Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 42 This is the Legendary Facial Cleanser


Five years later--

Wuhun City!

Outside the Wuhun Temple, somewhere in a small forest!


Yun Hao and Qian Renxue had just performed the martial arts fusion skill, and the power of Shenyao had been fully penetrated by them.

The power of Haoxue is paired with the might of Shenyao, and they are used by them!

"Finally, I have fully understood this martial arts fusion technique, Haohao, now our Shenyao can be regarded as a great achievement, as long as the cultivation base is improved, the power of the Shenyao will continue to grow stronger!" Qian Renxue said.

"Yeah, after so long of practice and comprehension, it's finally done--" Yun Hao said with emotion.

In the past five years, all of them have worked hard to study and temper.

Physical training has developed the body's functions to the current extreme, and with the dual cultivation of martial and soul, the soul power cultivation of the two has not fallen at all.

On the contrary, there are even worse!

In addition to physical training and soul power training, Yun Hao will also carefully study and research various things about martial souls.

Some scientific factors will be added appropriately, various materials will be collected and sorted out, and new concepts will be continuously developed.

Of course, the strong support and cooperation of Pope Bibi Dong is indispensable, and after more than five years of getting along, the relationship between Yun Hao and Bibi Dong has developed to an irreversible level.

Yun Hao admired Bibi Dong's resolute and decisive character. He was determined to everything without any hesitation. Bibi Dong was also very optimistic about Yun Hao.

In addition to these, because Yun Hao's demonstrated abilities and talents have also been recognized by many people in the Spirit Hall, of course the relationship is naturally not deeper than Bibi Dong.

Moreover, Yun Hao had been looking forward to being able to get closer to Qian Renxue, and this matter also had a further development.

Qian Renxue is now not as impatient with Yun Hao as he was at the beginning, but sometimes depends on him.

It was precisely because of Yun Hao's appearance that she felt warm, something she had never felt before, and she also received various help from Yun Hao in her cultivation.

Even the Young Master of Wuhun Palace, who has always been arrogant and noble, would repeatedly restrain his temper in front of Yun Hao, and behave submissively.

There is a sky outside the sky, there are people outside the world, Qian Renxue's heart also admits that Yun Hao's talent is above her!

And the relationship between the two has also developed from the beginning to closeness.

Even sometimes, Qian Renxue finds that staying with Yunhao is more intimate and harmonious than being with grandpa...


A golden light flashed!

Shenyao separation!

The light turned back to Qian Renxue and Yun Hao, both of whom are now tall and tall.

From that innocent young man, Yun Hao has grown to be as tall as he is now, with a slender and well-proportioned body, handsome appearance, handsome and charming.He wore a special black uniform from the Spirit Hall, with short black inches, and looked so bad and handsome.

Needless to say, Qian Renxue's figure is as hot and attractive as ever, and fuller than before, a pale gold palace costume, plus her face like a lotus flower, make her beautiful!

This is the real stunner!

Now Yunhao is half taller than Qian Renxue, which shows that the hormone secretion is strong, which makes him grow well!

"Let's go, let's go back to the Martial Soul Hall first, I want to go to the Pope Hall first, you can go back to your elder hall to prepare, we will leave later!" Yun Hao said.

"What, you are going to drive me away so soon, and you still want to see her?" Qian Renxue said a little coquettishly.

"Uh...I'm not seeing the pope in person, I'll explain the matter to her, let's go!"

"Well then, I'll wait for you!"

Yun Hao took Qian Renxue's hand, and the two left talking and laughing.


Wuhun Hall!

In the Pope’s Hall, Bibi Dongzheng was reading a thick book over and over again.

Look carefully at the cover of the book, it says: "How is the pill made"!

That's right, it's "How the Pills Are Made"!

This was compiled by Yun Hao after various collections, analyses, and sorting. It also included a lot of chemical knowledge.

After studying for so long, Bibi Dong already knew chemistry well, so there was no problem studying the refining of that magical pill.

This was also advocated by Yun Hao. Refining pills suitable for various situations was also very helpful for cultivation.

"Hey, why is it so difficult here..." Bibi Dong sighed, apparently seeing something difficult.

"Boom boom boom———"

At this time, several knocks came from outside the main hall door.

"Come in!"

Bibi Dong collected "How the Pills Are Made", and then cast his eyes to the door.

The door of the palace was pushed open, and an energetic and handsome young man walked in.

"Haohao, you can be regarded as coming back!" When Bibi Dong saw the boy, he immediately got up and ran over.


Yun Hao looked dumbfounded!

I haven't understood what's going on. Why does Bibi Dong react so much?

While he was thinking about it, Bibi Dong had already come to him and hugged him.



Suddenly, two tufts of elastic stuff directly covered his face.

Yun Hao: "......"

I couldn't breathe for an instant. Since the relationship became irresistible, Bibi Dong became enthusiastic towards Yun Hao.

Yun Hao struggled desperately, wanting to break free, but Bibi Dong's girl was more energetic...

Yun Hao's forehead is about to explode!

Is it... Is this the legendary facial cleanser?

I'm going, it's so awesome!

"Teach... the Pope... Your Majesty, you let me go first, I'm almost out of breath--"

Yun Hao forced himself to say these things in the soft and dark scene.

"Oh haha, sorry, I was so excited to see you."

"You said you have to concentrate on cultivating these days and don’t come to me. I’m going to be depressed to death. I stay here alone in the Papal Palace of Nuo Da, studying how to make a better medicine, but there is always one. The difficulties cannot be understood..."

Bibi Dong told Yun Hao about his thoughts these days, and she has always hoped that Yun Hao can help her answer.

"That's it, then all right, let me see!"

Bibi Dong immediately handed Yun Hao "How the Pills Are Made" and told him the problem.

"This, it's simple, you are like this..."

Yun Hao took a look, and then began to explain.

Yun Hao himself also found inspiration from those cultivating pills, which was a new attempt.

After all, he compiled it himself, so he knew the information very well. In fact, as long as you understand chemistry, these are not so profound.

With Yun Hao's explanation, Bibi Dong is just as easy to understand!

"Haohao, I plan to appoint you as my soul hall saint son, what do you think?"

After dealing with alchemy matters, Bibi Dong became serious again and said to Yun Hao.

"His Majesty the Pope doesn't need to be so sloppy. I still don't have enough ability to do it. Moreover, the Palace of the Elders has been suppressing the Palace of the Pope. It is not safe to have the Son on this knot!" Yun Hao said thoughtfully.

The so-called Saint Son is the only heir to the Pope. The ability and talent that Yun Hao has shown over the past five years has made Bibi Dong dumbfounded and sincerely gratified.So she already had a plan in her heart.

"His Majesty the Pope, no matter how turbulent the situation, no matter how the world changes, Yun Hao and you will always stand on the same front. The world can learn from the world, and the sun and the moon are proof, so we have to plan slowly for this kind of thing!" Continue to say.

If Hu Liena was a saint, Yun Hao had nothing to say, and the Palace of the Elders would not give too much pressure.

But Yun Hao himself is different. If you want to stay firmly in this position, you can't be too hasty.

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