Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 128-The Secret

Yun Hao knew that Bibi Dong was trying to connect him, and if he was ready to sit in the future, it would be easier to get things done in the future.

"If you have ambitions when you are young, Yun Hao is ambitious, courageous and ambitious, so I am optimistic about him, you... also have to be optimistic about him!"

Bibi Dong pointed at the crowd with a high tone.

It's a good sentence that if you are not young, Yun Hao has some doubts whether Bibi Dong is really drunk.

She said she was so noble today, and she also introduced herself specifically, she really said a little too much.

I ignored her and forced her back to her position.

"You, sit here, the most important thing today is that you have a good time and don't care about the others." Yun Hao quietly said to Bibi Dong.

"I am not happy, anyway, you will deal with these people sooner or later."

"That's too early, have you forgotten my intention to arrange such a grand birthday?"

"There are many people with mixed eyes, maybe there are some guys' eyeliners in it, and the surface is calm, but they definitely can't sit and wait."

"Okay, okay, I see!"

Bibi Dong waved his hand, stopped saying anything, and continued to eat the rich and delicious food on the table.

This was made by Haohao himself, so it must not be wasted!

Back on his seat, Yun Hao unceremoniously enjoyed the food.

I was shocked by my own cooking skills, it was really delicious.

I don’t know if I don’t eat it.

"Haohao, I will decide in the future, I will eat all my meals, otherwise I can't eat..."

Hu Liena leaned closer.

"Your request is a bit excessive?"

"How come you, as a man, shouldn't you take more care of girls!"


Damn, what you said is strangely reasonable!

But I am not a human being. I don't want time to do my own thing?

The scene was very lively. Everyone was talking, laughing, chatting, and eating. Yun Hao originally wanted to find out if he could find some clues, but think about it and forget it.

There are too many people, even if those people come in, it's still like finding a needle in a haystack.

As long as they do not directly make any conspicuous actions, it is naturally difficult to find out.

The four princes Xue Beng, who has been ignored, could only eat silently by himself, and he didn't even dare to look up at other people.

He knew how miserable the current situation was, and the woman Bibi Dong didn't take the majesty of the Heaven Dou Empire in his eyes.

Treating an empire envoy in this way is an absolute provocation to the empire.

But he knew this truth in his heart, and he didn't dare to say it if he gave him a hundred courage.

Bibi Dong did the same. From the very beginning, he didn't pay much attention to the avalanche, nor did he say hello to him, completely treating him as an air person.

It can be said that the upper and lower Wuhun Palace is really like he has never been.

Anyway, say everything you should say, and do the same things you should do.Xue Beng's mission this time is nothing more than trying to find out some information, but even if you know it, why not?

Go back and tell Xue Ye, and then discuss how to deal with the Wuhun Palace, it must have that strength.

As early as when the Spirit Hall suddenly emerged in the mainland, many major sect families that were still in the development of spirit masters even had some countries that lacked the power of spirit masters, and had a high prejudice against the spirit hall.

They are all soul masters with extremely high xinxing, who don't want to control all the materials and resources in their own hands, and let others not get it.

But the strength is hard. In this world, there are probably not many that can match the Spirit Hall. Or maybe... there may be one or two, but they have not been discovered by the times... ...

After the whole birthday was over, everyone gradually dispersed. Those who were far away left early, and those who were closer still wanted to stay in Wuhun City for a few more days, and have fun.

Some of them were even specially stayed by the Pope to entertain them, including the Lower Four Sects and the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family.

Bibi Dong was happy, drunk, and Yun Hao took him back to his room to rest.

Only wait until she wakes up to deal with it, now it’s almost time to see...

After leaving the Palace of the Pope, Yun Hao went all the way back to the room and brought the Universe Hundred Treasure Bag with him.

Hu Liena and Gu Yuena were still busy dealing with matters outside the Pope's Palace at this time. Several elders stayed outside the Palace at all times, so they had to run by themselves.

Xue Beng was taken to the Hall of the Elders after the banquet was over, and it was almost time now.

There are a total of three halls on Wuhun Sacred Mountain. The highest is naturally Douluo Temple, which was once called Mieluo Temple. At the foot of Wuhun Sacred Mountain is the Pope Hall, and there is another Wuhun Temple standing halfway up the sacred mountain. The Hall of the Elders, the highest authority, is also called the Hall of Worship.

There are seven major worships in the Hall of Worship, which is the strongest lineup of the Hall of Wuhun. The Hall of First Wuhun has all the worship and admiration, and it also has the right to deprive the Pope at any time.

Yun Hao was looking for an opportunity to make everyone surrender to him except Qian Daoliu in the Hall of Worship. Of course, these must be built on sufficient strength.

Qian Daoliu is a person who wants to engage in authoritarianism in the future. At this stage, it can be regarded as using Bibi Dongjiang Wuhun Hall to push it to a high point, but it is not enough.

"Everything is not yet known. The right system for enshrining the temple still needs to be changed. The highest authority can only be the pope!"

Boarded the ladder, followed the quiet and elegant scenery all the way to the Banshan Pass, and turned into another broad road.

The first time I climbed the ladder was to go straight to the top floor, where Douluo Palace was.

The Elder Hall (the Hall of Worship) is from this road. Yun Hao has been walking around the flat mountain road for five or six minutes before arriving in front of a hall with a unique construction and a different style.

The construction concept of this temple is still relatively rigorous, which is in line with the tolerance and texture that the authority should have.

A man was standing at the door, and another man was standing next to him.

On closer inspection, they were actually dressed exactly the same, without any obvious difference.

As Yun Hao was about to walk over, he saw an old man wearing a golden corset and armor and battle robe walking out of the hall, holding a small bottle in his hand.

The old man walked up to the man and said straightforwardly:

"This is Wan Lai's peace. When you go to Tiandou, you will find an opportunity to hand it to the young master, and then wait for the mobile hand to help her ascend the Tiandou Empire's throne, and then rectify the empire's internal institutions and military strength, and we will secretly cooperate closely with your actions. ....."

The man took the bottle and put it away, respectfully saluting:

"Also please rest assured that the subordinates will complete the task smoothly!"

"Seven offerings?"

Yun Hao thought in his heart, this one called the Seven Sacrifices, he thought he would worship the Devil Bear Douluo at the end of the hall.

Unexpectedly, their civet cat trading for the prince was really powerful, not only allowed Qian Renxue to successfully mix into the Heaven Dou Empire, but also the position of the fourth prince.

"who are you?"

Devil Bear Douluo saw Yun Hao at a glance and asked loudly.

"Oh, Qiqi offers to worship. My name is Yun Hao. I am here to get rid of this brother." Yun Hao smiled forward and said.

"You are Yun Hao?" Demon Bear Douluo frowned, "I've heard of you, the Wuhun Palace has a genius like you, I am very pleased to worship!"

"Seven offerings are absurd!"

"Since you are here, let this corpse be handled by you!"

After that, Demon Bear Douluo turned and entered the Hall of the Elders, and never appeared again.

Looking at the corpse on the ground, and then at the person in front of him, Yun Hao felt that it was still quite magical.

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