Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 136-The Furious Dragon

Tang San actually agreed with these statements, but they were still opposites and could not express their thoughts face to face.

Tang San recognized Yun Hao's strength, he was willing to fall for a period of time because he lost to him, and that period was very negative, and he didn't know how to use his own advantages to maximize.

But time and experience always inspire people to move forward. Tang San is the kind of person who is not afraid of hardships and danger, and will still stand up and continue walking if he falls.

Regarding Yun Hao as his primary goal, he must surpass him, so he worked so hard.

It wasn't until one and a half years before he reached the Soul Sect before the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Elite Competition, the speed of this cultivation improvement was already very amazing.

I remember that when he fought Yun Hao for the first time, he was still a Soul Venerable. At that time, his cultivation base was similar to his own. Judging from his talent, he was at most a few levels higher than himself.

"Wow, it's so cute!" Xiao Wu's gaze suddenly noticed the Agumon who was following Yunhao's butt, and was about to touch it, but Agumon grinned at her.

"Master, there is a bad person, do you want to beat her?" Agumon asked Yun Hao in a cute voice.

Xiao Wu got even more enthusiasm, "Is it a soul beast? What kind of species, why have I never seen it before?"

"Don't touch it, it's not a soul beast, don't treat everything as a soul beast." Hu Liena quickly hugged the Agu beast to herself, not giving Xiao Wu a chance to get close.

Xiao Wu was upset all of a sudden, her cheeks swelled, Tang San could only touch his head to express comfort.

"It will be the Continent Advanced Soul Master Elite Competition soon. I hope you Shrek can successfully advance to the finals and let us meet in the finals!" Yun Hao said euphemistically.

"Definitely, because our goal is the championship!" Tang San said firmly.

"Well, having a dream is a good thing!"

Yun Hao just nodded at will, indicating that I am invincible, and you are in a state of cold arrogance at will.


As long as you want to win the championship, with me, you Shrek will never win the championship.

Although the opportunity is reserved for those who are prepared, in the face of absolute strength, no matter how well prepared it is, it still doesn't matter.

When the two sides were talking, Liu Erlong had already settled the Earthblood Demon Spider.

Seeing that on the ground was completely different, the appearance of the body being flattened, made the rest of Shrek a new life.

Liu Erlong was so terrible, terrible to make people shudder.

If you are caught in her anger, I am afraid I will have a nightmare at night.

"Okay, Xiaosan, your fourth spirit ring is done, you can go to absorb the spirit ring!"

Liu Erlong took Yu Xiaogang's arm and walked over, and Flander followed.

When he saw Yun Hao and the others, Yu Xiaogang also showed a look of surprise. When he didn't come here just now, he wanted to leave the opportunity to the children first. After all, they would definitely meet in the competition.

"Thank you for saving Zhuqing, but Wuhundian can't fight with us. It's better to go our own way in the future. Don't go too close, otherwise it will be bad for each other." Yu Xiaogang said. .

"The master joked, it's just a matter of effort. I know that you have a deep prejudice against my Spirit Hall, so I don't need to explain it so clearly to you..."

"People who understand should understand if they don't explain, but people who don't understand won't understand how to explain."

"You fart!" Liu Erlong exploded directly, Yun Hao frowned immediately, a murderous intent appeared in his heart, his eyes became cold.

"What does it mean to not understand? What does it mean to not understand?" Liu Erlong had just died of his anger, when Yun Hao said that and the volcano erupted immediately. One day there will be a power stronger than you rise..."

"But that's just your inner expectations and shouts, and it's impossible to achieve after all." After thinking about it, there is no need to care about this crazy woman. The art of language is also a killing blade.

Liu Erlong hated Wuhun Temple because of Pope Bibi Dong, because they both fell in love with the same man, Liu Erlong was eating Yu Xiaogang's predecessor's jealousy!

This grumpy female dragon is just a jealous jar!

As long as it was something related to the Spirit Hall and Bibi Dong, Liu Erlong would reject it. On the contrary, Yu Xiaogang was still the honorary elder of the Spirit Hall, and Bibi Dong approved it. This was what annoyed her the most.

Seizing this psychological opportunity, Yun Hao felt that he was happy inside.

Liu Erlong's eyes flashed, and he cursed:

"The Temple of Martial Soul is a demon that cannibalize the world. Anything that goes against its will will not end well. I don't need to explain that you should also be clear about this."

"That is, the Spirit Hall is an evil force!" Ma Hongjun added.

Hu Liena and others did not speak. There were two soul saints in the place. Once they were done, they would occupy a disadvantaged position, and they had many people.

Yun Hao also forcibly endured the anger in his heart, not letting it burst.

"Actually, in the final analysis, everyone knows where the people of the world hate the spirit hall, isn't it because the spirit masters of the spirit hall dominate the family?" Yun Hao paced back and forth, spreading his hands a little helplessly. "But in the final analysis, this is jealous. Everyone is the same. If a certain sect is so powerful that it can even affect an empire, it will become the target of public criticism. Who of you don't understand this truth?"

"In this case, the bad guys can only be made by the Spirit Hall. The future will only be the world of soul masters, and the empire will only be a tool of labor. Therefore, only a unified world can avoid the ravages of war and make this world truly real. Going to glory is magic!"

With a smile on his face, Yun Hao looked up to Tianqian, and he could see the persistence and firm belief in his heart.

Liu Erlong was even more angry now, and was about to go up and beat him violently, but was still stopped by Yu Xiaogang.

Impulse is the devil, and now is the remarkable period of Wuhundian. Many people praised the good reputation. At this time, there was a dispute and openly confronted the Wuhundian. I was afraid that it would not be a wise move.

"I don't care. I heard that you are a rare wizard in the Martial Soul Palace in a century. Even our junior has lost to you. My old lady is about to challenge you. Do you dare to take it?" Liu Erlong akimbo, finger Asked Yun Hao's nose.

"Challenge book?" Shrek everyone was also taken aback.

Liu Erlong sometimes finds it difficult to control his emotions, so everyone is used to it.

It may be that her temper is too violent, and at the same time, because of the martial arts attributes, she looks particularly fierce. Only in front of Yu Xiaogang will she behave like a petite and good girl.

"Just ask if you dare?" Seeing Yun Hao's delayed response, Liu Erlong asked again.

Liu Erlong is now also a 75th-level soul sage. Wuhun is the top mutant martial soul of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, the flame dragon, with terrifying power, so facing a younger generation, she has absolute confidence.

Yun Hao asked slowly:

"Are you sure, you want to challenge me, just our one-on-one fight?"

"That's right, the old lady is the one who speaks, she just wants to see how capable the wizards cultivated in the Wuhun Hall are."

"What is the bet for winning or losing?"


Everyone was shocked when they heard Yun Hao raise the stake.

"Yes, since it's a challenge book, how can there be no bets?" Yun Hao said with a light smile.

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