Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 24 Golden Dragon Wings 1 to 1 to 1


In the past ten minutes, the energy of the external spirit bone was refined by him.

The spirit bone attached to this golden scale dragon's torso possesses two attributes: light and sacred, and has a very high degree of compatibility with the spirit of the God Emperor of Light.

Therefore, its energy is absorbed and digested by the body faster, without any discomfort.

When the external soul bone was completely integrated with his body, Yun Hao felt a burst of heat in his back muscles, as if burning.

"What's going on... There is a wave of energy in my body that wants to disperse my body. How could this happen? Does my body still not meet the absorption standard of this external soul bone?" Yun Hao's facial muscles began to twitch, and he was panicked.

If it's destroyed here because of an external spirit bone, it's simply not worth it.

It took a lot of effort to get to the current situation, how could it be defeated by an external spirit bone?

"But now it has been absorbed, it is so difficult to force it out of the body, let alone a torso with a spirit bone attached to it..."

Yun Hao's heart was restless, and beads of sweat appeared on his face because of the high-speed surging of soul power in his body that accelerated the diffusion of body heat.

He frowned, unwilling to accept that result...

However, when he panicked, his body did not have any side effects.

In other words... he is all right!

"Huh? Why?" He was a little dazed, but he felt relieved.

It's just that the pain is still there, and it is getting stronger and stronger as the uncontrollable energy continues to hit the body.

At the place where the bones were clamped on his back, it began to gather, and the energy split into two, shooting out of his body!!!

Two white-gold fireworks burned out two holes in his clothes, slowly extending from the clothes hole, intensified!

"Ah—it hurts!!!"

Yun Hao hissed a few times, but he still suppressed his voice, for fear that others might hear him.

The back began to tear, and at the same time there was an inexplicable pain in the chest.

It can be clearly seen that along with the continuous expansion of the platinum flame, white joints have grown from Yun Hao's flesh, and there are still some small pale golden scales on the joints, which cannot be seen clearly without careful observation.

The joints grew to a certain extent and then branched, and they proceeded without haste.

During this period, Yun Hao was stunned, because he still didn't know that his body had undergone such a mysterious and strange change.

As the joints slowly form, you can gradually see a pair of bone-like wings, but they have not yet grown feathers.


A burst of rustling, weird sounds came into my mind, echoing repeatedly...

"What the hell is going on, why does it make me miserable to absorb a soul bone attached to the torso, just like cutting back and forth with a blade..."

Remember that in the original work, Tang San didn't feel so painful when he absorbed the spirit bones attached to the Eight Spider Lances, right?

At that time, he just had a dream from a previous life, and some hallucinations appeared in the dream...

Wasn't it safe and sound afterwards?

The pain he endured was far from his own...

"Is it because the position of the external soul bone is different, because mine is on the torso, so it is more difficult to fuse?"

Thinking about it carefully, there is indeed a certain truth. The torso bone is the most important and precious soul bone of the six soul bones, and it is definitely more difficult to absorb than other soul bones.

Yes, it must be so!

With this firmness, Yun Hao will hold on to whatever he says, and must wait until the external spirit bones are completely fused.

As he thought about it, the bone wings were completely formed. They were indeed a pair of bone-like wings. Each wing was one meter and five meters long, and the two wings were three meters long.

At this moment, Yunhai felt the pain more obvious.

His facial muscles twitched instantly, and his nerves were extremely tense at this moment.

Instinctively struggled deep inside, shouting in pain!

"Goddess! My goddess! Please help me!"

At such a critical moment, we still have to pray for the blessing of the goddess of luck!

Energetic, persevering and handsome boys tend to have good luck.


Because Yun Hao feels that he is such a boy, such an impeccable self, he must be lucky...

After the wings grew, the platinum flame disappeared, and it was replaced by another scene.

Inside that joint, there were clearly visible bloodshot eyes, and the blood inside the bloodshot boiled, driving the reaction arc of Yun Hao's nerves, making him more painful.

That was Yun Hao's blood vessel, the blood vessel branching from the body, extending outward along the joints of the wings.

It stretched to the end of the wings, and another cycle went back.


Yun Hao could even hear the sound of blood flowing in his body, so clearly.

After a few minutes, the pain began to decrease, and Yun Hao's inner heaviness slowly faded.

"Did it succeed? The external spirit bone fusion succeeded, I did it?"


Yun Hao's first instinct is to succeed in integration. This is the result of his prayers and expectations just now!

After a few more minutes, the pain disappeared completely, and the nerves suddenly eased a lot.

With the ecstasy in his heart, Yun Hao adjusted his breath, stabilized the spirit power that was still flying in his body, and then opened his eyes...

A burst of clarity in my head...

"No, what the hell is this?"

After he opened it, the first thing he felt was something growing behind his back.

At a glance, I lost it!!

Do you have wings?!

Is it possible that the pain just now was due to the long wings?

"Isn't this a spirit bone attached to the torso? No matter how it should grow an armor, it will also be inside the armor at all, how can it be wings?"

Yun Hao didn't understand, so he flicked his wings through his mind, and he was quite flexible.

"The spirit bone attached to this torso is a very special spirit bone attached to the torso of the Golden Scale Dragon, so the first evolution resulting from the fusion is natural."

The system suddenly reminded.

"This is only a small part of evolution. Your torso hasn't evolved. It's normal for dragons to evolve wings from soul bones attached to them!"

"So that's it, is this wing a special skill...or can I use it at any time?" Yun Hao suddenly realized, and then asked again.

"This special ability with soul bone attached to you, the Golden Dragon Wing, is the most basic form and will continue to evolve and improve according to your cultivation level!"

The system replied.

"Golden Dragon Wing, this name is a bit interesting..."

Speaking of this, he shook his golden dragon wing slightly, roughly estimated that one wing was one meter and five meters, and the two wings could reach three meters.

"Arowana blending oil..."

He subconsciously pronounced such a name in his heart. Isn't it a frequent advertisement on TV?

No wonder it's so familiar...


Golden Dragon Wing?

One word difference!

And Yun Hao's height is almost 1.5 meters, this girl is tailor-made...

Golden Dragon Wing one to one!!!


"Hahaha, this golden dragon wing fruit is really tailor-made for me, especially for my perfect figure!" I was quite overjoyed.

While talking, he moved again, his wings vibrated, and he flew like that.

At first, he was still a little unfamiliar. After practicing for a while, he slowly became more proficient.

This golden dragon wing grew out of his own body, just use it when you get used to it.

External spirit bones are very different from ordinary spirit bones. Normal spirit bones only have skills attached. What's more powerful is to strengthen body parts or improve some cultivation base and amplification effects.

But the external spirit bone is different. It can evolve and grow more useful things based on the spirit master itself, and the skills can also be evolved through evolution.

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