Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 197-The Secret

Hu Liena watched Qian Renxue drink like that, she was still a little repulsive, because this was really the darkest and most disgusting thing she had experienced.

Drinking human blood, there is a sense of fear of being dominated by inner demons.

Seeing human blood in this way makes the head unnaturally dizzy.

"Don't be afraid of Nana, if you want to become stronger, you have to overcome the demons and fears. This is what you must experience." Yun Hao encouraged Hu Liena as much as possible, hoping that she could come out as soon as possible.

Hu Liena tried to concentrate and keep her heart calm:

"I...I try..."

Her somewhat trembling hand kept approaching Bloody Mary, then suppressing the fear in her heart, she picked up a cup and gradually approached her mouth.

First, I felt the disgusting smell with my tongue, and my heart was shocked.

In contrast, Qian Renxue was much calmer. She forcibly endured the urge to vomit and drank three cups of Bloody Mary into her belly.

"Xue, feel the taste with your heart, accept and apply it with your heart, don't let your own consciousness be disliked or hated!" Yun Hao calmed Qian Renxue's mind, which was also helping himself.

If you divert your attention, you don't feel nauseous and nauseous.

Hu Liena also drank the Bloody Mary according to Yun Hao's intention, and almost vomited out.

When the strong pungent smell of blood flowed upstream and reached his mouth, Hu Liena swallowed again with tears.

After several psychological twists and turns, Hu Liena and Qian Renxue managed to overcome them.

"Congratulations to the three of you for passing the first test, then please follow me!"

The shopkeeper turned around and walked towards the hall platform. It seemed that something had been touched. The platform immediately divided into two halves, splitting towards the sides, exposing a huge hole in the ground.The cold wind blew up from the cave, receiving instructions from the shopkeeper, the three of them immediately jumped down, and when their bodies were completely inside, they were instantly submerged in pitch black.

In the darkness, they have already stepped on the ground after falling for a few meters, without light, Yun Hao and Qian Renxue perceive everything around them with their spiritual power.

This is a long corridor extending diagonally downwards, and the cold breath constantly blows over the bodies of the three of them.But they still strode forward.

As they marched 1,462 steps, a cold voice suddenly came from all directions, "Welcome to the killing capital. This is the capital of hell, the world full of killing. Here, you can get The price of everything you want is your life."

The spiritual power was released, but Yun Hao immediately felt that the material of the tunnel was so special that he couldn't penetrate it even with his spiritual power.His face changed slightly, and Yun Hao's expression froze a little.They didn't stop, and moved forward in the dark, their mental power became a guiding light.

After turning a corner, a faint light came from ahead, Yun Hao immediately grabbed Qian Renxue's hand, Haoxue's divine power quickly activated, and the two bodies immediately brightened.The light ahead suddenly magnified in his eyes, it was an open door.On the other side of the portal, there is a breath of life.

They couldn't move forward, and when they walked out of the tunnel, a hundred and one figures appeared in front of them.

They were all dressed in black armor, and even their faces were completely covered by helmets. One hundred of them were holding epees.Only one person sat on the tall war horse.His horse is also covered with thick black armor.

"Congratulations on passing the first level, but if you want to enter the capital city of the Slaughter City, you still need to pass my level." The deep voice sounded extremely cold, and it didn't seem to be said from the population.It was the black knight who was sitting right away.

Yun Hao did not look at him, but cast his eyes behind his back.What he saw was a black city.The thick black city wall was extremely wide, it turned out to be a city, and there was a purple moon hanging above the city.The moon is very low, it seems that it is less than five hundred meters away from the ground. Looking up again, everything is black, like a dark night.

"Oh, is the second level defeating you?" Yun Hao asked calmly.

The black armored knight's voice is still cold, without the slightest human aura, "Yes, if you defeat me, you have the qualifications to enter, then who of you will come first?"

"But if you die, will the three of us easily get in?" Yun Hao said.

"Hahaha!" The man suddenly laughed, "The soul master who came here can't use the power of the martial arts, how are you going to kill me, huh?"

The knight's spear in the black-armored knight's hand slowly raised, and pointed at Yun Hao, with a calm and slightly ironic tone that made Yun Hao feel a little ridiculous.

Slaughter has a special restriction, that is, all soul masters who come here cannot use martial spirit power, and here only the Slaughter King can use martial spirit power.

Because this is the place where the god Shura inherits, it will be suppressed by the power of Shura, and the power of Shura belongs to the most extreme power of darkness.

However, they found the wrong person, Yun Hao and Qian Renxue were not afraid of this.

"I am Scott, the horror knight, and I am glad to meet you!"

The icy breath permeated, and an awe-inspiring murderous aura rushed forward.Compared with the real murderous aura, although the murderous aura exuded by this black armored knight was too small, it was a bit sharper.

Scott doesn't know what kind of strength Yun Hao and Qian Renxue have, but since they are guarding the terrorist knights here, they must do their best to accuse them of guarding the rules here.

Yun Hao and Qian Renxue glanced at each other, and then mobilized their spirit power. The God Emperor of Light and the Seraphim bloomed in an instant. The intense light dispelled the darkness, but Shura's power could not be suppressed.

The two released their hands, but apart from the two of them, Hu Liena couldn't use her martial arts, because her martial arts were different from Yun Hao and Qian Renxue.

"Feng... Title Douluo?" Scott saw the nine spirit rings on Qian Renxue's body, and he shuddered immediately.

"Now, are we qualified and capable to kill you?" Yun Hao said with a smile.

Scott and the other hundred knights showed horror on their faces, and they couldn't speak.

"Dare to ask Douluo to come down to my killing city, what is the so-called?" Scott asked in a trembling voice.

"Well, can't you come if you are fine?"

"No... of course not, it's just... even if Title Douluo comes here, it's impossible to use Martial Spirit, what are you guys?" This is what Scott finds the strangest.

"This question is a good question, but I am not going to tell you. I just want to say that you are here as I want to come and go, so don’t talk too much nonsense. I brought my friends here to experience, so you know what to do. Right?"

"This... isn't it great?" Scott said.

"What did I say?"


"I mean you can let us in now?" Yun Hao asked.

"But you...I..."

"Scott, let them in!" At this moment, a voice came from the end of Ziyue, very strange.

"Yes, Lord Slaughter!" Scott immediately gave way to Yun Hao and the three of them, and no longer blocked them.

But even if you want to stop it, I'm afraid I don't have that strength.

The two titled Douluo, in front of them, were themselves an ant that could be crushed to death at any time.

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