Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 150-The Devil

Yun Hao dares to challenge the Titan Great Ape boldly at this time, then he must have his own grasp.

Having obtained the Six Saint Physiques and the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan, you have now reached the Soul Sage bottleneck, and you also have a light soul core, and you have two god-level martial arts souls. There is no reason to lose to the Titan Great Ape.

Even if it is unable to defeat the Titan Great Ape in the end, then the Titan Great Ape can't do much harm to himself.

The Six Saint Body is the strongest physique, Yun Hao dared to say that just standing there and letting the Titan Great Ape hit a punch with all his strength, he would only suffer some skin injuries, not the bones.

Tianqing Niu Python admired Yun Hao's courage, but still sighed for him.

The so-called juvenile frivolous, new born calves are not afraid of tigers, Yun Hao is not just a young frivolous, he is simply too crazy.

What is meant by not entering the tiger's lair, how can you win the tiger?

What do you mean by not giving you a little color? You don't know why one plus one equals two?

Yun Hao wanted to make the Titan Great Ape understand some truths, and not to be a frog in the bottom of the well.

In order not to affect the tranquility of Daming and the Lake of Life, the Titan Great Ape and Yunhao walked around a wide field in the forest.

This is still the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest, and soul beasts are rarely seen, mostly some powerful soul beasts.

Some passing by saw them and quickly stopped to watch them in the distance.

This battle between the king of the forest and the human youth, in the eyes of all onlookers, thinks that the disparity is huge.

How could they not know the power of the Titan Great Ape, but there are humans who have eaten the gall of the bear heart and leopard, openly challenging this grumpy, irritable, terrifying forest Titan?

"Are you ready, am I going to shoot when I'm ready?" The Titan Great Ape didn't panic, and looked very casual.

In its view, he is a sure win!

Yun Hao said: "Say it first, don't cry if you lose!"

Titan Great Ape: "(??????)(??????)(??????)!"

After Yun Hao's silly and self-amused appearance made him laugh thoroughly, who was the last to cry?

I don't know how to curb his noisy disposition, so arrogant and arrogant, he must teach him a lesson.

The first time I saw Yun Hao, he was ravaged by the Titan Great Ape at will. After a few years, Yun Hao's improvement has been huge, but his cultivation level is still not small.

"Gravitational magnetic field--"

The Titan Great Ape wanted to make a quick battle, so he used his domain skills, the gravitational field, as soon as he came up!

In this area, the weight of all objects will greatly increase, which will affect the action.

Moreover, the power of domain skills is very huge, and it is not enough to resist nature with physical body and soul power alone.

But Yun Hao naturally has his own way to deal with the Titan Great Ape...

The martial spirit of the Emperor Guangming instantly turned on, and the fifth spirit ring was shining.

Light and shadow flashed quickly, and Yun Hao's body immediately became two Yun Hao!

The two Yun Hao opened their positions separately, and the Titan Great Ape was preparing to attack, but unexpectedly Yun Hao came such a move.

Which one is true?

With the battle experience of the Titan Great Ape, one of them must be fake, but the two are exactly the same, whether it is in demeanor or appearance, they are exactly the same.

This is Yun Hao's fifth soul ability bright clone. The clone inherits 90% of the body's power and attributes. After reaching the soul sage, it will be 100% when the spirit body is activated.

"Forget it, the two will be beaten together!"

The Titan Great Ape didn't bother to play guessing games with Yun Hao, his fists clenched, his huge body ran, the earth was shaking violently, the surrounding trees were crumbling, and the leaves made a whirling sound.

"The Power of Titans——"

First, his fist slammed into one of Yun Hao. Yun Hao did not counter terrorism. He used his six body sacred bodies and the ice and fire alchemy body to hold it, but his body was directly blown out.

Unfortunately, this is a clone, so Yun Hao has more preparations to take this opportunity.

The Divine Sword of Light condenses light, and the golden flames burn slowly, attached to the surface of the Divine Sword of Light.

The Titan Great Ape attacked the clone and immediately turned around to attack the body.

Yun Hao raised the Light Divine Sword, his movements were slightly slow.

The fist was already approaching, and Yun Hao hadn't made an attacking posture yet, so he could only move his sword horizontally.

"this is......"

However, I thought that this fist would make Yun Hao fly out again. I never thought that the Titan Great Ape would actually regain its strength, and immediately retreated after attacking Yun Hao.

Does it feel something?

Yun Hao glanced at his Divine Sword of Light, except for the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan, which was the Divine Sword of Light itself.

Then the Titan Great Ape was threatened by the Golden Emperor Fen Tian Yan, it dare not touch the Golden Emperor Fen Tian Yan!

"Your sword is your martial soul?" The Titan Great Ape hesitated.

"I don't need to tell you this, but I have found your weakness!"

"Weakness?" The Titan Great Ape sighed disdainfully, "Even if I have a weakness, do you think you have a chance to attack?"

Under the gravitational magnetic field, Yun Hao's actions would be greatly affected, which could not be easily offset.

"The show has just begun, you have to be careful!"

Yun Hao unfolded the golden dragon wings, and the first spirit ring and the fourth spirit ring on his body were shining simultaneously.

The first spirit ring Floating Phantom is to directly increase the speed, the fourth spirit ability, Sacred Radiance, is to increase the light attribute. The special skill of the Golden Dragon Wing can quickly move the weight of the young body. Together with the Lingbo microstep, it can actually be in the Titan giant. The ape moves freely in the gravity field.


The figure burst out like lightning, and the sword of light in his hand was swung.

The Titan Great Ape's body is a piece of rock that is as hard as steel, and Yunhao is not afraid of head-on.

"Look at the sword!"

The Divine Sword of Light suddenly swung down, and Yun Hao's petite body in front of the Titan Great Ape also exploded with great power, not losing to the Titan Great Ape.


The Titan Great Ape didn't retreat, but strode forward directly, hitting it with a fist.

A hard as steel fist hit the Divine Sword of Light, Yun Hao was directly shocked by the rebound force, and the Golden Dragon Wing quickly swooped, which stabilized his body.

Because of its large body and heavy weight, the Titan Great Ape was not pushed back by Yun Hao's attack, but the moment the Titan Great Ape's hand touched the Light Divine Sword, his body was instantly invaded by the Golden Emperor Fen Tian Yan.

It was uncomfortable!

The Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan is the fourth-ranked different fire on the list of different fires.

"I said I found your weakness, you still don't believe me!"

"so what?"

"How?" Yun Hao vibrated the golden dragon wing and flew over, "I want to see what the roasted whole ape looks like."

"Roasted ape?"

The Titan Great Ape was wondering, and Yun Hao launched a fierce attack again.

Relying on the six sacraments and the ice and fire alchemy body, he insisted on facing the Titan Great Ape.

When it is time to go, it is time to go, and when it is time to go, it must have technology and gold content!

The divine sword of light was held high and cut down with a series of golden sparks.

"The Wrath of Emperor Jin's Burning Sky——"

The energy of the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan was concentrated by Yun Hao on the light-sensitive divine sword, running his soul power and approaching the giant giant ape.

Sword falls, Yan rises!

The Titan Great Ape's body is too big, it can't avoid the invasion of Emperor Fentianyan in time.

Suddenly, a flaming golden flame ignited all over his body, and the great ape of Titan scratched his heart in pain.

If he were to use a vivid vocabulary, Yun Hao would only think of one: Roasted Ape!!!

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