Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 132-The Devil

Dugubo himself found it incredible. He had tried his best at the beginning, but Yun Hao's method was not as effective as one-thousandth or even one-tenth of a thousand.

The most important thing is that every time the toxin attacks, the pain progresses in layers, and there is no improvement at all.

Thinking about it now, it was actually a lucky thing to be able to join the Wuhun Hall.

Think about it carefully, there are no absolute bad guys and good guys in this world, it's just that everyone is in a different camp.

People who are jealous will always have all kinds of hatred and criticism, but being strong is not a mistake, it is a redemption to the world.

"Perhaps you are right. Sometimes I am too stubborn. This is the grievance between me and Juhuaguan. He is from the Wuhun Hall and can only act on orders. The one who gave the order is Chihiro Chi. The Soul Hall in the hands of you and the Pope can really be what I expected. Even if I go to the sword, I will fight for the Soul Hall!" Dugu Bo said passionately.

"It's a good thing for you to be able to figure it out. What you expect will definitely become a reality, but there must be some means. Only in this way can people be convinced, right?"

"Well, I understand!"

It wasn't until this moment that the relationship between Yun Hao and Dugu Bo changed slightly.

With the support of such a titled Douluo with special abilities and a straightforward character, Yun Hao had to cure him whenever he said.

However, the rest of the time was not as smooth as Yun Hao expected.

Because the poison in Dugu Bo's body was a hundred times more terrifying than he thought, the original plan was to completely eliminate it in one year or two years, but the result was somewhat unsatisfactory.

It took three full years to force 99% of the toxins in his body into the right arm bone.

In the past three years, besides helping Dugu Bo, Yun Hao has not been idle.

Every day, he will spend appropriate time for physical training and soul power training, and then spend more time to get familiar with and comprehend the true sword technique.

There are seven types of Quanzhen Sword Technique, Yun Hao has mastered all of them by now, and Ling Bo Weibu has also cultivated to the highest level.

Now that Quanzhen Swordsmanship is paired with Lingbo's Weibu Weibu's weird physical form, even if he doesn't use Martial Spirit Soul Skills, he can have a strong combat effectiveness.

In three years, Yun Hao's cultivation base has progressed by leaps and bounds, from the 46th-level soul sect to the current 60th-level bottleneck, as long as he obtains the spirit ring, he will be a soul emperor.

With his help, Hu Liena and Xie Yue, who were with him, also reached the 53rd level, and Yan broke through to the fifty-second level, and their cultivation bases were all greatly improved.

Because Gu Yuena is the co-master of spirit beasts, she didn't need to practice before the 70th level, and the spirit ring would be formed on its own. Therefore, in three years, she rose to the eleventh level and is now at the 62nd level of the human. Although she did not have as much improvement as Yun Hao, she was the first to reach the Soul Emperor level. Of course, her true strength was definitely more than that.

Because he had to help Gu Yuena regulate her body, Yun Hao didn't take time to condense the soul core.

Gu Yuena and Dugubo's bodies are about to recover, but they still have to use the eyes of ice and fire to complete the last step.

Therefore, because I was about to prepare for the mainland senior soul master elite competition, I was in a hurry for the last step.

Everyone followed Dugu Bo to the eyes of ice and fire, and Dugu Bo returned to his former "home" again after such a long time.

It's a pity that the medicine garden that was swept away by Yun Hao hasn't grown any spiritual material yet, it's still a piece of light.

"You go outside and wait for us first, we'll be done soon!" Yun Hao Sohu Liena said.

However, when Gu Yuena saw Na Binghuo's eyes, her mind suddenly shook, and she felt familiar, but she didn't know where the problem was.

This last step is very important. They can't be disturbed by the side, so they walked out of the eyes of the ice and fire and watched quietly from the outside.

Yun Hao brought Gu Yuena and Dugu Bo to the intersection of Binghuo and Yiyan Shuangquan, and then said:

"Xiao Na, go to Hot Yangquan, and Senior Dugu to Leng Hanquan. After taking the medicine I gave you, you can calmly adjust your breath and exercises. I will call you when the time is right."

Two eyes of ice and fire, Yangquan is hot and fiery red, and Hanquan is the ultimate icy blue, but the two colors are distinct, inviolable, and so clear and transparent.

The two took the medicine and entered the corresponding spring eyes respectively, and then began to exercise energy and adjust the breath.

The pattern on Gu Yuena's back appeared again, but it was not as bright as before, and there were obvious defects in some places, which was a sign that the Long Han Yin Dream Body was about to disappear.

But after three years of conditioning and poisoning, Dugu Bo's hair has changed from the original dark green to the white that an old man should have, and his body has recovered very well, except that his eyes still have some green in it.

Because Dugu Bo’s poisonous attack will make her whole body fever and pain unbearable, so she needs to stay in the cold spring, and Gu Yuena’s Long Hanyin dream body will make her whole body seem to be frozen, so she needs to stay in Yangquan. Here, only in this way can we break through the last level.

"Operate the soul power, maximize the power, and maintain the unity of mind and mind!"

"Yes, exactly!"

Yun Hao carefully guided by the side.

Hu Liena, Xie Yue and Yan watched quietly, looking at the magical spring water, they were also indescribably shocked.

The first time I saw this kind of hot spring, there are actually two different colors, it is really a great sight in the world!

I saw a lot of strange things in the past, who knows there is such a good place in this sunset forest.

The two eyes of ice and fire gave them a great shock, after all, they did not know the eyes of ice and fire.

Yun Hao also brought them here for the first time. Besides Dugu Bo herself, Gu Yuena also had some inexplicable familiarity.

It is said that there is a special telepathy between the dragons, which is the special ability to perceive the identity and strength of the other side.

This is the place where the two dragon kings have fallen. As the silver dragon king, you will naturally feel familiar...

This time it didn't last long, and it only took three hours to complete the final step.

The Dragon Hanyin Dream Body pattern on Gu Yuena's back has completely disappeared, and she will never suffer from the ice seal again.

All of Dugubo's toxins, including the deepest toxins such as cells and meridians, also forced them into his right arm bone.His eyes have returned to their normal color, and some of his hair has turned black, and he feels a trace of time.

Moreover, the Dugu Bo, who has eliminated the Queen of Biphosphorous Snake Poison, is old, but still full of energy and old-fashioned, looks even more suave and heroic than some young people!

It is conceivable that when Dugu Bo was young, he must have been a beautiful man with flowers, and he won the hearts and admiration of the girls.

It's a pity that because of his own toxins, the older he gets, the more inaccessible he becomes, and his temper becomes more cold and arrogant.

Now recovering as before, Dugu Bo just feels relaxed.

I haven't felt such a comfortable feeling for so many years. I really sigh that time flies, time flies!

Decades have passed in a blink of an eye, but I didn't expect that one day, I can really be as happy as my youth.

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