Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 156-Conquering the Blacksmith Association

The height of the building is a bit unbelievable. This will be the method of the Wuhun Temple. It lacks the original viciousness, but is a bit more arrogant. The conditions offered by Yunhao are very attractive to the building, especially for new ones. It’s been enough to study for a long time

His whole life is like invention and achievements are more distressed than flying god Tianshen claws.

I don't understand why such a weak one has such a small one that has such a strong power. At the beginning, he also tried the power of the Flying God's Claw. Generally speaking, it should be no problem. In this case, the height of the building must be considered.

In fact, the Soul Hall was so hated in Douluo. It all depends on my Soul Hall being too powerful, so all the forces in the Soul Hall should maintain their due vigilance.

However, relying on the weakness of grasping Lou Gao's heart, Lou Gao himself is also four emotional people, who will always change because of some things.

The main reason for bringing the Blacksmiths Association into the Wuhun Hall was to build the Soul Guidance Device. Of course, there are still some reasons for the Blacksmiths Association itself.

If it were not for the existence of the height of the building, Yun Hao would not have thought of this problem.

In some outstanding places, it is also very vivid.

Lou Gao thought for a long time before nodding and saying:

"It doesn't matter who the Blacksmiths Association is, but if we are to return to the Martial Spirit Hall, how will the world view it?"

"What you said, it's like the existence of the Spirit Hall in this world is a mistake. Is the Spirit Hall so annoying?"

Yun Hao didn't like other people's view of Wuhun Temple. Wuhun Temple has its own development system. This is a very good thing, but it was deliberately hyped by people with intentions, but the truth has not changed in the end.

Lou Gao knew that there was something wrong with what he said, so he hurriedly said:

"It’s not the case. Our Blacksmiths Association has never announced whom we will submit to. In fact, there is a shortage of blacksmiths. Actually, there are not many powerful blacksmiths. I just want to make the Blacksmiths Association more stable than before. I hope that Everyone can live a good life. I have no other purpose. In order to develop a more brilliant soul guide, I used to practice without sleeping and eating. But knowing that he got the flying claw by accident, his interest rose to the apex. I really want to type it out now."

The Flying God Claw was brought by Tang San from the Tang Sect of another world, and it was Shrek who directly leapfrogged his opponent when he was facing the War Squad God Team.

This thing is powerful and destructive.

It's a pity that the flying god claws he holds in his hand are waste products, and they can't be used at all.

The Shrek Seven Monsters leapfrogged and killed the Ferocious Team,

So he threw the weapon Flying God Claw, because he didn't want to be so disgusting because of that incident.

After all, if you don't know, you will forget those things as soon as possible.

But Lou Hao really became interested when he heard Yun Hao say that he wanted to provide more information on things that are more powerful than Flying God's Claw.

If this is the case, it's not that the Blacksmiths Association can't serve the Wuhun Hall.

"Are all of your actions today a true thought from your heart?"

"Of course, Wuhun Palace is vigorous and resolute. You always say nothing about everything. When you say it, you only need to choose to accept or reject it. It doesn't have to be so troublesome." Yun Hao doesn't want to talk too much about novel things to Lou Gao. , This is enough, it still depends on the height of the building.

The future of the Blacksmiths Association is all within his thoughts. Whether it is to survive or to annihilate, it can be changed with a single word of him.

If you choose to be annihilated, then I'm sorry, Wuhun Temple can make the world no longer exist in the blacksmith association in one night.

Anyone who dares to profit from the Blacksmith Association privately will all be served by the good students of Wuhun Hall!

But if you choose to survive, then each other can be regarded as an ally relationship, and the Wuhun Palace will naturally not embarrass its allies, not only does it not embarrass, but also helps them.

The premise is that the other party is sincere!

The height of the building was stunned by Yun Hao’s words, whether it was from the heart, but if it was really like that, it was for the Blacksmiths Association to have a bright future. How could it be due to personal reasons? ?

If Wuhun Temple is really so cruel, how can the height of the building be stopped?

Even the three sects of the earth were sent away. There is no new sect of the earths in this world. The three sects of the earth will only become traces of history and be gradually forgotten.

If the cultural background and power system of a party want to have a long history, choosing the right direction is the most important first step. Don't block yourself in the first step, then the next step will only be a dead end!

"Don't worry about giving me the answer. You can think about it for a day. During this day, I will purchase some materials in Gengxin City. I can give you time to consider it seriously, but if I can at least hear your answer before I leave. "

"The Spirit Hall has always been so strong, what can I do if I am reluctant?" Lou Gao is still very aware of the methods of the Spirit Hall. He has seen too many tragedies happen, but will be even more frightened. Will such a disaster occur? A certain moment fell on him.

After all, the weakest part of my heart is still afraid of death!

Without hesitation, Yun Hao said directly and decisively:

"You have the right to remain silent, but you can't make unnecessary judgments about the practice of the Spirit Hall. The Hall of Spirits does not require evaluation by others. It is enough to do it yourself!"

"If you don't want to give me an answer, I can only accept that you refused, then Wuhundian will definitely take corresponding measures. If the Blacksmiths Association chooses to support all other forces except the opening of the Wuhundian, it will be like the Wuhundian. Declaring war, Wuhun Palace will definitely accept it with a humility."

Yun Hao said these remarks are based on the height of the building. You must consider it carefully before answering. Don't cause unnecessary trouble to yourself and the Blacksmith Association. The second is to tell you that the Spirit Hall is not afraid of any opponents. As long as you dare to declare war, Wuhundian dare to fight, it's that simple!

A few words left Lou Gao speechless, but he really can't tell Yun Hao what he thinks right now, and he doesn't need to discuss it with several deacons of the Blacksmiths Association.

After all, even if you are the president, it is a matter of life and death for so many people, you have to be cautious!

There is no question of whether you are afraid of death or not. The key is to dare and dare not.

If the Blacksmiths Association wants to become more famous, the only thing that can be relied on is the Soul Hall. If you want to choose the Star Luo Empire, the Star Luo Empire is not very supportive of the blacksmith industry, but if you want to choose the Heaven Dou Empire, how can the Star Luo Empire allow itself? People go to the enemy country?

In this way, he can still only look at Wuhun Hall.

Yun Hao had enough time for Lou Hao, and there were too many things to consider in one day.

He was only given a few minutes of consideration when he took over Dugu Bo. This time it was easy and there was no need to force it.

Anyway, I have to stay here for another day. There is no need to care about these small details. As long as Lou Gao's reply is what he wants in his heart, it is enough.

"Okay, I'm done, I can show you a few things, and it's easy to solve your worries..."

Yun Hao took out a few artwork as he spoke. This is the artwork of the fixed soul guide he designed, carefully designed, and every place is carved and created with heart.

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