Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 158-Deep Sea Shen Yin and Bi Luo Sheng Jing

People like this kind of people who can lay down their self-esteem to flatter others for their own way will definitely step on you when you are down. This kind of person must not have deep friendship.

Yun Hao opened one eye and closed one eye anyway, just as if nothing happened, and doing his own thing.

It's enough to be able to do things for the Wuhun Hall, and nothing else can be expected.

Do your duty well and don't ask for things beyond your own ability.

If you do a good job, someone will see it. Why do it deliberately? It will make people look down on it.

Yun Hao didn't think about it any more, and accompanied Hu Liena and Gu Yuena to enjoy the short meal time.

Everyone was sitting around a large table, and Miles ordered people to present the prepared food one by one, filling up a large table without considering the waste of so few people.

Anyway, I will leave tomorrow, and I won't stay in this place for a long time. After collecting the materials, collecting the Blacksmith Association into the Wuhun Hall are the two purposes this time, and there is nothing else to care about.

"Wow, Haohao, in fact, the taste of this dish is quite good, although it is not as delicious as you!" Hu Liena looked very enjoyable, not to mention more happy, with a bright smile on her face.

It was as if she was late for some delicacies of mountains and seas. She stuffed her mouth vigorously and filled her mouth. The sides of her mouth were full of oil, which made her greedy.

Gu Yuena didn't care about it. In her heart, except for Yun Hao's cooking skills, everything else was nothing.

Maybe that was the first human food she had eaten when she entered the human world, but she was deeply attracted. This is the point.

"Corona, come, you taste this fish, it's pretty good." Hu Liena said.


Gu Yuena nodded slightly, but couldn't raise any interest at all in her heart, but felt that it was enough to eat.

Soon everyone had finished eating and was full and ready to go to Gengxin City Auction House.

There are the most people there at night, let's see if we can take any rare things.

I hope I can have what Yun Hao needs, which is of course the best.

It would be better if there were better ones. Anyway, as many as you can collect.

The location of the auction house is about 500 meters away from the Blacksmiths Association, not far away. There are many people who come here to get good things at night. Among them are soul masters. Of course, some self-reliant blacksmiths are also admired. Come, all want to see for themselves how the skill of the master craftsman has reached the point of superb.

But from Yun Hao's view, it was actually not that high, and overall it was just better than many blacksmiths.

Of course, among the three great craftsmen, the building technology is naturally the best.

The Gengxin City Auction House is divided into a commercial area and an auction area. The area of ​​the auction area is much smaller than that of the commercial area, because it is useless to have such a large area except for the audience and people shopping.

The first floor is full of shops with a large area, most of the second floor is shops, and the rest is occupied by the auction area.

After going up to the second floor, the group went straight to the auction area, where there were already quite a few people.

I found a place with the widest view to sit down, and it happened to be auctioned to see if there were any good things.

"Everyone, welcome everyone from afar. Our first auction collection today is a stone, but this stone is harder than any metal, and can be used to create anything you want. As long as the technology is in place, there is no problem. !" On the stage, a stunning woman in a red dress said with a full smile. Next to her, there was a table covered by a black cloth. There seemed to be something on the table.

She lifted the black cloth at will, and there was a small platform on the table. On the small platform was a whole black stone. Naturally, she couldn't see any special place.

"Girl Sisi, you won't fool us, can this ordinary stone be harder than any metal?"

"Yeah, isn't it just a normal stone!"

Immediately someone began to shout, expressing that they did not believe what the girl said.

"Everyone will know this later, I'll show it to you myself!"

Speaking, Sisi found a hammer, and then slammed it several times on the stone. Only a sharp and harsh sound was heard, but the stone was not broken.

Soon, I saw a dazzling silver light from the inside of the black stone. The more I hit, the brighter the light.

"This is Deep Sea Shen Yin?" Yun Hao was surprised.

I met so soon, is this God's arrangement?

This thing is too useful to build a fixed installation soul guide, this must be there.

"I'm ready for this, I have to take it." Yun Hao said immediately.

"Do you want this?"


"I don't think about it anymore, I don't think it's useful, in case it's useless, and it must be so expensive." Hu Liena said.

"Don't worry, I know it myself, but this thing suits me best."

"Since Haohao said it is useful, it must be useful!" Gu Yuena said softly.

Yun Hao was a little surprised that Gu Yuena was able to say these things. Although she had promised to herself with heart, she was still a little surprised when she thought of that cold Gu Yuena.

"Everyone, get ready, the starting price is 10,000 gold soul coins!"

Sisi said.

"Twenty thousand!"

Someone started to increase the fare as soon as he finished talking.

"Twenty-five thousand!"

"Thirty thousand!"

"Thirty-five thousand!"

"forty thousand!"

Yun Hao felt uncomfortable listening to these small price increases.

"One hundred thousand!" Yun Hao said loudly.

However, as soon as the words were finished, the audience burst instantly.

Who is such a big deal in the end, it is directly 100,000.

Of course, one hundred thousand is a small amount of money for Wuhun Palace, and I am afraid that I cannot afford it.

"One hundred thousand one time!"

"One hundred thousand twice!"

"One hundred thousand three times!"


No one dared to compete with Yun Hao's one hundred thousand appearances.

Just kidding, the amount of one hundred thousand when people say it shows that they have strong financial resources and are determined to get this thing. There is no need to make yourself foolish for comparison.

Only Yun Hao knew this thing in the audience. Even if the people at the auction house knew this thing was great, they didn't know that it was Deep Sea Shenyin.

"Then our magical stone belongs to this gentleman. Next is our second lot, Bi Luo Shengjing!"

Sisi said, someone from behind took a delicate box up and placed it on the table.

Sisi opened the box casually, and a green golden light burst directly into it. There was a spar inside, the size of a fist, but it could be seen that it was of high quality.

Yun Hao was directly attracted by this, it should be a very good spar, the quality is definitely there.

"Two hundred thousand gold soul coins!"

Before Sisi could ask for the bid price, Yun Hao attacked decisively.

This came to 200,000, how many dare to compete?

The key is not to dare to compete. With such financial resources, no one dares to compete.

Yun Hao didn't care about the strange gazes around him, he only did his own thing, and just took things away.

"Two hundred thousand one time..."


Sisi felt that he was not in the mood to scream, and felt that today was a smashing place.

But think about it again, it’s not good to be able to make money, so why not care about so many useless things!

If someone gives money and sells it directly, there is nothing, and there is a big temptation to think of more and no money.

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