Obito’s words made Kakashi and Rin and the others startled.

Kaede looks thoughtful to observe Obito’s state.

It seems that it was blackened under the various inducements of Uchiha Madara, and Uchiha Madara’s charms were also implanted in the heart. It is estimated that the thoughts were partially assimilated.

Kaede suddenly understood why Obito’s blackened strength suddenly became more than ten times stronger. In terms of abilities, he opened Kamui Mangekyo, which is the strongest ability, and his body is constructed from Hashirama cells. It has the same effect as Eternal Mangekyo.

Chakra Reserves also skyrocketed due to physical changes. In addition, they were taught by Uchiha Madara, and were infused with Uchiha Madara’s thoughts, combat experience, and so on.

Until Fourth Shinobi World War.

Become Ten-Tails Jinchuriki, control Ten-Tails with his own Willpower, step into the six-track mode, Obito can be regarded as removing the traces of Uchiha Madara.

“Obito, what are you talking about?!”

Rin looked at Obito in a bit of amazement, and said: “Kaede, he saved me…”

“Don’t be deceived by him!”

Obito interrupted Rin’s words and glared at Kaede and said: “I saw his hand with my own eyes…”

Rin shaking one’s head, said “Obito, you misunderstood. Kaede is just to clear the spell in my heart. He has no idea of ​​hurting me…” When it comes to this, she is still a little ashamed, because she was also split at that time Second thought Kaede was going to kill her. Obviously, Kaede also said a word of trust before.

“Those are deceiving you! If you weren’t Jinchuriki of Three-Tails, you would have died of such injuries, Rin! I will take you out of here!”

Obito feels that he can no longer communicate with Rin at this moment.

Rin has been completely brain-washed by Kaede.

“Hold on…”

Looked Obito seemed to want to take Rin away, Kakashi finally started to talk in a deep voice, saying: “Although I don’t know what you are talking about , But now you are more suspicious, Obito, why are you still alive, what is going on with your current Chakra, and what are your eyes?”

Although I am a little shocked by Obito’s identity , But at this time Kakashi is undoubtedly sensible, these few words also suddenly wake up Rin in the chaos.

Rin looked Obito, showing a bit of alertness.

She took two steps back.

Actually, as Kakashi said, Obito’s Chakra at this time is very wrong, it is not the familiar Chakra at all, and it is very gloomy, and the state of the whole person is completely wrong.

“Sure enough, you are also…Kakashi…”

Obito complexion stiffened, seeing everyone staring at him vigilantly, he turned his head and looked towards Rin and said, “Rin, Don’t you believe me either?!”


Rin looked Obito, sensed the dark Chakra on Obito’s body, and inhaled said: “Your state is not right , What have you experienced since then?”

The Obito now is too suspicious!

She trusts Obito, but she can’t trust Obito as she is now, because she was controlled by others before, and Obito’s appearance seems to be more controlled by others!


The luster in Uchiha Obito’s eyes disappeared and replaced by icy rays of light, and his eyes swept across Kakashi and Kaede and the others.

At this moment, Kaede, who has not spoken, started to talk.

“You probably still have several points of sanity now? Obito…If you think about it, your state is impossible for Rin and Kakashi to trust you. This has nothing to do with me. You should be very clear about this. One point, not to mention that those you are talking about are just your own imaginary.”

The Obito before blackening is not at all. On the contrary, it is a very sunny youngster. Kaede has never blackened it. The former Obito was treated as an enemy.

At this moment, Obito seems to have a chance to save.


“I have always been sensible.”

Obito slowly started to talk, staring at Kaede and said: “It seems they I have already been influenced by you and won’t trust me anymore. In this case, I can only… take Rin out of here first!”



Obito within-the-body suddenly burst out a sharp branch, which he held in his hand, and threw it out in the direction of Kaede and Kakashi, while the whole person rushed in the direction of Rin.


Kakashi swung a knife to block the stabbing branch, but the heavy force made him back several steps at once, his face changed involuntarily.

