Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 199 - Swordsmanship

This figure is too special.There doesn't seem to be four or two flesh on the whole body.If it were not for the skin on the outside, I am afraid it would be easy to misunderstand that he is a skeleton.Moreover, through simple observations, Tang San could clearly feel that this person was not caused by any special exercises.Deficiency of both qi and blood may cause death at any time.

"Can someone like him pass through the hell killing field once a year?" Hu Liena asked the black yarn girl.

The skull-shaped person saw the black gauze girl on the other side of Hu Liena, as if she had encountered something terrible, she didn't dare to do more, and quickly disappeared into the dark Zheng.

"Of course not. Not everyone needs to be baptized in the Hell Killing Field. After all, the mortality rate there is too high. Apart from experiencing a battle in the Hell Killing Field every year, there is another way to kill. The capital survives. That is to contribute two cups of Bloody Mary every month."

Hearing the words Bloody Mary, Hu Liena suddenly felt a nausea rushing into her heart.

Before entering the killing city, Yun Hao took her to drink three cups of Bloody Mary.

At that time, she held it back, and this was suddenly mentioned, which directly caused her to endure all the nausea.


Hu Liena immediately squatted in a corner and began to vomit blood, instead of spitting out the bloody Mary who had drunk before.

The bloody Mary who had not been absorbed and digested by the body was vomited out by her, which made her feel relieved.

"Don't worry about this, just wait for you to get used to it. In the killing fields of hell, you will experience something more cruel and bloody than this..." The black veil girl kindly comforted Hu Liena.

The black yarn girl continued to explain: "You are now in the outer city of the Slaughter City, not the real Slaughter City. Only the inner city is a place where there are really no rules. Those who contribute to the bloody Mary can only stay outside. City activities, while the outer city is not allowed to kill at will. Only those warriors who survived the killing fields in the hell are qualified to live in the inner city. Of course, the enjoyment they can get there is greater than the outside, but they will always Facing the test of death."

"So, the Slaughter City is completely another world, then, what is the source of the Slaughter City's food? In this kind of place, I am afraid it is impossible to grow it, and no one will go back to plant it." Hu Liena said, His eyes always fell on the black yarn girl.His dream pupil is not a spirit ability, and will not be restricted by the restrictions here.In this short period of time, he simply experimented.The skills attached to the soul bone will not be affected by this special field.

The black yarn girl's face changed slightly, "I'm sorry, I don't know this. I can't answer you."

Hu Liena said lightly: "I really look forward to how the hell killing field is a place to eat forgiveness..."

The more mysterious, the more interested Hu Liena, and hope to get there soon.

Walking on the road, the number of people on both sides gradually increased, and almost everyone's face showed unhealthy paleness, and more of them were skinny, completely lacking the skin color and appearance that an ordinary person should have.

Needless to say, these are people who dare not enter the killing fields of hell, but linger by contributing two cups of Bloody Mary every month.

Hu Liena had fresh memories of the three Bloody Marys she had drunk. She clearly remembered that that cup was at least half a catty, and three cups was one and a half catty. It was terrifying to think about contributing two cups a month.

One or two months may not have a big impact, but if you continue to contribute your blood in this sunless place, how can your body be able to eat it.

Hu Liena thought to herself, perhaps, this city of killing is a hell capital built between death and survival, and only by choosing the right direction can it survive.

In the outer city of the Slaughter City, there are some simple black stone houses on both sides of the street, and every stretch of the road, there will be some special eating places.Many people lined up there waiting for the food to be distributed.In the sense, it is just better than the beggar.As for the so-called paradise of sin, there is no such thing as pleasure.

For this problem, the explanation given by the black yarn girl is also very simple.The wicked are also divided into three, six or nine classes. Only the truly powerful wicked can enjoy themselves in this fallen paradise.As for the useless waste, he has no right to enjoy it, and he can only linger in the outer city until he dies.

The city was bigger than Hu Liena had imagined. After more than half an hour, when Hu Liena got to know the outer city, the black veil girl brought him to a wall.

Compared with the outer wall of the Slaughter City, this city wall is not high, and the highest point is only about ten meters.Obviously, behind this city wall is the inner city of the Slaughter City.

The city gate was wide open, and there were no guards here.

Seeing Hu Liena's somewhat puzzled look, the black yarn girl indifferently introduced to her: "The inner city does not need to be guarded. People in the outer city can go inside at any time as long as they have the courage to enter. Of course, when they are inside, they must also To withstand the unknowns of the inner world. You have just arrived in the killing capital. I suggest you better live in the outer city for a while. After you have adapted to everything here, you should enter the inner city. Later, after entering the inner city Please do not leave me five meters away, otherwise, I cannot guarantee your safety."


All of the killings have a new protection period, and this black yarn girl is the messenger of the killing king. This is also the rule of the killing king, and it is the rule of the killing city.

Just as soon as he stepped into the inner city, Hu Liena immediately felt a completely different atmosphere from the outer city.

If the outer city is a dead, indifferent world.Then, the inner city is a luxurious and crazy world.Various colors of light can be seen everywhere.There are more people in the inner city than the outer city, which is completely different from the quietness of the outer city.

The inner city is extremely chaotic.There were excited laughter, painful crying everywhere, and many creepy voices.

"It's a world of beasts rather than a paradise of sin." Hu Liena said a little plain and coldly, because she had adapted to the atmosphere here.

After it will be completed, it must be completed!

"Some things are impossible to come here, otherwise you will face the danger of being killed." The black yarn girl reminded.

"Then take me to the killing fields of hell!"

The black yarn girl was obviously dissatisfied with her, this time she stopped persuading her, but strode to the inner city.

The inner city can indeed be a luxury city, or it can be corrupt.Just like the black yarn girl, with her by her side, although a lot of unkind eyes fell on Hu Liena, no one dared to mess around.

Here, Hu Liena's heart kept shrinking, and in his eyes, he saw too many things that he had never seen before...

Although there was no food in her belly, Hu Liena almost vomited several times.The disgust for this world is increasing exponentially.

She suddenly discovered that in this killing city, she didn't need to deliberately control it, and the killing intent would continue to surge up. It seems that only through killing can you release the hostility accumulated in your heart. This is the most terrifying place in this sin paradise!

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