Yu Yuanzhen knew that Dugu Bo's son was killed by the Spirit Hall, and had thought of helping him avenge him, but the strength of the Spirit Hall was unfathomable, and there was a peerless Douluo sitting in town, and it was impossible to defeat them. .

Dugu Bo thought for a while, no longer hesitated, and said bluntly:

"Well, I'm here this time, in fact...I'm actually sending a message instead of Bibi Dong..."

After Dugubo said this sentence, he was silent for an instant. He saw the instant change of expression on Yu Yuanzhen's face. The face that was still laughing instantly became distorted, as if he was about to eat people at any time.

Yu Yuanzhen suddenly stood up from his seat and said angrily:

"What are you talking about, do you mean you joined the Martial Soul Palace?"

"Aren't you here to persuade me to think about the ups and downs of the Spirit Hall, this is really wishful thinking for Bibi Dong!"

Dugu Bo knew what temper the dragon was, so he persuaded him tactfully:

"My old friend, I was also forced to be helpless, forced by the situation, and had to compromise. In this world, I only have Yan Yan, the only family member. I don’t want to see her leave me again and let me be a white-haired person. Faren, I really don’t want to experience that kind of pain again..."

"So you don't even need your own dignity and give in to your enemies?" Yuyuan was furious, and was thoroughly stimulated by Dugubo's behavior. "When did the old poison become so spineless, for such a little thing? , Are you going to be a dog for Wuhun Hall?"

"No, you don't understand the current situation..."

"What's the situation?" Yu Yuanzhen asked back: "She can say that one is one in the Spirit Hall, and that two is two. To be right with the people of the world, no matter how powerful the soul master is, it will be destroyed sooner or later. It is only a matter of time. "

"You are wrong, we are all wrong, who knows the future, you may not know..."

Dugu Bo paused for a while, and continued to say hurriedly:

"The remaining tribesmen of the three sects of the earth have all been cleared, and none of them will be kept. This is the resolute and resolute method of the Spirit Hall, don't you understand?"

When Yu Yuanzhen heard this, he was shocked:

"Does the old fellow Chenxin know about this?"

Dugu Bo said: "I think he must know it first, because Wuhun Palace is doing this to kill chickens and monkeys!"

There is always only one opportunity. If you blindly cling to your own ideas, then you will be devastated.

Who is Wuhun Hall?

Why did he do this?

What is the purpose of this?

These are questions that stubborn people never think about. It is the force with the most powerful Title Douluo in the entire continent, and the existence of Super Douluo is not comparable to any party.

What if the current armies of the two empires add up?

"The Spirit Hall of Martial Arts promised me the conditions that I had to compromise. For the wild geese, even if I were enemies of the whole world, I felt nothing. Anyway, I am old and you are old..."

"Old poison, old poison, I really don't know what to say about you. If you are really desperate, you can bring wild geese to me. Even if I fight this old fate, I will never let the Spirit Hall move. Your grandfather and grandson have a bone, but you...what did you do?"

"I don’t regret it. I just hope you can think about it from my perspective. Even if you are unwilling to accept the facts, you must also consider your family members. You can naturally bring the whole family of fighters to resist. , But for those who are unarmed and incompetent, they will also deserve innocent lives, why bother?"

"The Hall of Souls will not suppress anyone, and it will also provide enough assistance. I just hope that such forces can stand on the opposite side. Bibi Dong said that as long as the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family chooses to support the Hall of Souls, you, as the sovereign Being able to enjoy the best honor and treatment will help you break through to higher levels, and the entire sect will be a close friend of the Spirit Hall, and will also be protected by the Spirit Hall!"

These words were all told by Bibi Dong himself, and he also said them to Yu Yuanzhen.

"You have to know that the reason why Wuhundian did this is a warning, but it is even more of an opportunity, perhaps the only opportunity, you have to think carefully..."

No matter how stubborn Yu Yuanzhen is, before the tragedy strikes, he thinks about the fate of the family and weighs the pros and cons. If it takes the lives of the whole family on impulse, it is not worth it.

Yu Yuanzhen walked slowly to the seat and sat down, thinking for a while.

Is this a warning, but an opportunity?

Repeating this sentence in his mind, he was measuring the quality and impact of this matter.

The future of this world is naturally the world of soul masters. With the development and changes of the times, perhaps the existence of soul beasts will no longer threaten humans, because powerful soul masters will only emerge in endlessly. After all, the number of soul masters is increasing. Will be less.

But the Spirit Hall of Martial Arts already possesses the top spirit master power. Can you imagine the future?

Whether it can truly defeat the Wuhun Temple is still hard to say, but if the Wuhun Temple continues at its current development speed, it will only become stronger in the future.

Seeing Yu Yuanzhen thinking, Dugu Bo immediately added:

"The battlefield of the empire will definitely appear. As long as there is power, there will be ambitions. Since the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus has always remained neutral, we must carefully consider this time.

If the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family did not choose the Spirit Hall, it would be ruthlessly suppressed by the Spirit Hall, and even a more miserable ending might occur.

"This kind of thing needs a long-term plan. Go back and tell Bibi Dong. Before I give the answer to the Wuhun Temple, my Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family will not support any party, let alone any idea of ​​vying for power!" Yuyuan Zhen said.

"So actually you already have the answer in your heart, but you don't want to accept it temporarily?" Dugu Bo could see Yu Yuanzhen's thoughts, but he didn't want to explain it.

Survival or death, this is indeed a question!

If you choose to support the Hall of Spirits, then you will survive unscathed, but if you choose to resist the Hall of Spirits, there will be a fight between the two sides, and the ending is death!

Being a benevolent and righteous person has lost the lives of all the people, and choosing another way is not only to win a chance for myself, but also to win the chance for the people to live.

From a long-term perspective, the Spirit Hall has such capabilities, but at the moment, it is evenly matched with Xingluo and Tiandou. It is still not possible to see the power and strength of the Spirit Hall, so Yu Yuanzhen needs to look at the situation first. , And finally give the answer.

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