Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 191-Super Douluo Sacred Domain

It is no longer the so-called naming and abolition.

Bright Douluo is very domineering and very temperamental!

In the future, Yun Hao will also become a god of his own, this will be much stronger than the inheritance of gods, so what Yun Hao cares about is how long he can break through the 100-level mark.

Compared with the inheritance of the gods, becoming a god is much more difficult, because it takes enough power of faith to be able to become a god.

Moreover, the power of belief requires not only the belief in one's own heart, but also the belief of the outside world and even the universal belief of the entire world.

"Of course, it is more important now than what will happen in the future. The foundation has long been established. How fast you can rush depends on the situation..."

With Yun Hao's efforts, he successfully attached the ninth spirit ring and stepped into the door of Title Douluo.

Self number: Bright Douluo!

This is probably the fastest in the mainland to break through Title Douluo, and also the youngest.

Counting it down, Yun Hao is only 18 years old now, about the same age as when he first came to this world, just an adult.

And to break through to Title Douluo, with the help of the 150,000-year spirit ring, his spirit power directly reached level 94, which seemed to be only one step away from level 95.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully attaching the ninth spirit ring of the Emperor Guangming, and successfully reaching Title Douluo, rewarding lucky value 1000000!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully unlocking the Ninth Soul Ability Crystal Card of the Lady Luck Card. The reward is 32 million! A special skill will be given first, and the chance of activation is 50%!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for unlocking all the cooling spirit rings of the Lady Luck Card, excited and completing the hidden mission, and the age of all spirit rings has increased by 100,000 years!"

Yun Hao's forehead exploded, and Guangming Divine Emperor Wuhun himself appeared.

All the spirit rings on his body appeared one by one, and the colors of all the spirit rings had all turned into cold grayish white, without exception.

"Damn, all spirit rings are upgraded for 100,000 years?"

"I thought that rewarding more than 30 million lucky points would be strong enough. This increase in the age of the spirit ring is really awesome!"

Just thinking about it, the spirit ring that had originally turned gray and white began to appear strange red.

This red color represents the threshold of one hundred thousand years.

The first and obvious changes are the first spirit ring, the seventh spirit ring, the eighth spirit ring and the ninth spirit ring just obtained. The first three colors have changed from the original red to blood red, and the ninth spirit ring is even more It turned from red to dark red!

The second spirit ring to the sixth spirit ring changed from the original black to the eye-catching red, representing that they were all over a hundred thousand years old!

Now every soul ring in Yun Hao's body is more than 100,000 years old. This is a peerless miracle and a unique existence in this world.

"Soul power... Am I breaking through again?"

All nine spirit rings were upgraded for 100,000 years, allowing Yun Hao to successfully break through to the 95th level peak, reaching the level of Super Douluo.

In other words, even if Bibi Dong is in front of him, he can still be compared.

With the addition of the second martial arts goddess of luck card, it can even be stronger than Bibi Dong.

"This is the result I want to see. Being able to break through the limit of cultivation at this speed seems to be helpful to the system, so there is no need to worry about the god position problem behind!

If you want to become a god with the identity of a human soul master, you must break through the hundred-level mark of a soul master, including Gu Yuena's role.

Even if she is the Silver Dragon King and transformed into a human being, she must be able to achieve eternity in this way, otherwise there is still a dead end.

"I will also help Xiaona fulfill her long-cherished wish, and the rules of the God Realm should also be changed!"

With an idea in his mind, Yun Hao quickly recovered his mood and began to feel the changes in Wuhun.

Turning on the Emperor of Light, Yun Hao wears a golden holy armor, like a messenger of light descending to the world, holding the sword of light to punish all evil in this world.

The bright soul core and the sacred soul core were in the same place, and his own soul power completely broke the limit that the body could bear, but also because of the existence of the dual soul core, Yun Hao no longer worried that his soul power was not enough.

"Wait, this is..."

When he felt the spirit of martial arts quietly, a special call was sensed in his body.

The ninth spirit ring just obtained, one of the two spirit abilities obtained was actually a domain spirit ability.

This is Yun Hao's second realm, and the first realm is the light realm opened at the moment the light body opens.

And what opened at this time was the second realm, the sacred realm!

The effect of the sacred realm is that as long as he is in the realm, Yun Hao can obtain a sacred body, possess an immortal body, can be resurrected by any drop of sacred power in the realm, and increase his sacred attribute by 300%. In other words, it is tripled. In the sacred realm, you will be protected by the sacred light, and the power burst will increase by a large amount, as long as Yun Hao wants to.

Just like now, Yun Hao opened the sacred realm.

Within a hundred meters of a radius, it was simultaneously shrouded in a piece of golden light, and everything was golden.

The plants, trees, flowers and trees here are all controlled by Yun Hao's personal consciousness, and their lives have become more tenacious than before.

Soothed by the divine light, these things will center on Yunhao.

Once the enemy is shrouded in the realm and washed away by the baptism of the sacred light, the soul power in the body will be continuously evaporated, directly wiping out the opponent's power.

This field is very powerful, and the soul power that needs to be consumed is naturally huge.

Before the change, Yun Hao would not easily use the sacred realm, but now with the dual soul core in his hand, his soul power is completely sufficient.

"This feeling is unprecedented. Is this the sacred realm?"

Yun Hao stood in the air, the luster on his body was the center of this world, and he was the sacred center.

The golden shining across the world, one can feel the huge fluctuations of soul power in the body, every meridian, every blood vein, and every cell can clearly feel the feeling brought by the sacred realm, how wonderful and magical!

"When the golden color overlooks the earth and the sky welcomes eternal light, this world will surrender under my feet. I will not let everyone down, nor will I let this world down, let alone myself!"

Yun Hao closed his eyes and looked up at Tianqian.

Above the sky, the clouds are full of golden light.

He felt the induction brought by the energy of heaven and earth, and was assimilated by the divine light. All the energy in the domain would respond to Yun Hao's call and become a force led and driven by himself.

He sang in his heart, and every time he sang a sentence, the power of the divine light would increase a bit. When he had shown the strongest power he could express, the effect of the divine realm had reached its limit.

This is just the beginning, and it will still increase as the cultivation base improves.

Compared with ordinary spirit abilities, domain-type spirit abilities are much stronger than ordinary spirit abilities.

"Light and sacred come at the same time, and there will be no shadow of night in the world. This will be the eternal light, illuminating the darkness!"

While Yun Hao was familiar with the power he had just acquired, Zhu Zhuqing also sensed an aura of tremendous power outside the Star Dou Great Forest.

She came out and headed into the forest.

Seeing somewhere in the sky, golden light bursts, I can feel that there is a very powerful force supporting it.

"Is it him?" Zhu Zhuqing muttered.

"Why can you always create miracles in your body? Are you the messenger of light? Is your appearance to save this chaotic world?"

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