Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 317 - The Battle

While the Fire Nation took action, the news of the Divine Shadow Nation quickly became known to the other four nations.

Xiao sent the Suzaku guardian team to secretly check it out, just to see what was going on.

The forces that can compete with Akatsuki for the power of world hegemony must not be underestimated.

The spirit power also reached the 72nd level, only one level lower than Ning Xiaoxue, but it was already good luck to be able to reach the Soul Sage.

It is impossible for him to reach the Soul Sage so quickly, and he even dared not think about it, because it is impossible at all, but now the impossible thing is really realized. How can he not make him happy and excited? ?

"Now we all have the strength above the Soul Sage, at least on the way to the top of the sky, if we meet people from the Dark Empire again, we will all have the power to fight." Huling said.

"Yes, what is the Dark Empire, as long as we are united, we will be able to defeat them in the future and wipe them out completely!"

"Anyway, Xiaoxue and I can only be everyone's strongest backing. You must always protect our safety!" Although Luo Xiaojie has reached the strength of the soul saint, he himself can realize how far he is from everyone, so even Even so, he still admits that he has no combat power, at least not as powerful as the agile attack type spirit master. It's okay to bully some soul sect younger brothers and sisters, but it is impossible to beat a soul master of the same level , Of course, the opponent can't defeat him so easily, because he has the strongest Wuhun, Xuanwu!

As soon as Xuanwu's true body opened, its defense power was unparalleled. Except for Ning Feng's perverted defense in the entire world, nothing else was worth mentioning in front of Xuanwu.

"Fatty, don't worry, no matter how we fight, we won't be able to forget you and Xiaoxue. Of course we must protect you, otherwise we will give us increase and defense, haha!" Dai Xingyu said with a smile.

"I'm relieved with your words. Anyway, it is impossible for Xiaoxue and I to participate in the battle. We belong to the back lineup, and you are the front row output!"

"Almost, but your grandfather has such a strong combat effectiveness, why can't you develop it?" Dai Xingyu asked.

"Big brother, my grandfather is a million-year-old soul beast emperor, can it be the same?"

"Didn't you see that the Emperor Whale said that my grandfather often challenges him, but still can't beat him. At the same level, my grandfather's combat power is nothing." Luo Xiaojie said with a sad face.

"That's true, then you should work hard to improve your cultivation level, and you can do that when you have the strength of your grandpa!"

"I really hope that one day, but I don't know how long it will be!"

In the whole world, which soul master does not want to be able to reach Title Douluo, but how many can reach it so easily?

If it were really that easy to reach, wouldn't Title Douluo go everywhere and become a job without money, it would be too boring.

Since the law of cultivation is like this, then it is certain that only a small number of spirit masters can reach the titled Douluo level, and that is only possible for spirit masters with high talents.

Luo Xiaojie's talent is also very high, but he is not absolutely sure that he will be able to quickly reach Title Douluo, and he is himself like Ning Feng.

Luo Xiaojie took Ning Xiaoxue's hand with both hands and said:

"Xiaoxue, we have all reached the soul sage. From now on we will be everyone's strongest back row support, but I will continue to protect you and love you!"

Ning Xiaoxue felt a little ashamed for a moment:

"What are you talking about, there are other people here, and that doesn't matter for the occasion?"

"Oh, why don't the little fat guys have a spring heart, how can this be good?"


Dai Xingyu seized the opportunity and began to tease. Everyone laughed in agreement.

However, Luo Xiaojie and Ning Xiaoxue felt weird at this time, as if they had sensed something.Express

"What's wrong with you, this is a public place, don't kiss!" Dai Xingyu said with a smile.

"We feel..." Ning Xiaoxue said.

"What does it feel like to love each other?"

"No, it's the possibility of martial soul fusion skills!" Luo Xiaojie said hurriedly.

Luo Xiaojie and Ning Xiaoxue were holding hands at this time, and their hearts could clearly feel a magical power between them, and they began to gather together.

"What, martial soul fusion skill, so exaggerated?" Dai Xingyu did not understand, "you have just reached the soul sage, you can sense the martial soul fusion skill?"

Ning Feng didn't even think of what was going on at this point. According to reason, Xuanwu and Xingchen Liuli Pagoda couldn't fight with each other. Could these two spirits also have a certain degree of compatibility?

But the fit degree must reach at least 70% to be enough for the Martial Spirit Fusion Skill. Is this 70%?

Or is it because Ning Xiaoxue’s martial soul evolved to the Star Glazed Glass Pagoda, and after both of them reached the soul sage and turned on the martial soul true, what indirect change occurred in their connection, which triggered the martial soul fusion skill. What?

Yes, it is possible!

Ning Feng thought for a while and said immediately:

"You try to fuse each other's spirit power to see if you can achieve the effect."

The martial soul fusion technique is not only powerful, but also has a very small probability of appearance, so this situation needs further verification before it can be known.

"Seven monsters, I feel like my body has been moisturized and healed. Could this martial soul fusion skill be able to achieve the healing power of Jiuxin Begonia?"

Dai Xingyu guessed.

"I think that's what it meant. I didn't expect that their two spirits could also produce such martial spirit fusion skills. It's really good." Ning Feng said, and felt that this was a domain-level martial spirit fusion. Technique.

General domain-level skills can only be seen at the level of Title Douluo, but there are too few martial soul fusion skills that can reach the domain category, or they are rare.

It is really amazing that Luo Xiaojie and Ning Xiaoxue will have this situation. No matter how the two spirits observe from any angle, it is unlikely that they will resonate, but the result is just a big accident.

This is another surprise that the Shrek Seven Devils have harvested. Not only have all the members reached the Soul Sage, but also an amazing martial soul fusion skill appeared. This is the second powerful martial soul fusion skill of the Shrek Seven Monsters. The first one is Bai Yu and Huo Ling.

Luo Xiaojie and Ning Xiaoxue were separated, and the effect of the martial soul fusion skill was only a junior.

"How about it, this is our spirit fusion skill, the light of healing!" Luo Xiaojie said first.

Luo Xiaojie and Ning Xiaoxue had this feeling for the first time, and they didn't know what their martial soul fusion skills would look like.

When they began to push their spirit power towards each other, a strange scene appeared. The two clenched their hands together. Between them, a golden ball of light appeared, and the golden ball of light continued to expand. In the end, the two of them were completely wrapped, and from the outside, they couldn't even see what was going on inside, but Luo Xiaojie and Ning Xiaoxue could see what was going on outside.

At the same time, after the golden light sphere expanded to a certain extent, golden energy burst out, the golden energy exploded on the surface, exploded, and then the golden energy was transformed into a golden meteor shower and generally descended in all directions.

When the golden meteor fell, the establishment of the Kingdom of Gods and Shadows quickly attracted the attention of the entire Ninja World.

But the Kingdom of Gods and Shadows is so mysterious, it is difficult to find any news.

Yun Hao is very careful, so it is naturally difficult for them to detect anything.

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