Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 161-All-University Six Advanced Soul Master Elite Competition Starts

In this line of Gengxin City, Yun Hao's main purpose was to collect enough metal materials. This was the necessary material for the production of fixed-installation soul guides. The second thing was to conquer the Blacksmith Association and cut off the future resource income of Tang Sect.

Lou Gao finally told Yun Hao that his answer was naturally to join the Hall of Spirits and work for the Hall of Spirits. Yun Hao was very satisfied with this result.

At least judging from the situation, the Wuhun Palace had already taken a big lead.

The preparations are ready. After the competition is over, I am afraid that the implementation of the plan will be officially accelerated.

However, this competition will still last for three months, and it will take some time from the start of the two empires' campaigns, and Wuhundian only needs to participate in the final finals.

This was three months, and Yun Hao had no major plans, so he went to the Heaven Dou Empire to see the situation first, and by the way, he could also see the situation of those teams.

Gu Yuena and Hu Liena followed Yun Hao on a trip to Gengxin City, and there was no special expression back and forth. Gu Yuena was the first time to witness the fruits of human wisdom under the leadership of mankind.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Gu Yuena was still shocked by Yun Hao's thoughts, because she collected materials and asked about it. Yun Hao wants to make a fixed-installed Soul Guidance device that kills Title Douluo. She seemed a bit exaggerated.

It means that the weapons made by humans can reach the level of killing Titled Douluo in seconds, and the Silver Dragon King can easily kill ordinary Titled Douluo in seconds, which means that the weapon can be comparable to her own skills.

After returning to the Hall of Martial Spirits, Gu Yuena also went to Yun Hao to do some research. Yun Hao only made some simple fixed soul guides to show her, and asked her to try it. This was also Gu Yuena’s first time. Use human weapons.

But none of them has been shocked. Is this the result of human wisdom?

For those exquisitely designed and powerful fixed-mounted soul guides, Gu Yuena was really shocked. She began to have some other views on humans, but her thoughts on humans had changed a little.

In some small villages along the way, I saw so many so-called poor people and saw them working hard to live. This was what Yun Hao told her and also told many interesting stories about humans. Gu Yuena found that she was really He is about to fall in love with Yun Hao.

Because I have been in the human world for so long, I gradually fell in love with the life in the human world, and was attracted by the splendor here.

There are still too many things I want to know, so let's put aside the matter of revenge against mankind!

Once the thoughts in the heart are shaken, there will be some ideological changes.

"The contest has already started. I'm going to the Heaven Dou Empire to find out some information!" Yun Hao stood in front of the Pope's Palace, staring affectionately at Bibi Dong. The two eyes met in the air, as if they knew each other's hearts. Bibi Dong smiled and nodded, agreeing with Yun Hao's ideas.

Perhaps this is the psychology of falling in love with a man. If you like him, support him to do everything he wants to do. No matter who dares to stop him, he will help him deal with it.

Sometimes love is so magical, Bibi Dong doesn't know why he fell in love with Yunhao who is so much younger than him.

The so-called love at first sight really made Bibi Dong understand the true meaning of this sentence.

No matter how vigorous it was, now only Yun Hao can let himself find what love should be.

"The Heaven Dou Empire knows about you, and has already begun to prepare to deal with our affairs. One of the hidden Haotian Sects has also come out..." Bibi Dong informed Yun Hao of this information, hoping that he could do everything. Safety.

"Haotianzong?" Yun Hao muttered.

If it was the Clear Sky School, then why did Tang San promise to join the Wuhun Hall after the competition?

In fact, this is an impossible thing in the final analysis, the only point is that Tang San said that on purpose.

He has another purpose, so it's better to plan it out...

"Shrek Academy agreed to me. After the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Elite Competition is over, if the Spirit Hall wins the championship, it will be annexed by the Spirit Academy. But since the Clear Sky School has come out, then we will plan and pretend. I don’t know anything. Look at what tricks they are going to play. I want to see what Tang San and the others are doing this time when I go to Heaven Dou Empire, so I can make the following plans!

"Well, everything depends on you. Just do it. I am your strongest backing!" Bibi Dong smiled and looked at Yun Hao affectionately.

"Huh?" Gu Yuena glanced at Yun Hao suspiciously, wondering why the Pope of the Spirit Hall would treat him so well.

The Pope of the Hall of Souls of Dignity actually acted such a ladylike fan in front of Yun Hao, and the original queen fan disappeared without a trace.

Hu Liena didn't understand why the teacher was like this, no matter how talented Yun Hao was, and how effective he was for Wuhun Hall, how could the Pope treat a subordinate like this, it was too good.

Yun Hao only felt a little uncomfortable being watched this way, but he didn't know what to say, so he didn't bother to explain.

The relationship between myself and Bibi Dong is ridiculous in the eyes of most people, even if it was at the beginning, it was a bit unacceptable, but after getting along for a long time, you will find that Bibi Dong is actually a woman with a shy heart, and that’s her. The true face.

The noble and glamorous Bibi Dong that is usually shown to the public is only for another reason. They don't know Bibi Dong's past, so they mistakenly think that she is such a cruel and cruel pope!

Not many people really understand Bibi Dong's past, so they think so.

"Xiao Na, go with me, Nana will stay in the Wuhun Hall first, and get familiar with everyone about the degree of cooperation, at least to ensure that you and Xie Yue's monsters can reach the top food!"

"No, Haohao, I want to go with you, I want to go too!" Hu Liena said spoiledly.


"Let Nana go with you, if she likes it!"

"You said the same?"

Bibi Dong also let Hu Liena follow him, this is a bit...

"Well then, Xiaona and Nana go with me!"

There was no way, both the master and the disciple said so, there was no way to refuse.

The Continent Senior Soul Master Elite Competition has begun, mainly to see the situation of the two empires.

I want to see if Shrek can make it to the stage of the finals.

Tang San was robbed of so many resources by Yun Hao, but he still reached the Soul Sect so quickly, Yun Hao believed that this was related to the birth of Clear Sky Sect.

Tang Hao must have told him the cultivation secrets of the sect earlier, and personally taught him the cultivation, this can only be possible, otherwise Yun Hao can't think of any other reasons.

The cultivation secrets of the Clear Sky School can help Tang San quickly break through the boundaries of the level, and it is not impossible to reach the Soul School. Even if Tang Hao personally leads it so early, it is very likely to reach a higher level.

Yun Hao didn't allow any mistakes, tacitly that Tang San was able to cultivate so quickly, then they must have planned something.

Once the road to the Spirit Hall was blocked, Yun Hao would personally get rid of the stones in the way. The Spirit Hall did not allow any outsiders to interfere. To be the last leader, he had to consider the overall situation, and sometimes there was nothing to sacrifice.

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