Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 216-The Terror of the Fixed Soul Guidance Device-Chapter 217-The Title Enters the War

Although there were not as many people on the side of the Spirit Hall as Tian Dou, the tacit cooperation, coupled with the super powerful fixed-mounted Soul Guidance Device, was like a broken bamboo, and the Heaven Dou side was defeated steadily.

The spirit skills of the auxiliary spirit masters are constantly being used. The defensive spirit masters headed by the four elephant armor sects in the front have become the thickest shields. The iron armored guards released the Gatling guns and cannons after the Holy Dragon Soul Master Corps released , The same hand-held melee fixed-mounted Soul Guidance device all went into battle.

The Qinglong Yanyue Breaking Knife, Zhangba Shooting Spear, Fangtian Painting Dragon Halberd, King Kong Invincible Thunderbolt Hammer, and Qinghong Demolition Sword are all specially crafted by Yun Hao for the Iron Armored Guards.After the Tiandou Empire encountered the tragic bombardment of the Gatling machine guns and cannons, the deaths and injuries were spreading. Taking advantage of the momentum to retreat, the iron armored guards took advantage of the victory and pursued. At this moment, the power of the melee fixed installation of the Soul Guidance device was fully revealed. Headed by Marshal Ge Long, he was unable to retreat all over. He had to fight hard, but the rate of fire and burst of the Gatling gun was too strong. Almost all of them suffered a lot of injuries, and they couldn't resist the spirit hall. Power offensive.

"Damn it! It seems that I can only retreat temporarily..." Ge Long saw that his 100,000 army was about to be wiped out in a short time by the opponent, and he could no longer continue to consume it.

Although the Wuhun Palace side had more serious casualties, it was a huge profit compared with the army of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Ge Long let several veterans deal with each other temporarily, looking for opportunities to evacuate the battlefield of Jialing Pass.

At the rear of the army, when Tang San saw the mysterious soul guides that made him utterly stunned, his heart was not only panic, but also fanatical.

The Soul Guidance Device that even Tang Sect hidden weapons can't contend can reach such a terrifying level.

Master Yu Xiaogang shook his body, apparently ignorant of the Soul Guidance device secretly developed by the Soul Hall, and as the honorary elder of Soul Hall, he did not know, "They have already made enough preparations, so Even if the Martial Soul Palace is reached, even if we and the Star Luo Empire are attacked from north to south, we may not be able to defeat them."

Tang Hao laughed loudly, "Master, why are you panicking? The show just started. Compared to consumption, the Spirit Hall must not be able to compare with the two empires. In the end, I will wait for the action and let them know how powerful it is."

"Dad is right. Although the Soul Masters in the Wuhun Hall are strong, the number of troops is pitifully small, and the forces that have been incorporated by them are not all on the battlefield. Didn't the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family also come?"

Tang San said calmly: "Look for an opportunity to go straight to Jialing Pass, take their most important level first, and then things will be easier to handle!"

"We all support Xiaosan!"

However, in fact, everything is beyond their expectations.

After that, they fought against the Wuhun Palace for six days and six nights. Because the Wuhun Palace is relatively conservative, the number of soul masters and legions in each battle is not too large, but they can always win more with less, such as fighting a million army today. There are only 600,000 left.

The most important thing is the mysterious fixed-mounted Soul Guidance Device in the Wuhun Hall, whose power is almost impossible to phenomenon.

"Why can that soul guide be used all the time? Doesn't it consume soul power?" Tang San only discovered this strangeness now and heard his words.Others also expressed their views.

However, how could they know that the core of the fixed soul guide was engraved with an inscription formation, and a large amount of soul power was sealed. Once the formation is touched, it can produce super bursts and strength, even if the heavenly fighting army has a quantitative advantage Huge, in front of the fixed installed Soul Guidance Device, it still seemed vulnerable.

The soul master can barely support a certain period of time, but ordinary fighters can't resist it. Once hit, they will either die or be seriously injured.

In addition to the Holy Dragon Soul Master Legion and the Angel Legion, the Wuhun Temple also has ordinary troops. Therefore, Yun Hao has carefully considered the setting of the fixed soul guide. According to some of his novel ideas, he has created a set suitable for melee outbreaks. The Soul Guidance Device is used for the Iron Armored Guards, while the Sacred Dragon Soul Master Legion can use the long-range fixed Soul Guidance Device, which can be activated only by injecting its own soul power, and the explosive power is determined by the amount of soul power it has injected.

After a few days, the Heaven Dou army had been beaten so hard to make any major moves.

Before he was sure enough, he would never send so much army power and soul master power again.

It is necessary to first understand what the fixed installed soul guide used by the Wuhun Palace is and why there is such a terrifying power.

