Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 123-The Pope's Birthday

Withdrawing the Killing God Realm, Tang Hao took advantage of the gap between them and left with Chenxin quickly.

Tang Hao didn't want to fall in love with war, after all, it was not the time to do impulsive things.

Although the explosion of the ring is strong, it also has a bad side, that is, within a certain period of time, you cannot use the explosion of the spirit ring spirit ability.

Even if the four people in the Wuhun Hall had the advantage in the previous battle, the advantage would gradually be drawn closer as they got behind. Once the explosive ring was used, it would not be so easy to get the initiative again.

So the expedient measure is to retreat temporarily.

Mainly there is Chenxin, his injury must be treated immediately, otherwise there will be life concerns.

The White Dragon Douluo who was placed by Tang Hao was full of resentment, "Haven Heaven Sect, Tang Hao, one day, I will let you know how powerful the Spirit Hall is..."


"Three offerings, what should I do now?" Devil Bear Douluo hurriedly asked.

"The main task is to hold Chenxin, and kill if you can kill. Anyway, as long as Xue Beng goes to the Martial Soul Palace alone, let's go back and return!"



Tang Hao took Chenxin all the way back along a secluded path towards the direction of the Heaven Dou Empire. On the way, he also helped Chenxin deal with the wound and stopped the blood.

The two stopped to rest after two or three hours of walking. At this time, Tang Hao could not vomit the blood that had been holding on to his chest.

"You...are you okay?" Chen Xin asked weakly.

"This level doesn't affect me. It would be nice to be able to save you. After all, this is also the last words of Senior Jianjun..."

"Father also said that Senior Tang Chen had also guided him on the path of cultivation. Although we belong to different sects, we still have that friendship."

"Grandfather has left the sect long ago, and I can't return now. Seeing Senior Jun asked me to take care of you more. After all, I should call you senior according to seniority, temper is like this, so don't be surprised."

The conversation between the two sounded simple, but it still had a taste of saving friends.

Chen Xin shook his head and said:

"Because I know your temper, how can I get offended, and if you save my life, I still don't know how to repay you in the future..."

"I have seen the methods of the Spirit Hall a long time ago. This is what counts. If you want to repay me, then go back and tell Ning Fengzhi. If you want to pay more for the Spirit Hall, you must unite. One party has limited power. It is not so easy to overthrow Wuhun Hall's hegemonic rule over mainland soul masters..."

"Don't worry, I understand!"


On the eve of the Pope’s birthday, the series of events that happened, except for the fact that the Heaven Dou Empire team had witnessed it, did not come directly.

Everyone knows that this method of Wuhun Palace must not be that simple, so the spread of the news is completely blocked.

Being able to dispatch four Super Douluo at once, could it be said that it was just to kill Chenxin?

Both Tang Hao and Chen Xin knew this. The Fourth Prince Xue Beng had a relatively introverted personality, and he didn't dare to say anything. Even if the Wuhun Temple made any improper place and didn't have Chenxin guarding him, he could only be regarded as one. The inconspicuous passerby.

The news of the completion of the mission soon passed back to the Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong was quite satisfied.

It's just a pity that Chen Xin didn't kill Chenxin, but Tang Hao was caught.

This birthday is really a pleasant surprise, and a series of things have been gathered together.

However, all matters are arranged in an orderly manner, and you only need to watch the show quietly.

Compared to these, what made her care more about was what Yun Hao was doing now.

"Forget about it, go find Haohao!" Bibi Dong smiled beautifully.

Finished his image, put on light and comfortable clothes, and walked out of the Papal Palace.

Looking at the sunny weather, I feel refreshed.

It’s been a long time since I felt so relaxed. Is it really because of my birthday?

I didn’t care how my birthday was celebrated before, because after that incident, I only had revenge in my heart. I wanted to take revenge on the world and take revenge on those who made me look upset.

After walking out of the Martial Soul Hall and walking around in the Martial Soul City, the patrol team passing by saw her salute very politely.

In general, it is rare to see the Pope walking so leisurely in Wuhun City alone. It is really strange to see something strange.

Bibi Dong breathed fresh air, and muttered in his mouth:

"I don't know what Hao Hao is doing. He said he wanted to prepare all the ingredients and surprise me."

When I walked to a large building, I smelled a strong fragrance.

The scent is tangy. If you distinguish it carefully, you can find that there are many kinds of scents mixed together, and the smell is not greasy at all, but it is very enjoyable.

This is a large kitchen specially built in the Wuhun Hall. It is usually used to make meals for the army, and they are arranged for food spirit masters with a cultivation level of 50 or higher.

For his birthday this time, Yun Hao wants to cook himself, just to let himself taste the most delicious food in the world.

"Is it really that delicious?" Bibi Dong muttered suspiciously, "How delicious can it be?"

When I walked into the kitchen, I came to a spacious room full of smoke. I saw Yun Hao was playing around in an apron, and there were two beautiful women, Hu Liena and Gu Yuena, as assistants. It was really beautiful!

Bibi Dong sometimes wondered why he fell in love with Yun Hao.

At first glance, he belongs to that kind of radish, but he still can't stand the temptation and heartbeat, and likes him.

Is this the so-called love at first sight?

When love comes, it can't be stopped, not to mention a woman who longs for love and care.

"Haohao, let me help too!" Bibi Dong walked over without pretense and wanted to help Yunhao.

"The Pope is not staying in the Pope's Palace. What do you do in this place? We are carefully preparing a birthday party for you." Yun Hao said in a critical tone.

Bibi Dong is not angry at all, so he insists on helping Yun Hao:

"What's the matter, it's my own birthday anyway. This is the first time I have such a birthday. I want to participate personally too!"

"Teacher, these are very dirty and will stain your beautiful clothes." Hu Liena hurried forward to stop Bibi Dong, while Gu Yuena had been quietly helping Yun Hao.

"It won't matter!" Bibi Dong gently pushed Hu Liena away, "I just want to see what kind of delicious food Haohao can make. I'm very curious."

"Hey, I really can't help you!"

Bibi Dong finally joined it cheeky, and followed Yun Hao to familiarize himself with various ingredients.

"These are all spices. They are all made manually. The seasoning effect will be better when cooking..."

"These are some snacks that need to be made in advance. You only need to steam it in the steamer for a certain period of time on the birthday, and then add the secret sauce to taste pure and good..."

Listening to Yun Hao's patient and meticulous explanation, Bibi Dong's eyes were also bright.

Unexpectedly, she is so particular about cooking. The key is that she never does it by herself, so she doesn't know that there will be so many precautions, and there are still so many things to remember.

"When cooking, the proportion of seasonings is particularly important. If you want to make food with a unique and delicious taste, you must be very familiar with each ingredient, and be aware of its usefulness and effect... .."

On the eve of the Pope’s birthday, three beauties surrounded Yun Hao, listening to his various explanations.

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