Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 212 - The Light of Hope

The eighty-eighth level is two steps away from the ninetieth level.

Hu Liena heard the words and said: "My Asura's second test is to raise my soul power to level ninety. That's great, so I can reach Title Douluo soon, too, thank you so much, en wow~~~"

Hu Liena grabbed Yun Hao's neck and kissed Yun Hao contentedly.

Qian Renxue glared at Yun Hao when she saw it, then gave Hu Liena a hard look.

I am embarrassed to vent the dissatisfaction that was suppressed in my heart, and I became more and more angry.

After accepting a Gu Yuena, does this orphan have to rob Haohao from him?

Yun Hao said in embarrassment: "Haha, that... let's go back first. It's a good thing to be able to break through, it's all a good thing..."

Man, it's really a brainstorm to deal with the relationship between women.

The matter of coming to the Slaughter City has been dealt with. The point is to get the support of Haotian Douluo Tang Chen.

His decision can change the current thinking and situation of the Clear Sky School, and it is not a bad thing to lose one opponent in the Spirit Hall.

"Haohao, thank you so much for helping me..." Hu Liena took Yun Hao's arm as he was walking, "I really don't know how to repay you, or else. ....."

"Why don't we wait for our age, my house will give it to you, OK?"


Yun Hao staggered and almost didn't fall.

Qian Renxue said angrily: "What weird things are you thinking about, is it so casual to marry?"

Hu Liena said, "Anyway, I think Haohao is very good. It is not impossible for me to marry him. As long as Haohao is willing, I will marry!"

"Oh?" Qian Renxue deliberately stretched her voice, staring at Yun Hao and asked: "Then are you willing... or not?"

Qian Renxue smiled, but Yun Hao saw absolute hostility from this smile, for fear that she would say yes to her in the next second...

Yun Hao didn't answer directly, he would inevitably encounter Qian Renxue's poison eye attack.

Hu Liena quickly explained: "Young Master, don't push Haohao so much. Haohao is so good and handsome. I like any girl who doesn't like it!"

Yun Hao is really about to vomit blood, so he doesn't pay attention to the timing of his words!

Although I know that I am handsome and excellent, since I am so active in confession, I must find the most appropriate time.

Qian Renxue said angrily: "Do you still need to remind you of these things? Of course I know, don't you think of marrying yourself so casually?"

This situation is not easy to speak out bluntly, I can only talk about her in a different way.

Hu Liena said, "It's not casual to marry Haohao, I think it's good."

In this way, the firework between the two women was ignited. If it weren't for Yun Hao, Qian Renxue would almost be angry, and the realm would have been with Hu Liena.

Yun Hao could only remain silent, sandwiched between Qian Renxue and Hu Liena, feeling the anger of the two at each other.

Now only time can save myself, but it feels so slow...

Once this war of tears and beeps begins, it will be out of control.

I wanted to do it but felt that it was better to do it than to do it, but none of them would take a step back.

They have been back to the Wuhun Palace, their war has not ceased.

Yun Hao attacked decisively, "Well, Xue, Nana, calm down, calm down, go to the Pope's Palace first!" He handed Qian Renxue and Hu Liena hand in hand, trying very hard to persuade him.

Qian Renxue said angrily: "Which papal palace to go, go by yourself, I will not go, huh..."

She put a word down and turned and left without looking back.

Hu Liena made a face at Qian Renxue, which made her feel a little relieved.

Exempting Pope Bibi Dong from inspection, Yun Hao hurried to find Qian Renxue and took out the gift he had prepared for her for a long time.

It was the fine digital egg that was left, with the badge of hope on it.

When she saw Qian Renxue, she was still sulking and didn't want to see Yun Hao.

After several sweet talks by Yun Hao, she slowly calmed down the anger in her heart.

"Xue, why do you still learn to be jealous, don't you think I love you enough?"

Qian Renxue said: "I can see your little flower intestines clearly. I know how to speak sweet words, and there are flowers and grass everywhere. First, Gu Yuena, and now Hu Liena, I am a little suspicious of you. ..."

"What do you doubt, you have to have faith in your man, come on, take one!"


Yun Hao forcibly kissed Qian Renxue, but Qian Renxue smiled while covering her mouth, and was amused by Yun Hao's cheap look.

"Look at what this is?" Yun Hao took out the boutique digital egg.

"This is... an egg?"

"Yeah,, it's a digital egg, for you!"

Qian Renxue hesitated: "What's the use of this thing?"

Yun Hao said, "You drop your blood on the egg first, and you can see the result tomorrow."

Qian Renxue dripped a drop of blood on the boutique digital egg according to Yun Hao's intention, and the blood magically soaked into the egg.

A twenty-four hour countdown time appeared on the eggshell, and the incubation time was one day.

"That's it, tomorrow you will know the power of this thing."

The next day, Qian Renxue got up early in the morning and stood by the boutique digital egg.

Until the twenty-four hours after returning to zero, the eggshell cracked, and golden light burst out from it. Qian Renxue suddenly stood up and looked carefully.

"what is this?"

The eggshell turned into light spots and kept closing up, and the last very cute and cute animal appeared, and the light spot made by the eggshell finally ran to the strange animal.

The little thing has big watery eyes, and both ears can be used as a fan, and the body is like a balloon, so cute.

"Hello Master, I am Badamon!"


The badge of hope represents the Digimon Batmon, which has the ability to grow.

The Bada beast cleverly rubbed Qian Renxue's body, "Master, let the Bada beast accompany you in the future, so that no enemy will harm the master."

Qian Renxue couldn't believe it, what could such a little guy do?

To play with?Accompany chat?Or sleep with me?

"What can you do?" Qian Renxue asked.

"Badamon can evolve, fight, and fight off enemies."

"Evolution? How to evolve?"

Qian Renxue suddenly became interested, thinking this Bada beast would not be a cub of some powerful soul beast, right?

It can speak human words at such a young age, and it always feels special in its breath.

"Master, I can evolve into a combat type and help Master fight."

As he said, Badamon's two big ears kept beating and flying.

It stopped in midair, took a deep breath, and felt the power surging inside.

"Badamon evolution-angel beast!"

It shouted passionately, the sleeping power in the body seemed to be awakened, and golden light burst out from the body.

Like the light of hope, it brings infinite light.

The Badamon was wrapped in light, Qian Renxue stared at it with wide eyes.

After a few seconds, only six white and flawless wings spread out, and a figure emerged from the light.

It was an angel whose eyes were covered by a ribbon, holding a white sword, with a fairy air, which was very similar to Qian Renxue's own Martial Spirit Seraphim.

"This is..." Qian Renxue looked shocked, "Is there still such a soul beast?"

"Master, please call me an angel beast!" The angel beast's imperial sister-like voice formed a sharp contrast with the previous Bada beast's milky voice.

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