So they took the opportunity to snatch a few scrapped fixed-mounted soul guides, that is, fixed-mounted soul guides for close combat.

In the camp, everyone stared intently at the fixed soul guide that Tang San was holding, showing a sense of strangeness.

"This thing is designed ingeniously and ingeniously. The key is what is its mode of operation?" Tang San himself couldn't see the clue, "It seems that it needs to be disassembled before we know it."

Tang Hao looked at his son and said, "Since the Wuhun Temple can be built, we are naturally not afraid of what we discover. Even if we know it, we cannot change the current situation..."

Tang San said, "But at least we understand the power and structure of this thing. We can try our best to avoid resisting its power, look for the other party's flaws, and then look for opportunities to sneak attack on Jialing Pass!"

"Xiao San is right. Since you can't confront Wuhun Palace head-on, you can only think of special countermeasures." Yu Xiaogang has always supported Tang San and treated him like his own son, so no matter what, Always stand on the same line with him.

The splicing method of the fixed soul guide is extremely unique, and Tang San also took a lot of effort to disassemble it, revealing the internal structure and soul guide core.Only Yun Hao knew the special features and design concept of the inscription formation on the core, and Tang San couldn't understand the mystery no matter how much he fumbled.

"It's too difficult, how could this kind of thing exist, what exactly is this?" Tang San was shocked, thinking that there shouldn't be such a thing in this world, it's beyond common sense, and it's impossible to complete it.

The culmination of the Tang Sect hidden weapons all had certain rationale and basic structural theory, but this thing completely exceeded his cognition of the soul guide.

The powerhouses including Tang Hao said that they had never seen such a soul guide.

"What kind of secret is still hidden in the Wuhun Hall? It seems that they are really imperative to unify the mainland, and they have absolute confidence..." Yu Xiaogang said in horror.

When Prince Xue Xing heard this, he frowned at first, but quickly recovered his calm, "You can rest assured that it is impossible for the Spirit Hall to succeed, even if they have a Peerless Douluo Qian Daoliu. Can't control the battle, because in this world, there are still existences stronger than Qian Daoliu!"

Hearing this, Tang Hao asked, "The prince is so sure, does he know something... In other words, even I don't even know that the prince is still a titled Douluo!"

Jian Douluo Chenxin said: "The prince is inherited from the ancient sect of the Purple Electric Glazed Glazed Sect. Unfortunately, we do know too little about the Purple Electric Glazed Glazed Sect!"

Everyone nodded simultaneously.

"At this point, I won't sell the pass. The first strongest of my sect is about to leave the pass. We will win this battle. You can rest assured!" Xue Xing promised.

For his self-confidence, there is naturally a reason for his own self-confidence, and everyone did not question it.

But he has a keen interest in the strongest purple colored glaze.

Everyone knows that the three peerless Douluo in the world, the Haotian Douluo Tang Chen from the Clear Sky School, the Qian Daoliu from the Wuhun Temple, and the most mysterious Seagod Island High Priest Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi, but I don't know, there are still other strong men hidden in this world.

Prince Xue Xing dared to say that, then the strongest of the Purple Light Glazed Glass Sect had at least reached level ninety-nine, if he was stronger than Qian Daoliu, it would be really terrifying.

"At the moment, let's stabilize the situation and control our power output points, so that we can no longer be consumed by the Spirit Hall. Besides, do you have the idea of ​​attacking Jialing Pass?" Prince Xue Xing asked.

When it comes to fighting, Tang Hao really hasn’t been afraid of anyone, and he is also the most active one, “This can be there, but there are three old immortals in the sky over there. If you trust me, leave it to me to solve it, and you will attack the level together. , The opportunity is greater."

Sect Master Ning Fengzhi of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect said: "I will assist you. In this trial contest between titles, apart from figuring out the opponent's combat power, it is also the best opportunity for us to take the opportunity to come up with countermeasures."

"Dad, the total of all the auxiliary spirit masters of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect is not lost to the spirit auxiliary team of the Wuhun Hall, and we are distracted to control the secret method."

"With the support of Sect Master Ning, unless Qian Daoliu comes in person, they are definitely not my opponents." Tang Hao said.

Now that it was only the last step to cross the threshold of level ninety-nine, into the realm that Title Douluo dreamed of, everyone had enough confidence in this Vast Sky Douluo.

"The ambitions of the Wuhun Temple are too great. If we fail to end their ambitions in this battle, then our result will only be defeat."

"Now that everyone has discussed it, let's do this for the time being. Everyone will fix and adjust their status. We will catch them by surprise tomorrow morning."

And when the Heaven Dou Empire side was discussing the situation of Ning-Japanese War, Wuhun Palace was also plotting something.

