Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 152-The Devil

This scene directly caused the soul beasts to sweat, making them frightened, unable to bear to look directly at the bleak ending of the Titan Great Ape!

A straight and unobstructed road was opened by the tail beast jade ahead, with only a small black spot at the end of the road.

Yun Hao raised his hand on his forehead, took a mocking look, and then burst into laughter.

"Ding! Remind the host that the Nine Lama Tail Beast Jade is successfully used, and the effect of the Nine Lama Summoning Item Card is invalid!"

I thought of the system prompt in my mind.

And then the nine lamas really turned into a little bit of starlight and disappeared into the air.

Sure enough, it was a one-time consumption, and the tail beast jade would be useless.

However, Yun Hao also realized the power of this summoning item card, and the other cards should be used with caution, and it is best to save them at the most suitable time.

"No, the impact of the tail beast jade is strong, and it won't kill it, right?" Yun Hao sighed.

The physical strength of the Titan Great Ape is still very strong, mainly because the power of the tail beast jade is too large, it can't resist it, and it is inevitable to be beaten up.

Five minutes later, the Titan Great Ape still did not appear.

But then Gu Yuena and the Sky Green Bull Python rushed to the battlefield, only seeing Yun Hao, but not the Titan Great Ape.

"What about it?" Sky Green Bull Python asked.

The sky green bull python is a soul beast with a head and snake body, a bit taller than the giant giant ape, and looks more aura.

Seeing Yun Hao did not answer, Gu Yuena asked:

"Just now I sensed a huge power fluctuation that didn't belong here. It came from here. What is going on?"

"It's a long story at this time. When I have time, I will tell you slowly. Now the main thing is to get the Titan Great Ape back."

Yun Hao took this opportunity to change the subject. After all, how could the affairs of the Nine Lamas be easily said.

Even those soul beasts who watched the battle couldn't tell why, at most they thought that it was a soul beast tamed by Yun Hao.

"It's been so long, but you are still safe and sound, but Er Ming has disappeared. It's weird..." The sky green bull python seemed to see something, and turned his head to see several figures in the distance leaving quietly.

It twisted and quickly chased it up.

After several inquiries, I learned something.

"I heard that you have tamed a powerful soul beast. Even Er Ming is not an opponent. Hand over that soul beast!" Sky Blue Bull Python said seriously.

This is a big trouble!

I knew I didn't need it, I found something for myself.

"In fact, that soul beast has disappeared...I can't hand it over!"

"You lied and didn't feel that power left the Star Dou Great Forest. Did you stop paying?"

"Oh, I've said it, how can I really not hand it over..." Yun Hao retorted immediately.

"This Xiaona can testify for me. In fact, that is a special ability of my spirit, not a real spirit beast."

"Martial Soul? You have a mere martial arts ability that can rival the King of One Hundred Thousand Years Soul Beast?" Sky Blue Bull Python asked the bottom line, just not planning to let Yun Hao go.

Gu Yuena vaguely remembered that Yun Hao had used a card martial arts soul, that was his other martial arts soul, and could indeed summon some very powerful things.

But it can still threaten Er Ming, this is really not easy...

"Forget it, when Erming comes back, let's see what it says by itself!"

Gu Yuena is still willing to believe in Yun Hao, even if he helps him condense the soul core, it is considered to be a return to the favor that saved her, but the young man who used her own blood to help her control the deterioration of her body did not know when she had left it in her heart. The impression that can't be erased.

Tianqing Niu Python heard Gu Yuena's words, so she didn't dare to speak any more.

After more than twenty minutes, the Titan Great Ape ran back, looking a little embarrassed.

"Quickly, with your ability, how can you tame such a powerful soul beast?" The first question when the Titan Great Ape came back was to question Yun Hao about the nine lamas.

Yun Hao didn't explain much, but said calmly:

"That's not a soul beast, don't think too much about it. Anyway, you have already lost to me. I won this round. You can no longer refute my views and ideas. This is your own bet!"

"Huh! I won't let you have that kind of luck next time. Today's shame, I will definitely return it to you..."

The Titan Great Ape was defeated, and his face was really embarrassed.

Under the eyes of everyone, he was won by a human kid, and he couldn't swallow that breath.

But Gu Yuena always emphasized that Yun Hao should not be embarrassed. It was the Titan Great Ape who had the fault first, so she only flinched and left.

It doesn't want to stay here anymore. It can be said that this matter will be deeply rooted in the heart of the Titan Great Ape...

The condensing of the luminous soul core is completed, and Yun Hao has also completed the purpose of this trip.

He and Gu Yuena spent several days in the Star Dou Great Forest before deciding to return to Wuhun City.

Along the way, Gu Yuena was a little absent-minded.

She was thinking about something, but she never planned to say it.

Yun Hao warmed his heart and asked:

"Xiao Na, what are you thinking about, tell me if you have any unpleasant things, let me help you share it!"

"In fact, it's nothing, just can't figure out one thing in my heart, I really want to figure it out..."

Gu Yuena said.

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"This matter is about you, but also indirectly about me, so..."

"So?" Yun Hao became a little impatient, and wanted to know what it was like to trouble her.

Gu Yuena was still a little reluctant to say it, her face flushed and her expression solemn.

Yun Hao: "You mean, what's the matter?"

Gu Yuena: "Then you can't laugh at me..."

"I swear, I will never laugh at you!"

"All right..." Gu Yuena calmed down a bit, but asked Yun Hao: "Yun Hao, you... have you ever been moved by me?"

As soon as he asked this, Yun Hao's brain exploded in an instant, and he suddenly froze without speaking.

But soon he recovered and asked in surprise:

"Corona, why do you suddenly think of asking such a question?"

"Originally, if you haven't been heartbroken to me, why would you help me and give me your own blood to drink, can't this be explained?"

"Corna, you..."

"Also, did you just act like that to me that day?" Gu Yuena stopped Yun Hao, asking him to explain to herself.

This really made Yun Hao speechless. When did Gu Yuena become so able to talk, she asked about such things between men and women?

As the co-master of soul and beasts, this doesn't seem to be the Gu Yuena that I just met anymore.

"Quickly, have you ever been touched by me?"

Gu Yuena only wanted an answer, and had no other meaning.

This is what humans often say about love at first sight, and they will have a good impression of the other party's heart. It is precisely Gu Yuena that has such an idea for Yun Hao.

But she wanted to know what Yun Hao was thinking, so that she could go to the next step.

"Haha, actually..." Yun Hao hugged the back of his head awkwardly, "I have been tempted by you since I saw you. I like girls with your personality very much, I... "

"Alright, needless to say, I know!"

Before Yun Hao continued speaking, Gu Yuena directly stopped.

Gu Yuena hurried forward, lowered her head, and began to think about something.

Yun Hao could only quietly follow behind to see what she was thinking.

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