Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 167 - The Dark Horse and the Beast Trainer

When Tang San said this, his eyes were very persistent, indicating his state of mind at this time, which was what he wanted to express most.

Behaving like this in front of Yun Hao, he did not realize that his situation was already quite dangerous.

Yun Hao knows exactly what he is thinking, and will naturally cooperate with his performance.

Want to be his opponent, the opponent of the Spirit Hall, Tang San's ability is far from enough, even if he must fight each other in the end, it can only be that the Spirit Hall is the final winner.

Yun Hao put on a very casual state, teasing:

"You have a dream, but it is not enough to have a dream. You have to have enough strength. The championship is not something that your Shrek Academy can easily get."

Tang San frowned and retorted:

"Although I admit that you are very strong, our Shrek Academy has never feared any opponent, no matter how strong the opponent is, we will have a way to deal with it."

This statement fully demonstrated Tang San's bravery. He was arguing for his friends, but it was a pity that they met Yun Hao, and this trick didn't stop Yun Hao at all.

The Hall of Martial Spirits has long been a target of public criticism. Everyone wants to overthrow this overlord who has always stood at the top of the world, but no one dared to be that early bird.

Before there is enough power to overthrow the Martial Soul Palace, any power can only replenish its energy.

Tang San and the others established the Tang Sect to increase the difficulty of the Wuhun Hall. The existence of Tang Sect hidden weapons is indeed an important pillar to overthrow the Wuhun Hall.

However, everything about Tang San Yun Hao was clear, but Tang San didn't know Yun Hao at all, not even a little bit of understanding.

At most, he knew Yun Hao's basic strength, but there was nothing else.

The seven Shrek monsters felt complicated when seeing Yun Hao, and only those Shrek students who had never seen him were a little unclear.

But Zhu Zhuqing, who had been obsessed with speechlessness, appeared coldly when he saw Yun Hao's first glance, his heart was actually throbbing, and it was too complicated to talk about, Fan Er was a little attracted by this person.

I don't know if it was the reason why he saved his life in Sunset Forest. At that time, he thought it was just an accident. Yun Hao just happened to pass by and saw that he was in a dangerous situation, and then he tried to save him.

It's just that Yun Hao is very vague and can't see him at all.

Even so, even if there is a veil of mystery covering his most important place, Zhu Zhuqing still can't help but want to know him.

Yun Hao is a very special existence in her heart. I don't know why she doesn't feel so depressed when she sees him.

When I met him several times, whether it was in the Star Dou Forest, Soto City, or the rescue at Sunset Forest, Zhu Zhuqing found that he had been fascinated by Yun Hao.

She didn't dare to mention this idea to her friends, because Dai Mubai, who had been pursuing her, was moving her with sincerity, and she didn't want to make Dai Mubai sad.

They were all from the Star Luo Empire, and they were still reluctant to hurt him.

So before he had a clear idea, Zhu Zhuqing decided not to say it lightly.

"Yun Hao, don't be too confident in the Spirit Hall. There must be a team of spirit masters stronger than you. Maybe you will pass the championship this year."

At this time, Ning Rongrong of the Seven Treasure Glazed Liz Sect pointed to Yun Hao's nose and said.

Seeing her attitude so arrogant, Hu Liena immediately said angrily:

"Please be respectful. Haohao is a distinguished guest of the empire. When you speak, you should pay attention to your own words and deeds."

Hu Liena said this naturally for Yun Hao. She didn't like seeing others accusing him in front of Yun Hao.

Gu Yuena's heart was not good either, Yun Hao was so witty that he couldn't see it, but he didn't want to say it.

"You are the talents I have seen that can be considered very strong. I hope you can come to the Wuhun Hall. The Wuhun Hall welcomes you very much. We will wait for your arrival at the finals. I hope you will not be absent!"

Yun Hao said openly, his tone still relatively tact.

"Don't worry, we will never be absent!"

After a simple greeting, the two parties left each, Tang San could feel a faint weirdness, but he didn't know where the problem was.

Looking at Yun Hao's back, Tang San hesitated instead.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Ma Hongjun asked.

"This Yun Hao is really terrifying, have you forgotten his spirit and spirit ring?" Tang San said with some fear.

"How can we forget, even though we have seen him only so many times, his black ring is still fresh in my memory!"

"Yes, if he will also appear in the finals team, how big is our chance of winning?" Tang San didn't dare to give a pledge easily, because Yun Hao was their biggest variable here.

If Shrek Academy is a dark horse that is like a broken bamboo, rushing to the throne of champions all the way through thorns and obstacles, then Yun Hao is likely to be a towering mountain on their path, and it is uncertain whether they can successfully cross the past.

They still don't know much about Yun Hao's strength. Even Master Yu Xiaogang has never seen a martial arts spirit, and there is no record of such a martial arts spirit, but the strength of the martial arts spirit is so powerful.

"Three brothers, what are you afraid of? We are one, no matter how big winds and waves have not passed through, we will face and deal with them together, even if there are difficulties."

"Yes, Xiaosan, Wuhun Palace is a hairy man, anyway, we won the championship this year!" Dai Mubai said confidently.

"You don't know the key point of the problem. Yun Hao's strength is unfathomable. If he participates in this competition, then our confidence will be reduced from 70% to 50%. The chance of success also needs to be recalculated, including tactics. Arrangements must not be so simple, and it's nothing more...

The battle with Wuhun Palace had already begun, and no one knew how long the smoke of this battle would last.

But the most important issue everyone needs to care about right now is how to maintain a state of full-hearted fighting when facing Wuhun Academy in the finals, and then win the final victory in one fell swoop.

Tang San knew this was not an easy task, and Yun Hao was not so harmonious on the surface.

His mind was terrible, even Tang San himself couldn't understand and spy.

He possesses the unique Tang Sect's unique knowledge in this world, and even the Purple Demon Eye cannot see through Yun Hao.

When the Purple Demon Eye was elevated to the mustard seed state, it was useful for peeping at people's psychological defenses, but Tang San tried many times and failed to see Yun Hao's heart.

This person left an invisible shadow in his heart. Tang San had a certain premonition. When this shadow became prominent, it was very likely that a huge disaster would come.

He who originally cultivated the Purple Demon Eye was more sensitive than others, and he could always detect even the subtleties.

If Shrek Academy will be an unstoppable dark horse, then Yun Hao is likely to be the trainer who tamed this dark horse. Once the trainer shows true strength, the path of the dark horse will be completely blocked. There is no hope.

Tang San hoped that Yun Hao had better not be their opponent in the finals, at least with him, the difficulty of the game would definitely increase a lot.

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