Hugged tightly by Sara, Kaede froze.

A little thought in my mind.

Forget it.

After experiencing the ups and downs of life and death, it is inevitable that the mood will fluctuate sharply. It really needs comfort, so let the other side take advantage of it. As a boy, you must be generous.

Not far away.

Roran’s bodyguards were all looked at in a daze. The enemy in front of him was defeated one after another, and then turned his head and saw that Sara was holding Kaede.

Someone tightened their expressions and immediately came over here, but after two steps, they stopped again, thinking of the previous shuttle battlefield and saving their silver light.

After a while.

Someone came over and hesitated to start to talk and said: “Queen Your Majesty……”


Sara at this time He woke up suddenly, reacting to what he was doing, quickly let go of his hand, staggered back two steps, and a blush appeared on his cheeks.

When Sara let go, Kaede also let out a sigh of relief. He is not a Court Eunuch, an unsentimental assassin. The beautiful lady is carrying a fragrance into her nose, and she will inevitably be a little confused.

Kaede looked towards Sara and first started to talk and asked: “The past two years when I disappeared, it seems that something very meddlesome happened. How did you learn Ninjutsu?”

When Sara is holding it, she can feel her within-the-body with Chakra in the flow.

I also noticed the Kunai used by Sara.

“Ninjutsu? I learned it with your younger brother…”

Sara looked away and answered in a low voice.

The bodyguards next to them looked this scene and couldn’t help but looked at each other in blank dismay. As adults, they couldn’t see what Sara’s appearance meant, so they couldn’t help but stare at Kaede.

But when I thought that Kaede seemed to be the one who saved them just now, the imposing-manner became weak again.

After a while.

Kaede got a rough idea of ​​what happened in the past two years from Sara.

Since Roran is located in the desert and the environment is closed, there is almost no contact with Ninja World, and not quite clear what is happening in Ninja World now.

The only thing I know is that Kakashi probably left after he disappeared 3 months later, and now Ninja World seems to think he is dead.

“Sand Ninja should have been left just now.”

Kaede stroked his chin.

Roran is located on the joint border of Land-of-Wind and Land of Fire. It is normal to be attacked by ninja. Before, he could rely on Ryumyaku’s power to resist, but now he has lost Ryumyaku’s power. It’s inevitable that you can’t resist those ninja attacks.

He killed Sand Ninja all at once. It is estimated that Sand Ninja found that this former team was missing, and would immediately send other teams over.

If you keep one, let the other side go back and report the letter.

After thinking about it, Kaede decided to stay in Roran for a few more days. On the one hand, he continued to adapt to his newly acquired abilities, on the other hand, he did good things to the end, and how to hold Roran.

After all.

It was he who absorbed Roran’s Ryumyaku energy, which caused Roran to lose the power to deal with foreign enemies. Otherwise, Sara’s control of Ryumyaku would not be a normal ninja.

The demise of Roran in the original work was precisely because Namikaze Minato completely sealed Ryumyaku so that Roran could no longer use Ryumyaku’s power… It seemed to have done a good thing, but actually caused the whole Roran finally died.

It is equivalent to sacrificing Roran for the stability of Ninja World.

After Kaede made the decision, he looked towards Sara start to talk and said: “Sand Ninja should come again, I will stay for a while, um… By the way, take a look at your Ninjutsu training level, Kakashi Ninjutsu’s is very average, you might not be able to learn from him.”

“Are you leaving?”

Sara started to talk hesitantly.

Kaede nodded, said: “I’m a ninja, I won’t stay anywhere, you have to think about it clearly.”

Sara’s mind is naturally felt by him, and also I learned from the other side that the other side had been waiting for him to come back, so I had to make some response, but he was impossible to stay in Roran.

Ninja World still has a meddlesome feeling he needs to do.


Sara bit her lip, then took a breath, looked towards Kaede again, smiled and said: “I am the Queen of Roran, I don’t need you Stay here forever.”

Kaede tilted his head and glanced at Sara. He suddenly became a little curious about who Sara’s father is. It seems that Roran has always been a queen system.

But forget it.

Don’t think about that anymore.

Sara has already expressed such an attitude, then as a man, he will not make any more actions that are not men.


In ten days.

In the desert outside Roran.

Kaede killed a ninja of the Sand Ninja team with a single sword, leaving only the last one. After an indifferent look at the other side, he did not continue to chase and let the other side escape.

“Is this all right?”

Sara walked over with some worry.

Kaede looked at the ninja who disappeared in the desert, put away the grass naruto sword, and said: “Hidden Sand Village will not invade here easily, but it’s hard to say about other running ninjas.”

With his reputation in Ninja World, the reappearance is enough to make Hidden Sand Village not dare to attack Roran easily, but Roran is located at the junction of the two Great Countries, and it is inevitable that there will be ninja passing by.

Chunin Genin is fine.

Sara now also has Elite Chunin Level strength, and those bodyguards are also similar, probably able to deal with some running ninja, but it is difficult to say if you encounter Jonin.


Sara looked towards Kaede with some worry.

Kaede slightly smiled, reached out and patted her shoulder, and said: “Don’t worry, I will solve this problem, and I will go to Kazekage to talk about it.”


Sara was taken aback.

Look for Kazekage… Have a talk? !

Although she doesn’t know much about Ninja World, she also knows that Ninja World has Five Great Countries and Five-Great Ninja Villages. The top leader of Five-Great Ninja Villages is called the shadow ninja.

If Kazekage is not the leader of Hidden Sand Village?

Sara hesitated: “Um, do I remember that you are not Konoha’s ninja? I heard Kakashi say that your Konoha seems to be at war with Hidden Sand Village, how come…”

“It is true.”

Kaede smiled lightly and said: “The war should not be over, but the war is not over, it does not mean that there is no way to’talk’, don’t worry, I It will be resolved.”

Sara is still a little uncomprehending, but Kaede’s words still instinctively trust her.

She looked towards Kaede and said: “Are you leaving?”

Kaede nodded, and then said with a slight smile: “I will come here often when I have time , But if you want to hold Roran, you have to become a powerful ninja.”


Sara’s nodded hard.


One day later.

Kaede left Roran, alone in the transmigrated desert, heading west.


Land-of-Wind, Hidden Sand Village!

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