Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 8 I Can See Through You

Calm down, be calm!

The teacher and the elders are watching, I can't just give up like that.

He is also a little weird in his body and does not seem to have any offensive power, as long as he has no distractions, don't be disturbed by him.

Hu Liena teased in her heart: "It's a small carving skill, when your soul power is almost exhausted, I see how you can jump!"

He sinks his heart, gathers all his soul power, and his eyes bloom with attractive pink light.

And Yun Hao, like a monkey, jumped back and forth.

Seeing that Hu Liena was still indifferent, she said with caution: "Is she waiting for something?"

After all, although my own ten thousand years spirit ability is fast, it's not an egg!

Soul power is scarce at this stage, if it is consumed like this, when it is almost consumed, there will be no soul power to continue to use Lingbo microsteps.

And Hu Liena will take the opportunity to defeat him in one fell swoop, and must think of a way to get the best of both worlds.

It will not consume too much soul power, but can defeat her!

Don't look at Hu Liena's usual twitchy and likable, on the battlefield, she gave up being a lady, and started to work harder than a man!

So women, don't just look at your appearance!

The golden streamer condensed in the right hand, and the light sword appeared in the hand.

He was going to find an opportunity to sneak attack Hu Liena, and he had to take advantage of the time he could disturb her sight. After the best time, it would be difficult to find another opportunity.

The spirit power wandered quickly in the body, and Ling Bo moved his body around on the ground with micro steps.

When Yun Hao held the Divine Sword of Light and came behind Hu Liena, it was the best time.

"Hey! I'm coming!"

He held up the Divine Sword of Light and touched it thiefly from behind.

What Hu Liena saw were the afterimages of Yun Hao's body. At the moment when the afterimages disappeared, she realized something and turned around decisively.

"I want to make a sneak attack, huh!"

Discovering that Yun Hao was sneaking up with a sword from behind, Hu Liena reacted quickly.

A pair of fondly pink eyes stared at Yun Hao tightly, and Yun Hao suddenly had an energetic, lingering thought!

When he came back to his senses, Hu Liena had already arrived, grabbing quickly with both hands.

"I lose it, it's all right!"

Panicked, Yun Hao reluctantly resisted him with his sword.

But the shock wave was too strong, and it still knocked him to the ground!

"How do you run now, look at the move!" Hu Liena took advantage of the victory to pursue her, not giving Yun Hao a chance to breathe.

Stealing chickens can't lose rice!

Yun Hao hurriedly got up, trying to stretch his position and look for another opportunity.

Yueguan was already impatient to look at him, and said with some interest: "Under the crown of the pope, this kid will play tricks. In fact, some fists and embroidered legs are not Nana's opponent at all, and I think this kid can't stay. It's better to kill!"

Bibi Dong thought about it, and replied: "Such a cute little doll, such a sweet mouth, and such a special martial arts hall is what my martial arts hall needs. As long as I spend more time training and training, there will be no problem, I don't want to listen anymore. In that case!"

Feeling the anger in Bibi Dong's heart, Yue Guan hurriedly lowered her head, and said in a panic: "It's because of the subordinates who have not considered well, I hope the pope will forgive me!"

Bibi Dong nodded slightly, and said with disdain: "Well, why bother with a child, what can he have?"

When the two talked, Yun Hao had been persecuted by Hu Liena several times.

Because of the consumption of a lot of soul power, the speed has begun to decrease, and the scale of victory has also begun to tilt to the opposite side.

No, I have to find a way!

If you lose, you can't leave a deeper impression on Bibi Dong!

If she can't leave a deeper impression, she can't let her have higher expectations!

And without higher expectations, he can no longer occupy a dominant position in the game of Wuhun Palace!

"Goddess, my goddess, hurry up!"

Yun Hao is now in a state of confusion. He has already reached this point. Can't he take one more step?

"Goddess? By the way, I still have—"

He subconsciously thought of something, it seemed that he still had something that was useless.

At the very moment, Yun Hao summoned the Lady Luck Card, the Lady Luck Card that represented his second martial soul!

"How to use this card?" immediately asked the system in his mind.

"Ask the host to silently recite the mantra of'The Goddess of Luck is smiling', so that he can use his soul skills!

The system replied.

"That's it!"

Let me try......

After brewing for a while, he left the Lady Luck Card in the air and said silently in his heart:

The goddess of luck is smiling!

At this moment, the Lady Luck Card in the sky began to spin at high speed.

"What is this?" Yueguan looked at this scene with a puzzled look, full of questions in his heart.

"Look at the situation first!" Bibi Dong said.

The Lady Luck Card stopped, and the whole became black and gold, weird and mysterious!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully opening the Black Gold Card of the Lady Luck Card, rewarding with a lucky value of 1000! And getting the right to use the single gou jade writing wheel once for five minutes!


Yun Hao was excited and puzzled again.

This god is so single Gouyu, writing round eyes are here, this goddess of luck is too powerful!

Loved love!

No longer thinking about it, the man must stand firm at the critical moment, he suddenly grasped the Lady Luck card, and shouted: "Zhaolanyan!"

There was a stinging pain in both eyes, the iris turned blood red, and outside the pupil, a single gouyu appeared on the edge of the iris.

I go, it feels so cool!

My mind flashed, and I felt a sense of transparency when I looked at the surrounding scenery, as if I could see everything, and even vaguely see what would happen in the next second.

Hu Liena had already attacked with the belief of victory, her eyes twinkling.

I don't know what Yun Hao's bells and whistles were just now, maybe it was just playing big treasures there, there was no threat at all.

The paw quickly slashed, but Yun Hao leaned sideways gracefully, easily dodge!

"What?" Hu Liena was surprised.

"It must be an illusion!"

A few more swift and violent attacks, do not believe that he can escape.

However, Yun Hao really seemed to be able to predict her movements, so he had the intention to dodge in advance, tried many times, and easily avoided when the attack was about to reach him.

"You... why did you suddenly become so fast?" Hu Liena asked dazedly.

"That's because...because I can see through you!" Yun Hao said.

Five minutes to say whether it’s long or short, it’s coming soon, and the effect of writing round eyes quickly dissipated.With a sordid smile on Yun Hao's handsome little face, Hu Liena hurriedly made a cover-up gesture in fright.

"Shameless! What kind of perverted spirit ability is that you, look at you looking like a white and handsome, really dirty thinking!"

Hu Liena's face was dark for an instant, and Yun Hao was a roaring curse.

Seeing this scene, Bibi Dong and Yueguan walked over immediately, and Yueguan angrily rebuked: "At a young age, I have learned these crooked ways and my heart is not right. It seems that I have to be trained carefully!"

Yun Hao is speechless, what is a crooked way?What is wrong mind?

Also, why am I dirty?

Looking at Juhuaguan’s face of a human-eating ladyboy, and Hu Liena’s furious look, Yun Hao had to explain aggrievedly: "What I mean...I mean I can see through her movements. It’s not what you think!"

Really, do I look like a person who is so silly?My heart is pure, okay!

This handsome disdain to do that kind of scumbag!

Hearing Yun Hao's explanation and his aggrieved appearance, Hu Liena confirmed again: "What you true?"

Yun Hao quickly nodded and said, "Of course, what I said is true!"

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