Dugu Bo, Hu Liena, Xie Yue, Yan, and the three elders of the Elder Palace quietly chatted about how to deal with tomorrow's battle.

"They have lost so many times. Tomorrow they will definitely try to sneak attack on Jialing Pass. The worship elders are already on their way. The time is right. There is a Vast Sky Douluo among them. I can only do my best to delay. Live, as for the task of defending the city, the old poison is your important task!" An elder said seriously.

Dugu Bo said: "Don't worry, everyone, I have the secret weapon that His Royal Highness has specifically explained. As long as you hold Tang Hao, Hu Liena and I, plus the five thousand angel army, deal with the others, it should be no problem."

"Elder Dugu talked about the AWM sniper cannon?" Yan was immediately full of interest. It seemed that he hadn't tried it yet. I only tried the advanced fixed-mounted Soul Guidance device before. The real power is still in the AWM sniper gun I don’t know how this AWM sniper gun is.

Dugu Bo said: "I originally wanted to use Odin's divine bow, but was rejected by the Pope. His Royal Highness said that the AWM sniper cannon is enough, because he has already handled Tang Chen, and there is no peerless strong man to fight. They are not opponents of Wuhun Palace."

The installed Soul Guidance Device was enough for them, and it was wishful thinking to want to take the Jialing Pass so easily.

And on such a short and peaceful night, the Heaven Dou Empire and the Wuhun Temple had discussed their respective strategies, and the two sides made good plans for the real fierce battle tomorrow.

After all, the peace of a night is only a short dream, and what is greeted is still the cruel reality.

When the dawn of dawn again ushered in a new day, everything will return to the fire.

The horn of war sounded for the first time, and the Heaven Dou Empire wanted to carry out a surprise attack, but the Spirit Hall was extremely vigilant, and naturally it was fully prepared.

When the Tiandou Empire army, led by Marshal Ge Long and the generals, once again confronted the Iron Armored Guards in the Wuhun Palace, this raging war ignited again.

And this time, not only the soul masters from various forces have joined the battlefield, but even the strong men who have been tolerant have also joined the battlefield.

"Little San, be optimistic, this will be a battle for you to improve your combat experience, you must watch it carefully!" Tang Hao said to Tang San very seriously without looking back.

Tang San nodded, but did not speak.

Vast Sky Douluo Tang Hao, Jian Douluo Chenxin, Bone Douluo Gu Rong, three titled powerhouses, as well as soul master powerhouses from Tang Sect, Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, Shrek Academy, and others have joined the battlefield. Luo Xuexing stayed behind in the army.

The power that the basic fixed-installed soul guide of the Wuhun Temple needs to exert is still flawed for those above the soul sage, but this is not the point.

They had already prepared for the Wuhun Hall to face such a powerful enemy attack.

The Angel Legion joins the battlefield. This is the strongest Soul Master Legion in the Angel Legion. Everyone uses the strength above the Soul Sage, and the leader can reach the Contra level.

The three elders of the Wuhun Hall rose to the sky to meet Haotian Douluo Tang Hao, Dugu Bo and others stayed behind at Jialing Pass, where the Angel Legion will show its power.

Tang Hao's cultivation reached the ninety-eighth level peak. Without three or four Title Douluo, he could not stop his offensive.

Even so, he can only do his best to contain it, and it is extremely difficult to cause any harm to him.

Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo, and the Golden Triangle mainly attacked the city. Tangmen, Shrek and other spirit masters are responsible for sweeping away the spirit masters who have fixed-installed soul guides in the Spirit Hall.

A circle of spirit ring light bloomed at the same time, rendering the entire world a splendid and colorful appearance. When the light emerged, the first thing that came suddenly was the Golden Triangle from Shrek Academy.

The flying corner of Flanders, the killing corner of Liu Erlong, and the wise corner of Yu Xiaogang, the trinity martial arts fusion skill golden sacred dragon, possessing the terrifying power comparable to Title Douluo.

The golden sacred dragon let out an excited dragon chant, vibrating its huge pair of golden wings, and flew towards Jialing Pass in the air.

"Seventh Soul Ability, Bilin's real body——-"

Dugu Bo also immediately released his martial soul real body, facing the golden holy dragon.

The golden light beam spurted from the golden holy dragon's mouth, with great power.But Dugu Bo was not afraid. Medusa's gaze actually broke through the sky, broke through the attack of the Golden Sacred Dragon, and directly petrified it. In one move, he created his own soul skill and shook his tail, and flicked his tail over, making him haggard. Golden sacred dragon.

Dugu Bo received the ten-headed sun snake inner alchemy given to him by Yun Hao. In addition, he has been disdainfully working hard. Now his spirit power is at the ninety-fourth level peak, and he will be able to break through Super Douluo by a bit. It is no longer something that the Golden Sacred Dragon can fight against.

