Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 236 - The God of War

Hearing this sentence, it really seemed to be itchy, but no one dared to refute it, and Posey and others could only shiver.

Tang Chen hurried over to comfort her, "Xiao Xi, he is a god, we are human beings, and human beings can never violate the will of God, so we can only obey."

Posey was very unconvinced, but if he was unconvinced, he could only stay in his heart and couldn't say it.

"Hahahaha, the King of Light, what a King of Light, he is so rampant before he enters the temple!" Suddenly, a vast voice came from the sky, and Bo Saixi immediately turned from sadness to joy.

It was as if the sky was opened, a blue-golden void opened, and a huge blue-gold image appeared, transformed by the god of the sea, descending into the world.

"Poseidon is so impatient to come to meet me, I'm really a bit uncomfortable." Yun Hao said softly.

"Huh! I just became a god, so I don't pay attention to the rules of the gods, do you really think you are very powerful?"

"I dare not dare, I just discuss the matter, and the rules of the God Realm should be changed, too, don't you guys keep being so rigid." Yun Hao said.

"What are you talking about?" The Seagod was furious. He originally wanted to suppress Yunhao's arrogance, but he became even stronger when he did not think of him. "Do you know what you are talking about? What I said just now is enough to treat you as a traitor to the gods and deprive you of the godhood , So that you will never set foot in the God Realm forever!"

"Where I want to go, there are still no rules that can restrain me. If you want to suppress me with this, I advise you not to waste your efforts!"

Yun Hao didn't want to talk nonsense with the Seagod, and with a wave of his hand, he sealed the gate of the void, and the Seagod's divine mind was immediately blocked in the god realm.

As a result, Poseidon and Yun Hao completely settled their grudges. Who could stand being so ignored?

On the contrary, the God King Shura comforted him, "What is the use of what you say now, and wait until he returns to the God Realm. Anyway, he can only stay in the Human Realm for a hundred years. As a God, we don't even have enough time to sleep."

"Yes, I am here waiting for him!"

Without the vote of the God Realm Law Enforcement Hall, Gods cannot easily interfere with the human world.

Although the God King Shura is also in the Hall of Law Enforcement, he said nothing alone. Once he violated the principle, he would be judged.

Poseidon can only communicate with his guardian in the human world through divine consciousness.

Naturally, the matter has not reached the critical condition of the gods, so the god king Shura and the sea god still did not continue to struggle with this matter.

If Yun Hao did not defeat the demon god Qianye, then the gods would naturally need to be dispatched, but now that the demon god is eliminated, the matter will be resolved...


At Jialing Pass, everything returned to normal.

Although the scene still looks so tragic, there are broken bodies everywhere, if there is no bright light from the god of light, Wang Yunhao, it is simply a sea of ​​corpses.

The sacred fire cleared the corpses on the battlefield, and the sacred light cast down, and everyone felt a different warmth.

At this point, the battle of Jialing Pass is over.

However, the battlefield between Shanhaiguan and the Star Luo Empire ended first.

Because of the internal and external integration of the Lower Four Sects and the Spirit Hall, not only did the Xingluo Empire experience civil strife, the Spirit Hall on the battlefield had a fixed soul guide, and the Xingluo Empire was not an opponent of the Spirit Hall at all.

On the side of the Heaven Dou Empire, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family also firmly controlled the Heaven Dou Capital.

In this battle, Wuhun Palace won with absolute advantage.

It's not that the power of the Heaven Dou Empire is not enough, but the Spirit Hall is too powerful, and there are only four gods.Although there was a civil war in it, there are still three gods, Angel God King, Raksha God King, and Light God King. The three gods are sitting here. There is no opponent in this world.

This battle allowed Wuhun Temple to end the empire era and establish the first Wuhun Holy Kingdom in the mainland. So far, Tiandou and Xingluo eliminated the title of the empire, and they were included in the rule of the Holy Kingdom and became a subsidiary of the Wuhun Holy Kingdom.

And the rule of Wuhun Holy Kingdom is also what people want, and everyone hopes.From the day of Bibi Dong’s birthday, the Hall of Martial Spirits has blessed the world, established a good reputation among the people, and gained the belief of the people. Tiandou and Xingluo were also unable to do so.

Now that the Holy Kingdom of Wuhun has been established, Yun Hao has proclaimed himself the Holy Lord, admired and worshipped by the world.

The same is true of Sea God Island, all under the rule of Wuhun Holy Kingdom.

Yun Hao knew that he could only stay in the human world for a hundred years, but this was only a rule of the gods, and he wanted to break it here.

But the cultivation way in this world has not yet ended, and Yun Hao naturally cannot leave that easily.

The battle between Jialing Pass and Shanhaiguan lays the foundation for the Holy Kingdom of Wuhun on the road. Almost all the forces surrendered to the Holy Kingdom of Wuhun at the end of the war, except for Sea God Island.

Gu Yuena didn't join in this battle, but she kept paying attention.

Yun Hao once promised her that he would lead the former Wuhun Temple to unify the mainland, and he would declare war on the entire God Realm for the spirit beast.Now it seems that Yun Hao has done it, and Gu Yuena is very happy in her heart.

Standing outside the room, Gu Yuena kept looking up in a certain direction.

This is the direction of the Star Dou Great Forest, because recently I have often sensed abnormal movements there, but because the Spirit Sacred Kingdom has just been established, Yun Hao has been busy with other things, and Gu Yuena didn't want to disturb him at this time.

In the past, the Pope’s Hall was built into a temple, but in the future, Wuhun Holy Kingdom will no longer have the title of Pope.


A breeze blew, and a golden light flashed in front of Gu Yuena's eyes, and a familiar figure appeared in front of her.

"Yun... Yunhao?" Gu Yuena was very surprised, "Are you...are you busy with the affairs of the Holy Kingdom? How come to me?"

"Come and see you, although the Holy Kingdom was first established, but with Xiaoxue and Xiaodong hand in hand, it would be fine for me. Besides, I don't like to do those boring things."

Life still needs to do something meaningful, that's the most interesting.

The last step in the desire to unify the mainland has not been realized, that is, the relationship between humans and spirit beasts has not been completely resolved.

The Spirit Saint Kingdom is only aimed at humans, but the soul beasts are not included in it.

"You seem to have something on your mind?" Gu Yuena has been following Yun Hao for so long, but she still understands his character.

Yun Hao smiled, "We are done with our affairs, and the rest is your soul beast's affairs. How do you think the contradiction between humans and soul beasts can be resolved?"

"It can't be solved. Unless another war is launched, humans and soul beasts go to war, but this war is different..."

Gu Yuena said.

Yun Hao just doesn't believe that there is no suitable method, "You said that the soul beast co-owner can represent the will of the entire soul beast world. If the Golden Dragon King is conquered, is it all right?"

"I find it difficult, really!"

"I have become a god. It is too simple to deal with soul beasts. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, I think the Golden Dragon King will definitely consider it seriously."

Yun Hao thought that he was so familiar with Gu Yuena, so it would be most appropriate to start from her, and there would be no trouble.

The Holy Martial Kingdom has unified the mainland, so the next thing that needs to be conquered is the soul beast world, but things are still not that simple. After all, the Golden Dragon King has not seen it before, knowing that it is an iron-headed baby with a grumpy temper, but it is just a soul after all. The master of the beasts can only remain silent before God.

"Do you want me to take you to the Golden Dragon King?" Gu Yuena guessed Yun Hao's intentions.

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