Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 171 - The Power of the World

The Shrek Academy team and the Wuhun Academy team fought against each other, lining up in a line, without directly showing the battle formation.

For the Shrek Academy team, they must win this battle. This is what they need to prove with their own strength the most since they have worked hard for so long. But for the Wuhun Academy team, they have a chance to win this battle. Can only belong to Wuhun Palace.

Tang San knew the overall strength of the Wuhun Academy team was strong, and said unsmilingly:

"The strength of the Wuhun Academy team is very strong. We must go all out and use the strongest attack to disrupt your tactics!"

If you want to defeat the Wuhun Academy in a short time, it is absolutely impossible. This is the master who has carefully explained to the Shrek Academy team members in advance.

The three members of the Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace are already very troublesome. In addition, Yun Hao, who the master doesn’t know himself, has overall strength comparable to that of an adult soul hunter team. Moreover, he has seen Yun Hao with his own eyes. Strength, after so long, his cultivation level must have improved again, at least he has reached the peak strength of the Soul King.

Yun Hao seemed very relaxed, as if they were determined to win this battle and there was no need to worry at all.

"Tang San, please show your full strength, maybe you can really hold on for a little longer!"

"Shrek Academy is never afraid of any opponents, even Wuhun Academy!" Tang San's eyes were warm and powerful, because they had to win the championship.

In fact, no matter what the result is, it is not a good thing for Shrek Academy to be annexed by Wuhun Academy. The big deal is to temporarily join the Wuhun Temple and find the opportunity to discover the secrets of the Wuhun Temple.

Anyway, as long as they didn't reveal their true thoughts, Yun Hao and the others couldn't detect it.

However, when the members of the two academies were preparing to open the spirit of martial arts, the eyes of the powerful men standing on the heights fell on a certain figure.

Those eyes were full of desire and excitement, it was like seeing some rare treasure.

And that figure was wearing a pink shirt with two rabbit ears on his head. It was Xiao Wu from Shrek Academy.

Tang San's mental power is now quite high. He felt very uncomfortable in his heart when he sensed that Xiao Wu had become a prey in the eyes of the powerful, and at the same time he became vigilant.

Of course Yun Hao knew why. Without the protection of Acacia Broken Heart, Xiao Wu would definitely be seen as long as he was exposed to Title Douluo's sight.

Bibi Dong stood on the high platform with an evil smile on his face.

"See, when the game is over, take her down immediately!"

Yueguan nodded respectfully and said:

"Understand His Majesty the Pope!"

"It's really nowhere to find a way through the iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it. The fish that slipped through the net was sent to the door by itself..."

"Does His Majesty the Pope want to obtain her spirit ring? But doesn't His Majesty the Pope already have a ninth spirit ring?" Dugu asked in a puzzled manner.

He didn't know that Bibi Dong was a twin spirit, so of course he didn't understand the reason for this.

"What do you know..." Yueguan glanced at Dugu Bo with a contemptuous look, "His Majesty the Pope is the unique twin spirit of today, so naturally he can continue to obtain spirit rings."

"What... this...?" Dugu Bo was speechless.

No wonder, no wonder!

It is no wonder that being able to sit on the seat of the pope turned out to be a twin martial soul.

Such a unique talent will definitely be cultivated and supported by Wuhun Palace.

It is rumored that Bibi Dong's power has been suppressed by the Hall of Elders, but as her strength continues to improve and her edge is revealed, there are already fans in the Hall of Elders, and only a few have not supported her that much.

In the eyes of the powerful, Xiao Wu became their only goal.

However, for Shrek Academy, their main goal should be on this final.

"Everyone, be prepared, then please start to release their martial souls!"

The referee said loudly.

As soon as the voice fell, the Shrek Academy team took the lead to release the Wuhun.

In an instant, the entire square was dazzling and dazzling.

A blue electric light flashed by, but it seemed to have summoned the Thunder of Heaven and Earth. An exquisite hammer appeared in Tang San's hands. It was the clear sky hammer that was famous all over the world!

With Tang San as the leading factor, Dai Mubai turned on the evil spirit of Wuhun, and the white tiger stood on the right hand side, Ma Hongjun turned on the evil fire and the Phoenix stood on the left hand side, Zhu Zhuqing turned on the ghost cat and stood behind Dai Mubai, while Xiao Wu was behind Ma Hongjun. , Oscar and Ning Rongrong as auxiliary soul masters, of course they were released when they were standing in the team.

For a time, the Shrek Academy team changed its battlefield, and soul rings appeared dazzlingly on its body.

Among them, the most spirit ring belonged to Tang San's four spirit rings, and the fourth one had reached the ten thousand year level.

Others only have the third ring with the best spirit ring matching.

The seven-story colorful seven-treasure glazed glass tower exudes brilliant brilliance, providing partners with augmentation skills.

"You only have four strongest spirit rings. How do you fight with us?" Hu Liena didn't wait for Yun Hao and the others, she first released her spirit.

As soon as the Wuhun Demon Fox appeared, Hu Liena's entire aura was completely different, becoming more charming and touching, and she could be fascinated by her psychedelic look when she looked at her slightly.

Five spirit rings of yellow, purple, purple, black, and black appeared on the body, and everyone in Shrek Academy was shocked.

Even Hu Liena has two black spirit rings, how can I fight this?

Let alone Hu Liena.

Others have also opened their own martial spirits, Xie Yue and Yan are also soul kings, and the fifth spirit ring has reached the ten thousand year level, and they are the best spirit ring combinations.

Xie Yue's Martial Spirit Moon Blade carries a red rainbow light, thin and sharp.

And Yan's martial soul is the emperor in the fire, the flame lord, possesses the dual attributes of fire and soil, and is a top mutant martial soul.

Su Lin, Du Fei, and Du Nan are also the best spirit ring combination, but they only have four spirit rings, but they also have the strength of the soul sect.

The martial soul star, the colored glaze pearl, is infinitely tall, and compared with the Qibao colored glaze tower, the light is even better, dazzling!

But the martial soul iron-clad black tortoises of the two brothers Du had made their bodies extremely hard, and their bodies were covered with dense black scale armor.

However, these are all secondary. The focus of everyone’s attention is on Yun Hao. Of course, the people in Shrek Academy are most concerned and concerned about. The people in the Spirit Hall still know Yun Hao, so Not too surprised.

Seeing Yun Hao's martial spirit, the light of God Emperor, burst into light, black spirit rings appeared on his body.

It was black from the first one, and also black until the sixth.

Black ring all over!

Just looking at the individual martial arts situation, the members of the Martial Arts Academy completely crushed the members of Shrek Academy.

Not to mention the overall strength, the distance is different.

"How could this happen? How could there be a soul emperor in the Wuhun Academy team? How can I fight this?" Flanders had already seen Yun Hao's six spirit rings, and his heart was already cold.

Originally wanted to let Shrek Academy take such a champion as an early adopter, who knew that Wuhun Academy's lineup would not give a chance at all.

Even if the Shrek team's tactical policy is stronger, this huge disparity in strength still cannot close the distance, and it is not a single-person team.

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