"Old Poison, I didn't expect you to actually take refuge in the Wuhun Hall, you are a greedy person and fear of death!" Gu Rong was annoyed when he saw Dugu Bo.

The lonely, arrogant and arrogant Dugu Bo had disappeared. What Gu Rong saw was a coward who was willing to compromise with the Spirit Hall in order to survive.

Bone Douluo’s martial soul is known as the strongest defensive, and the most bizarre martial soul. Numerous joints revolve around his body. The soul rings on his body are shining one after another. The joints turned into a giant whip, and they were slammed. Dugubo screamed on the body of the Biphos Snake Emperor, and his body fell.

Sword Douluo's sword also immediately followed, and the sword aura condensed by his own soul power attached to the blade, making it more sharp.

The Seven Killing Sword had extremely strong attack power, and with a terrifying power, a sword pierced the air to Dugu Bo.

Two-to-one, it is an absolute advantage for Chenxin and Gu Rong. They still have the support of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect Master Ning Fengzhi, who is known as the strongest support in the whole continent, and they are not afraid of Dugu Bo.

Even though Dugu Bo's cultivation base is infinitely close to Super Douluo, Sword Douluo is already Super Douluo, and the gap is still relatively large.

With absolute coercion, the blade stabbed at the Jade Snake Emperor, no matter how hard the turquoise snake scales, it was still too reluctant in front of the Seven Kills Sword.


The scales of the snake were cut off by the sword blade, and a blood spattered out.

Dugu Bo was pressured by Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo at the same time, and he was no opponent at all.

"What an old poison, because your Majesty regarded you as the empire's most sincere ally in the past. His Royal Highness rescued you from the Spirit Hall and made you a guest of the empire. How did you return to the empire?" Gu Rong at this time He was so angry that he couldn't take care of any decent behavior, and he was most uncomfortable to make such betrayal. Now he has a will to kill Dugu Bo.

Chen Xin looked at Dugu Bo and said, "My old friend, although we were once allies, but now we are enemies, it must be very important to you to make you do this, but today’s battle is for the glory and glory of the empire. For the peace of the mainland, we must defeat the Wuhun Temple in one fell swoop!"

Dugu Bo said: "Wake up... wake up, you can't defeat the Wuhun Palace..."

Dugubo's Jade Snake Emperor's body was broken by Sword Douluo, dragging his body with some serious injuries, and his aura seemed weak.

After several battles, he fought one against two, not Chenxin and Gu Rong's opponent at all.

The Angel Legion attacked a hundred soul saints, encircled Chenxin and Gu Rong, and fought for Dugu Bo to breathe.

Hu Liena and Xie Yue started the martial arts fusion skill demon charm, and their strength was comparable to ordinary Title Douluo, and Yan took the rest of the angel army to hold on to Jialing Pass.

The war is in full swing, and both sides are fighting for their inner beliefs.

Yan is holding an AWM sniper cannon, hiding in a hidden corner, looking for a chance to attack, the other ten angel army generals, all have the strength of Contra, and an AWM sniper cannon, standing at the most tricky angle, looking for opportunities Attack Chenxin them.

Yan knew very well that at this time, if the worship elders did not arrive, the strong would show up, and the Heaven Dou Empire would still have a certain advantage, but the spirit masters of the Spirit Hall had a strong power and could play a certain role.

"You guys, pay attention to the position of Chenxin, I will deal with Gu Rong!" Yan's eyes fixed on Gu Rong, and he was besieged by a hundred people from the Angel Legion. Everyone has the strength of Soul Sage, Chenxin and Gu Rong. No matter how strong you are, you can still feel a certain amount of pressure, and can't spare too much energy to focus on other things.

Just looking for this opportunity to sneak attack them, but also unexpected.

The AWM sniper gun has a very long range, and its single-body penetration and explosive power are amazing. Even a purely defensive Title Douluo may not be able to hold it. Although it is still not enough to kill Title Douluo, its lethality is sufficient. of.

While Gu Rong and Chen Xin spent a lot of energy on dealing with the Angel Legion, Yan found an opportunity.

He picked up the AWM sniper gun and locked Gu Rong's figure.

He injected his soul power into the inner core of the fixed installation soul guide, activating the core formation.

The energy quickly gathers at the launch port, guided by its own soul power, and the internal core is the power launch source. You only need to lock the target, use your mind to control the launch timing, and start immediately when you find an opportunity.


A thin light was just a blink of an eye. It passed through the air and instantly reached Gu Rong's body. This angle was in the blind corner of the side of the field of vision. Gu Rong could not immediately notice something wrong.

