Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 431 - God is not a wish

This special space cannot accurately define the role and the original, and the difference is true, and as long as it makes the so-called ready to play.

Not anything can be realized, and there is no way to people 's people.

Luo Xiaojie did not hesitate to run the past, and the shield of Xuanwu is ready.

Ningfeng's sixth tribute to himself, this attack must find a way to hide, even if there is a thunder's gold, it can't stop it, is it a spiritual attack?

It is like this, it is no effect on the defense of energy and physics.

"Xiaofen, I am coming!"

Luo Xiaojie descended from the sky, the shield of Xuanwu is already in front of the front of Ningfeng.

"Xiaojie, return, don't -"

Haven't finished it, I saw that the elevation of Luo Xiaojie in an instant. He revealed a horrified expression and fell it directly.

"Xiaojie !!!"

Ning Xiaoxue and Hai Feifei were also exclaimed, and Ningfeng wanted to push him away, but it has not been too late.

At this time, Dai Xingyu, the ganyan and white feathers struggled to climb from the ground, but I feel that my soul has been greatly consumed, I don't release a few soul skills, how can it be?

"Hey, I see the things that ants are struggling, too excited, um!"

The man is so demon, and Ningfeng really wants to give him a hammer, but it is not an intention to use.

"You can admit it, now you have a person in the field, you still plan to play us seven?"

The accelerated attack soul is falling, and a face is said to Ning Feng, but also a funny smile on his mouth.

It can be said that this battle is the most bumble in Shrek, and it feels that it has not played the strength of himself, and the battle is over, the depth is painful, but it is uncomfortable, but Also let them realize a very important point, that is, you still need to become more powerful!

"Look, I will say, Shileke is not the same by the soul team, but we are smart, avoid this moment of extreme blows, hehe!"

Everyone who had just witnessed the battle of the ice spirit, and it was almost a battle that was a victory of the Tian Soul, and once again let them realize the terrible of this team.

And as the leader of the Soul Corps, Wu Tian is a leisurely.

After Silong stood in his body, he was tangled in his heart. Finally, I still asked: "Why don't you let me play, I must defeat him, and I will never lose to him again!"

"Hey, the loser is no words, you can still stand here now, is the longest gift!"

Suddenly, a satirical voice came from the darkness of the room, and Yinlong turned angrily and angryly. I saw that the fifth, if the figure of the hidden figure was standing in the corner, could not see their appearance, but they can feel the power of terror from them.

"The weak will only be treated by the strong, Chu Yu, you will always look at the weak people who don't serve, it is enough!"

Another woman's voice came, and the sound was stunned, so that men couldn't help but be seduce the soul.

Wu Tian stood in the same place, but did not speak, Chu Yu can only force the inner anger.

On the one day, I will let you all!


Back to the college with a heavy mood after failure, everyone is immersed in his own world.

This failure was in their hearts, but Ningfeng is the most touching one.

He never believes that he is the best in the world, but it is the most worth thoughtful reason, even if it is good, in front of the absolute power, it will still look slightly.

Ning Feng still doesn't like to sleep early, sitting on the roof as usual, blowing cool night wind, thinking about his life!

It's just a matter of failure, that's just a binding heart, just disconnect, but also leave time to more meaningful things.

"How, is it bad?"

At this time, a gentle voice sounded, and Ning Feng turned his head, Haifeifei came over to him.

Seeing Hai Feli, Ning Feng's heart is like bathing in a gentle spring breeze, no longer thinking about the complex things, smiling: "Today is really sorry, make such a decision!"

Hai Feifei shook his head and said: "How can this blame you, you have done very well!"

I heard her saying that Ning Feng drums the courage to take out the horn of the sea and start playing.

Under the melodious melody, Haifeifei's body quietly close to Ningfeng, hanging happiness on his face, head pillow on his shoulders, slowly immersed in the beautiful melody.

Ningfeng only felt that the heartbeat accelerated, the action became a bit stalemate, gently gentle a spit, some embarrassed to see Hai Feifei.

How can I suddenly be like this, but the soul that the beating is not willing to bother her, so Ning Feng quickly adjusted the breath and continued to play for her.

The breeze crossed the fragrant fragrance of Haifeifei, but Ning Feng also intoxicated this quiet night, the hearts of the two were quietly connected in this time ...

Seeing the face of the partners is somewhat bad, Ning Feng only hates your strength or not enough, I have not made a competent captain, I didn't think that the soul of the soul is so stupid, or I am in this step.

I want to come, the strange soul technology should be a great weakening of the opponent, just that spiritual attack?

When he came to Luo Xiaojie, he went to Luo Xiaojie, and he asked him, asked angrily: "This spiritual attack will cause a certain harm to the spirit of the soul."

The man holding the soul of the soul is also finally opened. field!"

Ning Feng frowned, and said that he fell sharply, and said calmly: "I believe this day will come soon!"

In the heart, it is a moment, and it is said that "Shrak is admitted!"

Although the heart is not willing, but in order to avoid unnecessary harm, Ningfeng can only bite the teeth, endure the inner anger, say this, let himself hate it.

The partners just look at Ningfeng, knowing that he decided to make such a decision, but the heart still supports him.

Dai Xingyu, the fire bell and the white feathers walked back, the expression is full, even if there is more and more uncomfortable, but only can be bored in my heart.

The gap between the two sides is too big, even if it is desirable, I am afraid that the final result is also obvious.

That day, the soul of the soul brother only put two soul skills, and directly smoothed the overall strength of the Shrek's team, and the eyes can see that the victory is already.

This is the terrible place of the Tian Soul, even if it is not the strongest lineup, you can easily defeat your opponents, not only because they are the whole soul lineup, but because of the strange and terrible martial arts.

Once the picture in Douro mainland is in the eyes, it is impossible to forget that but not willing to remember.

Too sad, I feel that time is turning over, Yunhao feels very magical.

This kind of monster is too much, but it will not feel unfortunate.

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