Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 258-The Power of Faith The Emerald Dragon King Dragon Soul Origin

If it was once, it could not easily believe in the words of a human side, but now this is also the only chance to get rid of this shackle, it has already lost its body, so it doesn't think too much.

The sorrow that the God Realm bestows on the Dragon Race will be doubled back to them one day. This was the vow made by the nine sons of the Dragon God at the beginning, and it seems that it will soon be realized.

Is it really the pity of the common people who heard their hearts?

Yun Hao and Qian Renxue controlled the Dragon King Formation, fully input the power of Eros into it, and maintained the power effect of the great formation.

In order not to lose the power of the dragon soul's origin, Yun Hao and Qian Renxue still worked very hard. Yun Hao used the golden dragon wings to absorb the dragon soul origin of the three dragon kings of fire, water, and star without leaving a trace.

The Emerald Dragon King was also stunned. He had never seen such a strange operation before, but now it feels like an illusion.

"Great ancestors of the dragon family, I hope you will still protect my dragon family line and continue to maintain it. The final battle between us and the God Realm will always come. When that day comes, it will be the day when the God Realm will be destroyed. For races suppressed by the gods, we must fight them to the end!"

The Emerald Dragon King yelled up to the sky, a dragon roar shook the sky and the earth moved, and the huge phantom began to turn into a little green light, converging into an energy line into the Golden Dragon God Wing.

The origin of the dragon soul of the three dragon kings has been recovered, and the origin of the dragon soul of the emerald dragon king has been completely awakened, and Yun Hao and Qian Renxue stopped continuing to provide supernatural powers to the dragon king formation.

The Dragon King formation stopped, and the eighty-one formations set up by Yun Hao immediately disconnected from the formation eye, and the entire formation disappeared without a trace in an instant.

After awakening the original energy of the sleeping Emerald Dragon King Dragon Soul, the Dragon King Formation is useless, and after completing its mission, it can go silent.

Qian Renxue and Yun Hao separated, and Eros fell into a deep sleep.

Now Yun Hao only needs to rely on his own power to absorb the essence of the dragon soul of the Emerald Dragon King.

In the Golden Dragon Wings, the origins of the dragon souls are attracted to each other, and they sense the breath of each other, and the energy breath of the Emerald Dragon King enters it without repelling it.

The Qiankun Wenqing Valley flashed with majestic green lights, and the essence of the dragon soul of the Emerald Dragon King was like spring water, frantically flooding into the golden dragon wings.

The whole process went smoothly without any discomfort.

Moreover, the absorption efficiency was much faster than before, but Yun Hao did not use much power.

This may be the special connection of the dragons themselves, as long as they feel each other, they will come together without hesitation.

"Suddenly I feel that the dragon clan is so pitiful. It was suppressed by the gods and eventually went to extinction. If I were them, I didn't know how I would choose..." Qian Renxue said with emotion.

"So you are not them. How do you know how much pressure and pain they have endured? It's a pity that they can't do anything to fight against the gods. What we will do in the future is not only to help the dragon race to avenge the gods, our The purpose is to control the God Realm, control the God Realm and everything here, and hold it firmly in hand, so that we can avoid things that we don’t want to see or are not allowed to happen. Only when we become absolutely powerful can we change the status quo. Qualified to do these things."

Yun Hao said excitedly.

Qian Renxue smiled and said, "That day was not far away from us, I saw its future."

"Destroy? I will personally destroy him to see how strong he is..." Yun Hao said sarcastically.

The power of faith condensed by the Emerald Dragon King was all incorporated into the Golden Dragon Wings, and the origin of the Emerald Dragon King’s dragon soul was completely absorbed.

The Protoss Plane is also a very magical and beautiful place. Sometimes Qian Renxue really wants to live with Yunhao happily here. There is no war and smoke. That is the happiest thing in life, but the reality is always It is cruel. There are not so many fantasies left for oneself to enjoy. Some still have to work hard to make it a reality. For this, it also needs to pay a certain price and keep fighting.

The Golden Dragon Wings absorbed the origin of the dragon souls of the four dragon kings and became more lustrous. Some mysterious and special feather scales that had never appeared before began to grow on them, but there were not many, and its energy aura was also stronger.

After absorbing the origin of the dragon soul of the nine dragon kings, the golden dragon wings will definitely become more beautiful and magical.

"Hao, where are we going next?" Qian Renxue asked.

"Quiet place, barren!"

"Is it also a very special plane?" Qian Renxue looked a little horrified when she heard the name, but in fact she was not scared, but she felt that the name sounded very uncomfortable and strange.

Yun Hao held Qian Renxue's hand with affection, "The Quiet Place is not actually a high plane. The only creature there is called a savage ray. It is a kind of void creature that relies on swallowing the life and loss that enters from the cracks in space. The place where the gods, the mountain dragon king and the earth dragon king fell is there..."

"Savage Ray? What kind of creature, fish?"

"You know the desert, right?"

"Of course I do!"

"The wild rays treat barren as the ocean. They can travel freely in it. The most powerful wild rays can directly swallow an ordinary god."

"Is it so scary?"

"It's a void creature. It's not within the laws of the gods. It's an evil spirit bred by the universe itself. It comes from the void plane, and there are more powerful void creatures on the void plane."

Yun Hao explained.

"Then it's dangerous for us to go there?" Qian Renxue said.

"A Quiet Place, as long as they don't make a sound, they won't be spotted by them. The eyesight of wild rays is very weak. They rely on sound to distinguish their prey and their position, so as long as they don't make a sound, they won't be spotted."

"I'll tell you the details on the road, let's go..."

The two of them don't have to stay too much, they can set off for a quiet place, barren!

At this time, the God Realm Law Enforcement Hall!

The god king of Shura and the sea god stand in the hall. The hall is magnificent and dazzling. On the top three main seats of the hall, there are three grand justice law enforcement officers with different expressions, kindness, destruction and light!

On both sides are the gods from the gods, today there is an important meeting, which was called by the three law enforcement officers.

"Grand Inquisitor, when will the new god status of the Douluo world be implemented? I suggest that the two gods who ignore the rules of the gods directly give the highest ruling to the gods. There is still a Rakshasa who is still in the Douluo world and has not returned to the gods God, I don’t know how the chief judge will handle it?"

"Hmm..." Gong Changwei, the god of light, frowned, "The Godhead of Rakshasa has been damaged. For the time being, you and the Seagod are sure to see with your own eyes, there are two god kings who have risen to the pinnacle?"

"Yes, I actually boasted that Haikou wanted to change the law of my God Realm. I think the three great judges don't care, and the destruction of the Great God Seat will not tolerate such a scourge. This is the same as the remnants of the dragon clan at the beginning."

"We will ask the great gods to disqualify them from entering the temple, but... do you have any clues to the people you are looking for?"

"For the fruit, no matter how it is an old god, with mysterious powers that we all don't know, it is really tricky." God King Shura replied.


In time and space, there are billions of lives bred in the universe, which can be said to be countless.

There are different planes in each time and space, and Douluo's world is the same.

Far away in a deserted and quiet place, the sky is full of yellow sand, as if experiencing manic sandstorms all the time, and the sight can only be a short distance away.

At this moment, a figure dressed in a little tattered walking lonely on this barren area...

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