After the energy was highly concentrated, it produced extremely strong penetrating power, and the light penetrated the right shoulder of Bone Douluo Gu Rong in a flash.If it weren't for his own actions when facing the Angel Legion, I am afraid this blow could cause him very serious injuries.

Gu Rong was sneak attacked, his eyes immediately began to look for the location of Yan, but he was not the only one holding the AWM sniper gun.

Chen Xin also inevitably felt its power. Gu Rong, known as the strongest and most bizarre spirit bone, could not withstand the penetration of the AWM sniper gun, which showed its power.

"The Ninth Soul Ability, Biphosphorous Light!"

Dugu Bo recovered a bit and immediately joined the battle.

The turquoise light beam seemed to penetrate the sky and reach the sky, attacking Gu Rong Xianggu Douluo at an extremely fast speed, and tried to attack while he was disturbed by AWM.

Title Douluo's ninth spirit ability is very terrifying, even a spirit master of the same level dare not take it lightly.

However, Bone Douluo's spirit defense was incomparable to the spirit of a pure defense spirit master. Facing the Biphosphorous Light, he had no intention to shrink.

The nine best spirit rings on his body appeared for the first time, and the ninth spirit ring was shining.

A series of joints quickly appeared, surrounding Bone Douluo, forming a spherical protective barrier, dazzling people.

This is Bone Douluo's ninth spirit ability, Bone Yu!

Bone Yu has the effect of enhancing its own attributes by 90%, and it increases its defense power by twice. In addition, the bone's own defense power is actually hard to resist the Biphosphorous Light.

But even Dugu Bo's ninth spirit ability can't penetrate Gu Rong directly, but the AWM sniper cannon can. As long as it can be hit by surprise, Gu Rong has no time to react because the speed is too fast.

On the other side, the three Spirit Hall elders faced Haotian Douluo Tang Hao, but there was no way to pose a threat to him.

With the power of the Clear Sky Hammer and the Killing God Realm, even the original White Armored Earth Dragon worship and the other three worships were not able to take advantage of the combination. Now they are only three ordinary titled Douluo elders, let alone beat Tang Hao Up.

The only possibility is to delay time and wait for enshrinement support.


The Clear Sky Hammer deserves to be the most powerful weapon in the mainland. The Clear Sky School's secret method and the chaotic cloak made it impossible for the three elders to contend. After several confrontations, Tang Hao didn't seem to use his full strength.

"The Spirit Hall sent you a few weak people to greet Lao Tzu, do you look down on me? Call Qian Daoliu, the three of you can't do it!" Tang Hao deserves to be a man who dared to beat the Pope of the Spirit Hall. Did not pay attention to the Wuhun Temple.

"Tang Hao, don't be too arrogant, sooner or later you will know how powerful the Spirit Hall is!" An elder wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said angrily.

Tang Hao disagreed, "How powerful is the Spirit Hall? Isn't that fellow Qian Xun Ji also beaten by Lao Tzu, is Lao Tzu afraid of you?"

Tang Hao was too lazy to talk nonsense, and with a few more hammers, he directly smashed the three elders out, hitting the wall of Jialing Pass, causing serious cracks in the impenetrable Jialing Pass.

"Elder, take the gun!"

Yan found three more AWM sniper guns and threw them to the three elders.

The more powerful the soul master, the stronger the explosive power produced by the fixed installation soul guide.

When the three elders got the AWM sniper cannon, they were excited again, and quickly surrounded them.

Facing Tang Hao, the three of them used their greatest strength to inspire artillery fire, and three AWM sniper guns aimed at Tang Hao from three angles that were difficult to dodge.

"Hmph, if you have any means, take them all out, so I won't have to teach them one by one!"

Tang Hao picked up the Clear Sky Hammer and shouted angrily as blue and gold shields appeared all over his body.

This is the strongest defense of the Vast Sky School, Vast Sky Protector!

Three AWM sniper guns were aimed at Tang Hao, and they shot past quickly.

Three rays of light arrived at the same time, attacking the shields, and within a second, the shields began to burst, and then torn apart.

The light successfully hit Tang Hao and penetrated his body.

"Tang Hao, how is it now?" The elder was also shocked by the power of AWM, but he still didn't forget to satirize Tang Hao.

At Jialing Pass, there are still several AWMs shooting at the same time, even those with titles like them will inevitably be shot.

Chen Xin and Gu Rong not only have to face many angel legions, but also be careful to dodge AWM's attacks.

"What kind of weapon is that, it has such power?" Gu Rong began to question.

Chen Xin frowned, "The Spirit Hall of Martial Arts is fully prepared for this battle, there is no other way but to fight to the death!"

"Qibao is famous..."

