Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 246-The Battle Between Angels and Lights

Purple light burst out at the same time. Around the Dark Emperor, a huge purple wave merged with the blue dragon shadow, and the energy of the abyss continued to gather here.

The Heavenly Sacred Abyssal Halberd drew the energy of the abyss plane, and it seemed that the Dark Emperor still had some understanding of the Heavenly Sacred Abyssal Halberd and used it very flexibly.

Unfortunately it is not enough!

The original power of the angel god king and the original power of the light god king are condensed in the sword, and the profound meaning of swordsmanship bursts out instantly.

Double swords together!

Facing the Heavenly Sacred Abyss Halberd, the sword of the angel and the sword of the Light Divine Sword touched, the bodies of Yun Hao and Qian Renxue formed a spiral in the air, and the sword ends carried a violent and terrifying energy aura and the Heavenly Sage Abyss Halberd Hit it directly.

The original power of angels and light exploded at the same time.

Although the Dark Emperor obtained the permission of the Abyss Sovereign to use the super divine tool Heaven Sacred Abyss Halberd, the only thing he could do was to use the Heaven Sacred Abyss Halberd to stimulate the energy of the abyss plane to burst out super power. Just relying on the Heavenly Sage Splitting Abyss Halberd, he was not yet Yun Hao and Qian Renxue's opponent.


The attacks of the two sides collided, and the huge energy burst seemed to destroy the tower of the entire plane, but it was more like a sudden explosion of a certain star that caused the nuclear energy to run away, and the impact was huge.

The angel's light and the light blended together, directly breaking the energy storm brought by the Heavenly Sacred Abyss Halberd, and repelling the Dark Emperor in the most direct way.

However, the movements of Yun Hao and Qian Renxue still didn't stop, they still cooperated with each other tacitly, and the effect of the combination of the two swords was always there.

The Dark Emperor's body was blasted off along with the Heavenly Sacred Abyss Halberd, and the Heavenly Sacred Abyss Halberd was intact, but the Dark Emperor suffered very heavy dark injuries.

"Unexpectedly, these two guys are so strong, and they can't beat them with the super magical weapons of Saint Monarch..."

After wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, the dark emperor was a little confused for a while.


However, Yun Hao did not give him a chance to think, and He Qian Renxue took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack.

An Emperor suffered a loss with one enemy and two books, and was now completely at a disadvantage.

Under the rapid attack of Yun Hao and Qian Renxue, the Dark Emperor finally failed to hold on.

The Black Emperor, the Hua Emperor, and the Dark Emperor were all killed by Yun Hao, and the Ten Lords of the Abyss and the 108 Emperors were eventually wiped out.

Yun Hao and Qian Renxue are only two people, but they can destroy the most powerful pillar of the abyss.

Holding the Heavenly Sacred Abyssal Halberd, Yun Hao repeatedly looked at it, "This super divine tool is really not simple, my divine power can't penetrate it directly..."

There are no wonders in the universe, and this Heavenly Sacred Abyss Halberd is a product of this universe, which is naturally remarkable.

"Fortunately, you used that strange card earlier, otherwise we would be consumed a lot."

Qian Renxue said.

"Even though they have a huge number of advantages, this is not the only advantage, as long as they find a point that can be breached, it is nothing."


Just as Yun Hao was talking with Qian Renxue, the Heavenly Sage Cracking Abyss Halberd in his hand turned into a blue light and disappeared.

"Hahahahaha —————"

The voice came from outside.


Yun Hai and Qian Renxue hurriedly got out of the tower of the plane, and saw that the sage monarch of the abyss was waiting for them holding the sacred chasm halberd.

"I have to say that you are indeed very powerful, and the ten lords of my abyss plane have not been able to solve you. I admire you very much. If I can become the power of my abyss plane, I will be very happy!"

"Stop talking nonsense. In addition to finding the origin of the Star Dragon King Dragon Soul, we also need to get something particularly interesting." Yun Hao replied.

"Oh?" The Abyss Sage asked after hearing this: "What is it?"


