Two days later.

On a high ground somewhere in Land-of-Rain.

Wearing a hat and a raincoat, Kaede slowly stepped up to the high ground, stepping on a puddle, but there was no splash of rain, but just a ripple.

He climbed to the highest point, his gaze swept across all directions, and he didn’t see any silhouette. He could only see the remaining traces of the camp.

“So…what about people?”

Kaede stepped forward, squatting in front of a trace and looking at it.

In such a big camp in information, he disappeared when he came over? !

After getting the specific location of Rain Ninja’s camp from Orochimaru, he left Konoha’s camp and drove all the way here, but there was nothing here.

Just as Kaede frowned, a shadow suddenly appeared from a distance, flew towards this side, and quickly came to a position not far away to stand still.

The sillhouete is wearing a weird animal mask, wearing clothes similar to Konoha’s Anbu ninja, but the pattern on the mask is richer than Anbu ninja.

“Is it the ninja of Root?”

Kaede looked towards the other side and started to talk calmly.

The Root ninja bowed slightly to Kaede, confirmed Kaede’s identity, and said: “Lord Danzo asked me to monitor the Rain Ninja camp from a distance. Rain Ninja had already withdrawn the entire army two days ago. Here, I got Lord Danzo’s order to take you here.”


Kaede slightly frowned, saying: “Which direction did they withdraw?”

The Root ninja said solemnly: “My companion has continued to follow, but there has been no information for a day. Maybe it has been discovered… According to the last information that came yesterday, Rain Ninja’s direction It seems to be returning to Hidden Rain Village.”

Back to Hidden Rain Village?

Kaede has a looking thoughtful look.

Hanzo of the Salamander shouldn’t know in advance that he is coming, so let’s take the lead in retreating. It is estimated that he is unwilling to stay in one place for too long.

Rain Ninja is just a Small Ninja Village, and the total number of ninjas is only about 2,000. In the case that the village has to stay behind a part of the troops, only 1,500 people can be mobilized at most. The troops are stationed on the border of Land-of-Rain, and there are reasons to worry about being surrounded by Konoha suddenly.

“Is there a specific way forward?”

Kaede looked towards the Root ninja.

Root ninja said solemnly: “Only the course of action a day ago…”

While talking, he threw a scroll to Kaede. The scroll was Land. -of-Rain’s map and Rain Ninja’s marching route.

After Kaede glanced at, nodded, said: “I am understood.”

The Root ninja squatted down, and then used a Body Flicker Jutsu, and the pu chi suddenly turned white The smoke disappeared.

Looking at the departure of the other side, Kaede took a closer look at the path on the map, and after judging his position, he followed Rain Ninja in the direction of withdraw.


Konoha camp.

Orochimaru looked at the sand table map in the center of the camp, threw a flag down, and said: “worthy-of is the Hanzo’s style of doing things. It seems that you have withdrawn decisively soon after the negotiation failed. The camp where we were originally stationed is unwilling to leave us with any possible attacks.”

Danzo sat in a chair on the side and said calmly: “I will do the same if I change to an old man.”


Orochimaru looked at the map for a while, and said: “According to his understanding of that person, he should lead his army back to Hidden Rain Village and wait for the next opportunity to act. It seems that Kaede’s assassination plan should be stopped halfway. Ah.”

Unless Kaede can catch up with Hanzo of the Salamander halfway, if Hanzo leads Rain Ninja back to Hidden Rain Village, then basically it doesn’t exist to be able to assassinate.

Because it is generally difficult for ninja to set up sense barriers in temporary camps, Ninja Village, which has been operating for many years, must have sense barriers. Konoha has it and Hidden Rain Village also has it.

This kind of sense barrier is very difficult and difficult to achieve a silent breakthrough.

Under the coverage of this sense barrier, once you enter Hidden Rain Village, you will definitely be discovered by Rain Ninja, and naturally doesn’t exist the probability of assassination.


Danzo also nodded, saying: “But Kaede didn’t plan to give up, he continued to chase after.”

Rain Ninja two days in advance Just withdraw, the probability of Kaede catching up with Rain Ninja halfway is not great, because the other side is not walking in a straight line, a slight deviation will lead to the wrong direction, and the ninja he sent to follow is also killed.

To ensure that you can touch the other side, you only have to go straight to Hidden Rain Village, but it is impossible to launch a sneak attack outside Hidden Rain Village. Hanzo of the Salamander is impossible. Carry it into the village by yourself.

“Young ninjas are always very persistent.

Orochimaru smiles.

Although Kaede is young and confident, he is more cautious in acting style, and found no If the murderous intention is true, it should and should not be rushed. In short, it is just go on an errand for nothing.



Kaede followed the route of Rain Ninja withdraw all the way to the last location of the information, and then chose a direction according to the map to continue chasing. After chasing for a long time, there was still no trace.

Look It looks like he chose the wrong direction.

Kaede didn’t bother to look around anymore, so he simply changed this route to go straight to Hidden Rain Village, anyway, the final destination of Hanzo of the Salamander It is to return to Hidden Rain Village.

As for Hidden Rain Village has a sense barrier, it is difficult to sneak into and other issues… In fact, he simply did not consider sneaking and assassination.

Just like Orochimaru Like Danzo said, Hanzo is an extremely cautious ninja. Even when sleeping, he also arranges extremely meticulous defense. Sneak attack almost doesn’t exist.

Kaede from the very beginning has never been considered. sneak attack.

Head-on combat is fine!

Rain Ninja’s number and the like simply don’t need to be considered, just like when he is singled out with Third Raikage and Fourth Raikage, speed Ninja, who is not fast enough, simply can’t intervene!

The same is true for Hanzo of the Salamander. Rain Ninja is basically rubbish except Hanzo. You don’t need to bother about it, just like brushing a copy. To clear the mobs, go straight to the last boss.

Kaede rushed to Hidden Rain Village in no hurry.

At his speed, rushed to Hidden Rain Village at full speed. If it’s a long time, Han Zo of the Salamander led Rain Ninja around Land-of-Rain. It is estimated that three or four genius can go back.

If you go early, you will have to get a few days of rain outside Hidden Rain Village. It’s better to find a small town and stay for a few days, and wait for Hanzo of the Salamander to almost return to Hidden Rain Village before rushing there. .

“Let it be here.”

After looking at the map he carried, Kaede found the nearest small town.

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