At the back of the battlefield, the disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect headed by Ning Fengzhi opened the sect's inheritance martial spirit Qi Treasure Glazed Glass Pagoda one after another, and greatly increased them.

After getting the increase, Jian Douluo Chenxin and Bone Douluo Gu Rong's power surged. They didn't need to be merciful in the face of the Spirit Palace. Once they got red eyes, they would definitely kill all the running dogs in the Spirit Palace.

However, on the frontal battlefield, the Spirit Hall still took the lead by relying on the huge advantage of the fixed-installed Soul Guidance Device, and the Heaven Dou Empire army was continuously eliminated and forced to retreat.

Tang San fought side by side with Shrek Academy and Tang Sect. Even in the enemy's army, he could kill in and out, but the power of those fixed soul guides was indeed too great. He himself studied for a long time and did not study. Come out of it.

Prince Xue Xing was already unable to sit still in the camp, and he was ready to join the battlefield after he explained some things clearly.

The purple lightning flashed, and Xue Xing turned into a purple light and rose into the sky, heading straight to Jialing Pass.

In the sky over there, the fight was already out of reach.

His figure unfolded, the purple arc swiftly scurried, purple thunders rolled over the sky, and the surrounding scene began to change.

This is his purple power domain. If this domain is released, the enemies in it will be suppressed a lot, which can also help oneself.

"His Royal Highness, why are you here? You left the military tent, who will encourage the morale of the soldiers in the rear?" Gu Rong worried.

I was afraid that they would be invincible, and the soldiers who had not yet been on the battlefield felt restless, thinking that they might not be able to defeat the Wuhun Temple and lost some confidence.

Prince Xue Xing didn't care, "You are all a member of my Heaven Dou. Seeing that you have worked so hard for the Heaven Dou Empire, as the prince of the empire, how can I keep hiding behind."

These words were also encouraging, and Gu Rong and Chen Xin had a better impression of the prince again.

Tang Hao was penetrated by the AWM sniper gun, and blood was shed from his body.

He was already very angry at this time and broke out completely.

Although using his full strength will stimulate the old injuries, he has to do so.

Only in this way can Jialing Pass be taken as soon as possible.

The three elders joined forces to deal with Tang Hao. The power of the AWM sniper cannon is so powerful that Tang Hao can continue to fight. He is really an undead force!

Hu Liena and Xie Yue greatly increased their overall strength under the influence of the enchantment.

They joined the elder's battlefield and assisted the elder with potential Tang Hao.

Dugu Bo led more than a hundred angel army to besiege Chenxin, Gu Rong and Xuexing.

This battle was the fiercest collision between the two sides so far, both of them took out their full strength, and there was no convergence.

Facing the strong, Hu Liena and Xie Yue did not dare to neglect the slightest.

The red mist dispersed, and Tang Hao was covered by the enchanting red mist.

The three elders and the demon have more opportunities.

"It's just some tricks for carving insects, these are useless to Lao Tzu!"

Tang Hao held the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, concentrated his strength on it, and slammed it against the ground.

The strong energy fluctuations dissipated the red mist, and the three elders and the demon were also shocked by Tang Hao's blow.

Fortunately for the elders, the demon was not good enough, and the huge impact from such a short distance caused the demon to disintegrate in advance.

Hu Liena and Xie Yue spewed a mouthful of blood at the same time, which seemed to have suffered serious injuries.

The three elders have also been fighting for so long, their physical and soul power has been consumed so much, it seems that they can no longer stop Tang Hao.

"No, it's not over yet!" Hu Liena looked murderously, and she violently burned her soul power and spiritual power.

Xieyue looked at Hu Liena so impulsively, she persuaded: "Nana, don't do this, let's find a way, you will harm yourself instead."

Hu Liena didn't care at all, "It must be this way, otherwise we will not be able to guard Jialing Pass before the enshrinement has arrived."

"The frontal battlefield may still be able to fight, but they directly attacked Jialing Pass. Once Jialing Pass falls, the Heaven Dou army will attack in one fell swoop, and it will be too late for the worship!"

Xie Yue could see unprecedented determination and perseverance on Hu Liena's face, which was unprecedented.

Until after meeting Yun Hao, many things have changed dramatically, including herself.

"You go back to the checkpoint first, and He Yan keeps it there, here is the elder and me!"

Hu Liena waved her hand, and a figure appeared quietly.

It was a cute and cute little guy, and it was the Gabe that Yun Hao gave her.

"Gabumon, are you ready?" Hu Liena asked.

"Master, get ready!"

"Okay, let's go!"

The Gabumon quickly evolved into the Garurumon, and Hu Liena mounted it and quickly ran.

