Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 183-The Moon Represents My Heart

The first display of Odin's bow shocked everyone.

Bibi Dong and the others were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

Yueguan, Guimei, and Dugu Bo were horrified and unbelievable.

Because according to the principle Yun Hao said, if the user is a Title Douluo, then even if the opponent is a Title Douluo, it will not escape the fate of being shot.

However, with Title Douluo's defensive ability, even if he wasn't really killed, he would definitely be seriously injured.

Once this powerful fixed-mounted Soul Guidance Device is on the battlefield, it will definitely smash the enemy's strongest heart wall. Without enough power, how can you counter it?

"Don't be surprised. This is only a slightly more advanced fixed-mounted soul guide, and there are more advanced ones, but the production process will be more complicated. For the time being, I won't take the time to do those..."

Putting away Odin's bow, the decision was naturally handed over to Pope Bibi Dong.

Such a heaven-defying weapon must be used in the Wuhun Hall.

Lou Gao has always longed for such an advanced soul guide to be built:

"His Royal Highness Saint Son is exceptionally wise and talented. I believe that the Wuhun Hall will be more brilliant!"

"Senior Lou Gao, the beautiful flowers, don't say much, what I told the Blacksmiths Association, you should be able to do it?" Yun Hao put aside the extra words and went straight to the subject.

"His Royal Highness, please rest assured that the Blacksmiths Association almost covers the metal material channels of the entire continent. Although the Clear Sky School also has special channels, as long as the Blacksmiths Association blocks their source of materials!"

"Then let Senior Lou Gao take care of this matter first, and Wuhun Hall will naturally not treat you badly. I hope you can clarify your position and position!"


Since Tang Sect had been established, Tang San would definitely come back.

But Tang Hao's experience for him is more than that, the City of Slaughter will also be a test place for Tang Hao to Tang San.


At this time, a guard of the Spirit Hall hurried to the trial site.

Bibi Dong immediately said: "What's the matter, say it!"

The guard replied respectfully, "The Young Master's plan has changed, and he is already on his way back under the escort of the elder!"

"What?" Bibi Dong's expression changed greatly, "How could the plan fail? Could it be that something was discovered?"

"The Pope is in no hurry!" Yun Hao was still very calm.

"Is the information you said true?"

"His Royal Highness, what the subordinates said is true!"

Yun Hao hadn't expected this.

Obviously, Qian Renxue has been told repeatedly, don't be so anxious to take action, just wait until the most suitable time, and successfully obtain the right of succession to the throne.

At this critical time, something went wrong.

"The Heaven Dou imperial family hides a title Douluo, the subordinates don't know the specific situation!"

"Oh, what about these things?" Yun Hao smiled softly, always feeling that things are getting more and more interesting.

Bibi Dong was in a bad mood at this time.

"When did the Tiandou imperial family have a titled Douluo? This is really strange..."

"His Majesty, Tiandou and Xingluo have been established before the Wuhun Temple, and their history is quite long. Maybe they really hide some masters." Yueguan said with a slightly charming voice.

"I am really interested in this Title Douluo..."

Yun Hao was also a little unexpected for this sudden change.

It's really amazing. The Three Young Masters never explained in the original work that there is still a titled powerhouse in Tian Dou.

From which garbage dump did this powerful titled man crawl out?

"In that case, I hope Elder Yueguan will take a trip to the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family and tell Sect Master Yu that their mission can be advanced!" Yun Hao said hurriedly.

"In addition, the ghost elders go to Xing Luo, let the plan be implemented there as soon as possible!"


This battle is already on the verge of breaking out, and it depends on which side can't sit still first.

But in Yunhao's plan, these are just a part.

Yun Hao left the trial site and quickly came to the room where Gu Yuena lived.

At this time Gu Yuena was meditating and practicing.

Sensing Yun Hao's breath, Gu Yuena immediately opened her eyes.

"Everything does not go to the Three Treasure Hall, this is what you humans say!" Gu Yuena smiled slightly.

"Oh, I can't come and talk to you if I'm fine!" Yun Hao walked quickly to Gu Yuena's bed, put her in his arms, and carefully took care of this beauty.

"Go ahead, what's the matter?"

"I'm going to condense the second soul core, by the way... I have to take someone to help her condense the soul core."


Gu Yuena seemed to be frightened and sat up all at once.

"You haven't reached the title of Douluo. It's not that easy to condense the second one. Besides...who else would you take?"

Condensed Soul Core Gu Yuena was the most familiar.

Yun Hao initially thought that by reaching the Soul Sage, he would be able to condense a second soul core.

However, Gu Yuena said that his soul core is very special. If you want to reach the dual core level of Yin and Yang, you must cultivate to the Title Douluo, otherwise it won't work even if it condenses.

"Young Master of Wuhun Palace, Qian Renxue!"

"I haven't seen her since I came here, but you often talk about it. I feel that the relationship between the two of you is very unusual?" Gu Yuena muttered.

Speaking of Qian Renxue, the conversation between Gu Yuena and Yun Hao suddenly stopped.

Yun Hao didn't know how to continue the topic, and Gu Yuena had been waiting for Yun Hao to give her a suitable answer.

Mainly, the relationship is a bit special, how do you explain it to Xiaona?

But because Gu Yuena has not been in the human world for too long, there are still many unsolved mysteries for her.

Yun Hao thought for a while and said:

"The young master is my iron buddy. I had a good relationship with her before I knew you. She has a very good personality and you can become good friends."

Gu Yuena blinked those charming eyes and said:

"Is it really?"

"Um... yes, of course it is!"

"I think you like her, and you like her more than me, right?"

Gu Yuena forcibly came to a conclusion, and wanted to break the casserole and ask the end.

Seeing Yun Hao didn't answer in time, Gu Yuena was a little unhappy and said:

"I doubt if you are sincere to me..."

"Of course you are sincere. Whether you are or Xuexue, I want to protect with my life. I can prove my heart for you, and the sun and the moon can learn from it!"

Yun Hao quickly voted on his attitude.

And... actually hummed a tune:

"You ask how much I love you, how much do I love you~~~"

"My heart is true, my love is true, the moon represents my heart~~~"

That man sang so affectionately and affectionately that his eyes were dim.

Gu Yuena didn't know what Yun Hao was singing, but she could feel Yun Hao's sincerity to herself, and singing to herself affectionately, he did not lie to herself.

Gu Yuena twistedly asked:

"Then you mean, do you like me more or her more?"

Often when girls ask this kind of life-and-death proposition, Yun Hao will not answer easily.

But it was Gu Yuena who asked this question, and Yun Hao did not hesitate.

"You are the people I love the most, and the people I want to protect the most. In my heart, you are both important. How can you compare such importance?"

Seeing that Gu Yuena was moved, Yun Hao continued:

"As long as it is the girl I like Yunhao, it is a unique existence in this world. They have the most important status in my heart and cannot be compared with each other!"

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