Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 323 - The Secret of the Ninja

As the founding god of the Kingdom of Gods, Yun Hao's regulations are not allowed to be touched.

No one can challenge its majesty, not even this.

Because the Kingdom of Gods and Shadows will become the master of the Naruto World and control everything.

I have already given myself confidence in my heart, so I won't have any problems at this knot anyway.

The six people wiped their backs on the Lei Sacred Mountain, each with a high morale, as if it was difficult to stop them from advancing even if the front was a sea of ​​swords and flames.

How could it be possible to give up so easily at this time? In their dictionary, there is no admitting or giving up!

Everything has been established, so just move forward and it is the best choice.

When they boarded the Thunder Sacred Mountain, everyone looked back, their faces were extremely colorful, but they were all confident and confident.

Will be the top of the Ling, a glance at the mountains!

It is to have such a courage, to have the spirit of desperate, to move forward courageously!

He calmed down and entered the Thunder Sacred Hall. At this time, O'Meila and Eurasia were already waiting for them. Seeing them bring them, they also nodded with a smile.

Ouya said: "Today is the last level of your fourth exam. I believe that with him, you can still successfully break through, but don't be too happy because of this. You may only take a few steps in your suffering. More challenges await you."

These words were naturally addressed to Ning Feng, so Ning Feng also smiled confidently and said, "Thank you, senior, for the point. I will definitely pay attention, not arrogant or impetuous!"

"Well, well, then let's start!"

With that said, Eurasia stopped talking, and began to awaken the door of eternity, opening the door to the eternal holy land.

The gate of eternity opened, O'Meara led Ning Feng and six people into it, and Xiao Lei also followed in.

Eurasian looked at their disappearing backs and sighed: "I hope that everything will be done according to the wishes of Lord Thor, and I hope that this time I can really wipe out those guys..."

The light flashed, and the crowd once again appeared in the Eternal Holy Land. This place did not surprise them much. Except for the giant gate standing at the end of the sky, which shocked them, other things looked nothing new.

However, you can't ask about the things inside, and Ning Feng will not tell others at will, even if they are partners, they can be trusted partners, they can't tell, this is the rule of the eternal holy land.

After boarding the disc area, the stride meteor walked to the seventh stone pillar. On that stone pillar, the word "seven" was suddenly written, and this was the passage of the seventh level they were about to enter.

The suppression of a 300,000-year-old Thunder Demon Emperor is definitely not simple stuff.

The eight-armed Dark Thunder God Monkey is already so cunning and powerful, and this Thunder Demon Emperor is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Let's go!" O'Meara said simply, and walked in immediately.

Ning Feng followed, and everyone else quickly followed. Xiao Lei was still at the end, flapping a pair of wings, and his figure entered the seventh stone pillar.

The picture shifts to a a relic. Some places around are broken and dilapidated, but the huge stone pillars that look a bit old do have a sense of mystery. There is a huge hall in the front, like It is an ancient and mysterious site.The door was closed tightly, and a red carpet in front of the door was paved into a straight road extending to the front. On both sides of the straight road are two rows of stone pillars 50 meters high. The stone pillars are dark blue with patterns carved on them, and follow the stone pillars upward. Look, at the top of one of the stone pillars, there is a tall figure standing.

Look carefully, the figure is more than ten meters high, wearing this black armor, standing in front of him with a huge sword in his hands, his eyes are terrible scarlet, and there are a pair of huge bends on the top of the head, but it looks like a Right horns, but much bigger than horns, majestic, standing there quietly, looking at Ning Feng and the others.

"You are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time!" The figure said vigorously.

It didn't seem to reject Ning Feng and the others' arrival, but instead appeared calm and calm, with a deep feeling of the city.

O'Meara looked up at it, the sunlight in the sky shining behind it, decorating it like a descending god, so daunting.

"Emperor Thunder Demon, now that we know we are coming, I think the Eight-Armed Dark Thunder God Monkey also reminded you yesterday. This is Master Thor's arrangement. If you still want to have a good fight, of course I will accompany you to the end! "O'Meara said loudly without losing to the opponent.

"Hahaha, what about Thor's arrangement, if you want me to approve you, you still have to beat me."

"Although my power has been suppressed a lot, it seems that it is not so easy for you to pass my level."

The Thunder Demon Emperor had a proud posture, looking at Ning Feng and others in front of him as if he were looking at ants, without paying attention.

It knew that all six brothers had been defeated by them, but even so, it was impossible for it to surrender so easily.

Even if you know that everything is Thor's arrangement, then these people must be qualified to make themselves their spirit ring, otherwise everything is empty talk.

Without even this little power, it would be impossible to defeat the terrifying power of the Dark Empire.

Moreover, once their most powerful supporting force, the Demon God, awakens, there is absolutely no possibility of victory without sufficient strength. It is better to continue to stay in this eternal holy land, not be affected by the outside world, and live a happy life every day.

If you have to do this, you must have a good explanation, or you won't recognize it.

The original freedom has been severely restricted, and now it is so easy to surrender, wouldn't it be very shameless?

"I know the confusion in your heart, and I'm sorry, you only know the real situation now, but now that you have a plan in your heart, we will go all out for this battle, and let you see if we have this. Qualified!" O'Meara said.

"Very well, do you guys go together, or just go head-to-head, the choice is yours, I'm free." The Thunder Demon Emperor said proudly.

This shows that it has absolute confidence, otherwise it would not say so.

"This Thunder Demon Emperor's brain is not a show-off, right? If we are together, with seniors as the main attacker, it will have no chance." Dai Xingyu whispered.

"Don't underestimate it. It dares to say so with absolute certainty, so we still have to be careful."

"Does that mean Xiao Lei can stop fighting?" Ning Xiaoxue said suddenly.

"Perhaps this is the case. The Thunder Demon Emperor is still good. It is fair to choose the battlefield, and the choice is ours, so we will not be in danger." Ning Feng said.

O'Meara stood up and pointed at the Thunder Demon Emperor and said, "I will be your opponent. I hope I can give you all my strength."

The Thunder Demon Emperor glanced down at O'Meara and said, "Yes, I hope you don't let me down!"

"I can feel that you are the strongest among this group of people, and... you can still let a 100,000-year-old soul beast with you, there is something."

Akatsuki coexists peacefully with humans?

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!

There is a big difference between this world and the Douluo world, that is, there is no so-called martial soul here, and it does not rely on obtaining a spirit ring to increase strength, and it is simply defined by Chakra energy.

Only by continuously enhancing one's own Chakra energy can one become stronger.

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