The sword-shaped mark on her forehead appeared, flashing a weird red light, and the Asura Sacred Sword appeared in her hand.

Wuhun possessed!

She is like a knight holding a long sword, for the faith in her heart, charging into battle without fear of any obstacles.

After opening the Asura God Inheritance, she can use some of the Asura God King's remaining trace of the Asura Divine Sword to transform the Asura power.

The Shura Sacred Sword showed off, and Garurumon led her to run wildly and rushed towards Tang Hao.

The other three elders outflanked from three directions.

Tang Hao glanced around, revealing an expression of disdain.

He is full of firepower and is not afraid that the opponent will be more to less.

The figure flashed quickly, thinking about solving Hu Liena, who he thought was the weakest.

The Clear Sky Hammer struck with a domineering aura, Hu Liena even felt death beckoning to herself, but she was not afraid at this moment.

Lifting the Shura Sacred Sword, facing the Clear Sky Hammer.

The Garuru beast's figure passed by Tang Hao very quickly, and the Clear Sky Hammer and the Asura Sacred Sword had their first confrontation.

Although Hu Liena's cultivation is far from Tang Hao's, the Asura Sacred Sword is a divine tool, and under the protection of Asura's divine power, the Clear Sky Hammer cannot cause damage to it.


The Shura Sacred Sword showed great power and slashed at the Clear Sky Hammer with absolute power.

The Clear Sky Hammer is like an overwhelming power, hammering the Asura Sacred Sword.

One of the strongest weapon Wuhun, an artifact!

This was like a contest between two gods. Even the three elders of the Wuhun Hall were dumbfounded. Tang Hao never thought that Hu Liena could actually catch her attack.

And he obviously didn't know that the Asura Sacred Sword was a divine tool, and Hu Liena had already become the inheritor of the gods.

"The Hall of Martial Spirits, what a Hall of Martial Spirits, it has such strength at such a young age, I want to see how long you can support you!" Tang Hao said domineeringly.

Even so, Hu Liena relied on the Asura Sacred Sword to reluctantly compete with the Clear Sky Hammer. This is not that the Asura Sacred Sword cannot match the Clear Sky Hammer, but that Hu Liena’s current cultivation level cannot truly activate the power of the Asura Sacred Sword, so it can currently be achieved. This level was already very strong, and Tang Hao himself suddenly became interested in the Asura Sacred Sword in her hand.

Hu Liena riding on Garuru beast, Garuru beast's figure spread out, ran frantically, constantly pulling the distance, and always keeping a relatively safe distance from Tang Hao.

Hu Liena is still inferior to Tang Hao in real strength, so the Garuru Beast naturally needs to pay attention to her safety at all times.

The key point now is that no one in the entire battlefield is actually Tang Hao's opponent, and even the opponent's Sword Douluo Chenxin can't do it.

What Wuhun Hall can do at this stage is to take advantage of the number of soul masters to delay a certain amount of time.

Although they couldn't completely defeat them, at least they wouldn't be able to capture Jialing Pass so easily.


Tang Hao and Hu Liena continued to wander and fight together. The mighty and domineering Clear Sky Hammer brought an aura of absolute horror. Coupled with the oppression brought by the Killing God Realm, Hu Liena was still at a certain disadvantage.

The three elders supported Hu Liena, after all, she couldn't deal with Tang Hao alone.

Unless the seal of the Asura Sacred Sword is completely lifted and the Clear Sky Hammer is confronted with an ultra-sacred weapon, even if the difference between Hu Liena and Tang Hao's cultivation is huge, the Asura Sacred Sword can still make up for this disparity.

The elders consume a lot of money. Because Hu Liena entered the battlefield relatively late, he still has the Asura Sacred Sword in his hand, and Garurumon is his most powerful assistant.

Its limbs are vigorous and its figure moves, jumps, and runs quickly, allowing Hu Liena to fight Tang Hao in the safest position at any time.The power of the Asura Sacred Sword is still very strong. After all, it is already at the level of an artifact. Even if the Clear Sky Hammer is the most powerful weapon in the mainland, how can it be compared with the artifact.

"Even if the four of you go together, we will definitely win the Jialing Pass today!" Tang Hao is very confident, but he also has a confident capital. All the soul masters present, Vast Sky Douluo is definitely the strongest exist.

Gradually, Tang Hao became a little bit resistant to the Asura Sacred Sword, "Why is this weapon so powerful, can the Clear Sky Hammer not destroy it?"

At this time, it is normal to have such a mentality, after all, the Asura Sacred Sword does not belong to this world, and the level must be above the Clear Sky Hammer.

"It seems that you need to do that!"

Tang Hao knew that he had to win the Jialing Pass as soon as possible, so as to guarantee more opportunities.

