Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 133 - Breaking Through the Soul Emperor

All this is thanks to Yun Hao, and in Dugu Bo's heart, he has already recognized Yun Hao, and then also recognized the Wuhun Hall.

Now that there is no trouble from the poison demon, and he can continue to sprint to a higher level, I believe that in the near future of the Wuhun Palace, he can also be fortunate to reach that height.

"The soul bones don't need to be removed for the time being, let's decide when the time comes!" Yun Hao said to Dugu Bo.

"This is no problem, the old man can be considered to continue to attack higher levels, it is not too late!"

Because when the toxicity of the Jade Snake Emperor's life is fully onset, Dugu Bo will be in danger, and there will be no chance at that time.

I am afraid that in this life I can only stay on the threshold of level ninety-one, but now it is different. The toxins are eliminated, and there is a lot of time and time.

It is incomparable to when I was young, but this is the best situation.

Gu Yuena hasn't come out of Yangquan, she has been staying in it quietly now, seeming to be thinking about something...

"Na, what's the matter with you?" Yun Hao walked over and asked.

"This place makes me feel a little familiar, but I can't think of it anymore. My memory has never been here before..."

The memory fragments are very clear, and Gu Yuena can't think of what went wrong.

Yun Hao understood Gu Yuena's doubts and immediately responded:

"Don't think about it so much, maybe you have an illusion, how can you be familiar with it the first time you come here?"

The fact that the Fire Dragon King and the Water Dragon King were not directly involved was also because she wanted to cover up Gu Yuena's identity, and in her current situation, it was better not to know these.

It also took a long time to be able to completely cure the Dragon Cold Yin Dream Body and the Bi-Phosphoric Snake Emperor Venom.

But Gu Yuena and Dugu Bo thanked Yun Hao for their help.

I have been suffering from that kind of pain since I have remembered it, and now it has finally been resolved. Apart from the excitement in my heart, how can I not thank Yun Hao?

"I used to be very harsh to you, I hope you don't take it seriously, I still want to thank you for your help..."

Gu Yuena came out of Yangquan, and walked in front of Yun Hao with a graceful figure, a little embarrassed and authentic.

"Why don't you take it to heart? I just pretend that you are joking with me. I am a very big person." Yun Hao replied with a smile.

Gu Yuena felt that Yun Hao was really cute and happy sometimes, such as now, a word can make herself want to laugh secretly.

But Yun Hao didn't know it, he still looked at Gu Yuena with a simple smile on his face.

Anyway, the matter between her and Dugu Bo has been completely dealt with, and there will be no more pain in the future.

Especially Dugu Bo, after he was treated, he looked like a young teenager, and he was not as strangely sick as before.

"Okay, Na, you and Senior Dugu will go back to the Martial Soul Palace first. Nana and I will go to the Dou Empire again. It will take a few minutes to come back."

"What are you going to do?" Gu Yuena questioned.

"The task assigned by the Pope is not convenient to disclose for the time being. I will tell you when the time is right."

"Well then, be more mindful!"

Gu Yuena didn't ask anything any more, and Dugu Bo knew that he couldn't ask if he shouldn't. He still had this awareness.

In this way, after Dugubo and Gu Yuena left, Yun Hao took Hu Liena and the three people out of the eyes of ice and fire, and began to search for soul beasts in the sunset forest.

In fact, what I said just now was to deceive Gu Yuena and Dugu Bo, and also to cover up some things.

Only a few people knew about the spirit ring fusion, and they could all be trusted, and they would not go out.

The fewer people who know this kind of thing, the better, at this stage.

"Haohao, Na will know sooner or later, don't you plan to tell her the truth directly?" Hu Liena asked curiously.

"Not for the time being, as long as you know it, the time is not yet..."

Yun Hao kept looking for the trace of the soul beast while he was talking.

Gu Yuena is the co-master of soul beasts, how could it be possible to hunt soul beasts in front of her, this is a taboo.Even though she was grateful for helping her eliminate the pain of Longhanyin's dream body, hunting the soul beast was a matter of principle for her, and it was inviolable.

Before you fully control Gu Yuena, you must be extremely distracted, and you can't alienate the Petz distance just because of the spirit ring.

It’s easy to build a good relationship without knowing the expiration date and it will easily collapse.

"It's better to summon Agumon, it has a good nose, it's easier to find..." Yun Hao thought.

While summoning Agumon, he looked at his cultivation base attribute panel:

Host: Yunhao!

Cultivation World: Douluo Continent!

Soul power rating: Sixty-level bottleneck!

Repair: Quasi Soul Emperor!

Lucky value:!

Lucky Points:!

Lucky points are used to refresh the spirit abilities of the Lady Luck Card, and it is only one night now.

When the lucky value is enough, just after upgrading the lucky turntable, there should be something better, so just do it once.

Having reached the soul emperor bottleneck, Yun Hao's body endurance limit has also reached 50,000 years, and they now have no problem dealing with an ordinary ten thousand year soul beast, so only five suitable ten thousand year soul beasts are needed.

Agumon watched its cute body running fast through the jungle, with a very sensitive nose.

Hu Liena originally wanted Agumon as her pet, but it was a pity that Agumon only recognized Yunhao...

With the help of Agumon, Yun Hao and his team quickly found five suitable soul beasts and successfully obtained the soul ring.

Finding a secluded and safe place, Yun Hao directly started the spirit ring fusion, and other people guarded the law for him.

Yagumon has been lying beside Yun Hao, blinking at him with big copper bell eyes.

Yun Hao, who was already familiar with the operation procedures, easily merged five ten thousand year spirit rings into one fifty thousand year spirit ring. This only requires the body's carrying capacity to be sufficient, and it will be very fast with the help of the system.

Next is the additional spirit ring, as always, the center of the earth, although it has reached the limit requirement, it is still not careless.

Unleashing the Emperor of Light, the Emperor of Light, five black spirit rings appeared, and the black 50,000 years on top of the head also began to slowly integrate its own energy into the Emperor of Light


The spirit ring was shining with a strange black light!

This time soon, within half an hour, he successfully attached the neighboring six spirit rings, successfully breaking through to the soul emperor.

At the same time, the system prompts in my mind:

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully attaching the sixth spirit ring of the Emperor Guangming, rewarding lucky points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for unlocking the sixth soul skill sapphire card of the Lady Luck Card, which rewards lucky points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host Guangming Divine Emperor's first spirit ring from 50,000 years to 60,000 years, and the reward is 1000!"

After the prompt, Yun Hao opened the repair base properties panel again:

Host: Yunhao!

Cultivation World: Douluo Continent!

Soul power rating: Sixty-fourth!

Cultivation: Soul Emperor!

Lucky value:!

Lucky Points:!

"It's okay, the spirit power has increased by four levels, and it has increased a lot when the spirit emperor breaks through the bottleneck, thanks to the accumulation of spirit power!"

If you didn't take the immortal herbs, plus the body's absorption of the immortal herbs, no matter how you practiced, it would not be possible to grow so much at the Soul Emperor level at once.

It seems that taking Tang San's resources as his own is also a good thing to read, and it will be interesting to do such things frequently in the future, haha!

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