At the beginning of the year, Yun Hao spoke clearly and hard.

Hearing Yun Hao's words, the face of the abyss sage suddenly looked as cold as a polar ice cellar, and a pair of dark eyes like an abyss projected cold murderous aura.

Because Yun Hao's words directly offended Saint Monarch of the Abyss and violated his only bottom line.

He had relied on the Heaven Sacred Cracking Abyss Halberd to win everything now, and he had already merged with the Heaven Sacred Cracking Abyss Halberd. Anyone who had the idea to fight the Heaven Sacred Cracking Abyss Halberd would be his eternal enemy.

The Sage of the Abyss no longer said anything to Yun Haoduo, starting with a halberd break through the sky.

The abyss energy was easily condensed under the control of the abyss sage, and the sky sacred cracked abyss pierced through the air with a huge energy impact.


Yun Hao and Qian Renxue also reacted quickly, and Yun Hao was aware of it when the Abyss Sage had a prelude.

The two figures flashed to the sides.

The two sides were just a thought of divine thought, and they had already fought.

The Heavenly Sacred Abyss Halberd is in the hands of the Abyss Sovereign, and it can really exert its due power.

"Hmph, my Abyssal Sacred Law has been completed, here, you can never defeat me."

The black light on the abyssal sage spread like a tornado, and the abyssal energy continuously poured into his body.

"I am a part of this abyssal plane, and you are already in my abyssal realm. From the moment I activate it, the abyssal energy will invade your body bit by bit, and my own strength will continue to stack up."

The Sage of the Abyss had already guessed that Yun Hao and Qian Renxue had a lot of intentions, and they were super powerful.

In order to be able to deal with them, he did not hesitate to expend the Abyssal Essence to break through the final stage of the Abyssal Sacred Law at the fastest speed. Now he is completely integrated with the Abyssal Plane, and can use all the powers of the Abyssal Plane anytime and anywhere as long as he needs it.

"It turns out that I haven't shown up. I'm looking for a chance to break through. It's really meticulous..."

Yun Hao thought to himself that the Abyss Sovereign and the Abyss Plane were completely integrated, and he could use all the power of the Abyss Plane, plus the Heavenly Sacred Abyss Halberd, and his current strength was far beyond the peak of the God King.

If you want to defeat him, it seems not so easy.

To deal with the Sage of the Abyss, Yun Hao and Qian Renxue were totally devoted to it.

"The Deep Hole————"

The Heavenly Sacred Abyss Halberd swept, stabs, and exploded, and the abyssal divine power of the Abyssal Sovereign was released, stimulating the abyss plane, and the Angel Sword and the Bright Sword alone could not take advantage of the confrontation.

Things similar to black holes began to appear on the abyss plane, and they were still very large, and Yun Hao and Qian Renxue could feel the terrifying pull from the abyss of that dark hole.

"That's it... Our body is constantly being invaded by the abyssal breath energy, these things will forcibly suck away our divine power..."

Yun Hao quickly guessed the intentions of the Abyssal Sage. The moment his Abyssal Sacred Law was activated, Yun Hao and Qian Renxue had fallen into his carefully designed cage.

If this cage cannot be broken, then as long as the abyssal aura invades their bodies more than 30%, the negative effects of the abyssal sacred law will be activated.

Although the angel god king and the light god king represent the purest light, the breath of the abyss is the evil force bred by the universe.

Yun Hao and Qian Renxue are in the abyss realm, and the light aura on their bodies will be suppressed a lot. As long as the abyss sage increases the strength of the abyss sacred law, then once the abyss aura is larger than the light aura, it can break through the two gods. The line of defense invaded their bodies.

"Well, now you are at a loss, I can give you one last chance, are you willing to work for me, or will you fight to the end?" The Abyss Sage said with a relaxed expression, holding the Heavenly Sacred Abyss Halberd.

"You dream!" Yun Hao rebuffed fiercely.

"If this is the case, then you can only become food for the abyss plane!"

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