A red light burst into his body, the magic lines on the Clear Sky Hammer surged, and nine spirit rings on his body were shining. The first three spirit rings burst suddenly, and the energy quickly gathered on the Clear Sky Hammer. The color of his spirit ring turned gray.

Exploding ring chaos cloak!

This is the secret method of the Clear Sky School, blow the ring!

Exploding the energy of one's own spirit ring, and then condensing all the energy of the exploded spirit ring on the Wuhun Clear Sky Hammer, and bursting beyond the limit, this is the basis for the Clear Sky Hammer to be based on the strongest weapon spirit.

After the Clear Sky Hammer received the energy blessing of the three spirit rings, the color of the red light became more full, Tang Hao's eyes were fierce, and the murderous aura he radiated was enough to make the hair tremble.


The Clear Sky Hammer carried a swift wind, enough to tear apart the void and hit Hu Liena.

The Garuru beast was already running as hard as he could, and was still caught up by Tang Hao in terms of speed. Its mouth kept spitting out blue flames, trying to interfere with Tang Hao and gain more opportunities for Hu Liena, but Tang Haopi Rough and thick, the impact is too small.

Hu Liena panicked and raised the Asura Sacred Sword to face the Clear Sky Hammer.

The Clear Sky Hammer and the Asura Sacred Sword once again fought fiercely, but this time it was the Clear Sky Hammer that had the upper hand. The Asura Sacred Sword was unaffected, but Hu Liena itself was shocked by the violent energy, directly from Garuru. The beast flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

"the host!"

Garuru beast saw Hu Liena's situation and ran over immediately.

Tang Hao didn't chase him, and the three elders took the opportunity to attack.

Standing on Jialing Pass, Yan brought several members of the Angel Legion, using the AWM sniper cannon to continuously attack Tang Hao and others.

Chen Xin, Gu Rong, and Xue Xing were besieged by the Angel Legion and Dugu Bo. They couldn't get out for a while. They had to defeat all the strong opponents before they could directly win the Jialing Pass.

"Chen Xin, Gu Rong, you have no chance. Although I used to work for Tiandou, what I have seen and what I know is clearer to you. If the Tiandou Empire insists on doing this, then you will face It will be the consequence of destroying the country!"

Dugu Bo persuaded.

"Old Poison, did Bibi Dong ask you to say this, or do you just represent yourself?" Prince Xue Xing glared at Dugu Bo, regretting saving him in the first place, but the world will never regret that medicine can be taken, but I just hope not Make the same low-level mistake again.

Hu Liena tried to calm her heart down, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and concentrated her eyes quietly.

Fortunately, the Asura Sacred Sword just resisted most of the damage, otherwise he would be more ill-fortuned.

But in fact, the results predicted by Hu Liena were too different, and the three elders combined were still not Tang Hao's opponents.

Because of the Explosive Ring Chaos Cloak, even if Qian Daoliu personally went into battle, I'm afraid he couldn't easily take advantage of Tang Hao's hands.

"No, since I am the inheritor of the Asura God, the power of the Asura Sacred Sword is far more than that...

Seeing the three elders desperately resisting Tang Hao, Yan and their sniper cannons kept firing, but Tang Hao seemed to have more eyes, and everything in the opponent's circle felt well known.

This is because his mental power has reached a terrifying level, so once the mental power is released, all subtle changes will instantly synchronize to his consciousness.

Having tasted the power of the AWM sniper gun before, Tang Hao also had a high level of vigilance.

Hu Liena rode the Garuru beast again and rushed towards Tang Hao.

She adjusted her state, and after reaching a certain distance from Tang Hao, her eighth spirit ring lit up.

The air began to thicken and the color gradually changed to pink.

"Elder, you first retire!"

Hu Liena reminded.

The three elders have been seriously overdrawn, and they are all trying their best to stop Tang Hao.

Hu Liena released her own dream domain, Tang Hao's vision suddenly became blurred, and various illusions began to appear in front of him.

The dense pink fog dispersed, covering a radius of 100 meters.

Many of the soldiers who were still in the fierce battle fell into the illusion.

Tang Hao once again saw the scene that made him saddened, and his anger suddenly erupted like a river and a sea.

"A Yin————Ah—————"


Hu Liena was originally carrying the Asura Sacred Sword to approach Tang Hao, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

Unexpectedly, Tang Hao's mental power was ridiculously strong, and he was not completely affected by the dream realm. He concentrated his mental power and burst out the surging energy in his body.

Hu Liena was directly shaken out.

The Shura Sacred Sword reached his chest to offset the excess impact.

Fortunately, under such tremendous pressure, Hu Liena suddenly touched the edge.

"I... did I break through?"

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