“Really strong…and this power…is it Wood-Style Kekkei Genkai?!”

Isn’t that the power of Legendary First Hokage?


A flash of silver light flashed instantly.

Kaede’s silhouette flickered from a distant point to a near point, and fell to the front of Obito, stretched out his hand and pressed it, and slowly said: “You should stay here first.”

The current Obito is in a state of being brain-washed and blackened, but there should still be a chance of salvation, because the darkness of the current Obito is only for him alone.


Obito’s body passed through Kaede and continued to grab Rin.

But Kaede flashed his silhouette immediately, followed Obito, and continued to probe his hand towards Obito.

He is very clear about Kamui’s abilities.

This is the ability to allow a part of the body to transfer to a different space when it touches other people, which means that the body is in a state of isolation in a distorted space and cannot be touched.

However, this ability has a weakness, that is, it cannot be maintained permanently. There is a five-minute delay in the state of one eye. It is not clear for both eyes, but it should not be infinite.

Obito’s Kamui can last for the time to pass.

sou! sou!!

Due to the influence of Kaede, Obito was unable to use Kamui to suck Rin away, so he turned to try to confront Kaede, but even though he mastered Kamui’s abilities and opened Mangekyo Sharingan, he still couldn’t clearly understand Capture Kaede’s movements!

The inability to capture Kaede’s movements means that he can only rely on Kamui’s power to resist Kaede’s attacks, and he can’t even use Kamui to leave here.

“This speed…is this silver flash?”

“It is indeed the power of name shakes Ninja World…”

Uchiha Obito Eye The cold glow flashed in his eyes, and the body within-the-body suddenly burst out with a large number of branches.

Wood-Style! The technique of cutting!

Shit! laugh! laugh! !

A large number of branches lasing towards all directions.

“Block all your moving directions and see how you want to hide!”

As long as you create a gap and force Kaede to dodge, he can take the opportunity to enter the Kamui space and use it With his own abilities, he can find opportunities to take Rin away at any time.


It is what makes Obito pupils shrank.

Kaede faced his Wood-Style, not at all avoiding, the silver light was obviously stabbed by the branches, but the branch that stabbed his body would automatically collapse at the split second that was in contact .

He has already released the realm of time,

Obito has the ability of Kamui to blur, which can dodge almost all attacks, and he also has the eclipse that is immune to most attacks. !

This is the confrontation of Time and Space ability!


This move is a trick he realized on his own, but he knows that this is First Hokage Senju Hashirama’s Wood-Style ability, and the branch itself has the ability to absorb Chakra The characteristics, penetration is also very strong.

But such an attack, when it touches Kaede’s body, it automatically collapses, and it seems that it cannot break the physical defense of the other side!

“It’s not good, the time for my ability to maintain…”

Although Obito is a Mangekyo, but as the holder, he can feel that he maintains the blur His realm is constantly approaching, and Kaede’s attacks are so dense that he has no gaps to use Kamui to leave here.

Too strong!

Kaede’s strength is too strong!

At this moment, he clearly felt the oppression from the strength level. Even if he got the power of First Hokage, even if he got the power of Uchiha Clan legendary, he still couldn’t match the silver flash!

“It won’t be good if this goes on.”

Obito clenched the teeth for a while, he didn’t expect that after possessing such power, he still couldn’t beat Kaede, even his own It seems impossible to escape.

And almost at this time.

pu chi!

Obito suddenly turned into white smoke and disappeared.


Kaede frowned, the attack stopped.

This is not Kamui, Kamui does not have the ability to disappear suddenly, but the Obito who attacked just now is not a clone, and Obito has no time to release Clone Jutsu and Body Substitution Jutsu.

“Flying Thunder God Jutsu…no, some kind of reverse Summoning Jutsu?”

“No wonder I dare to let Obito come over to me, it seems that I have prepared in advance. “

Kaede slowly lowered his hand.

He didn’t look for Uchiha Madara, which might be in the vicinity, because Obito might kill a sudden thrust. Rin hasn’t mastered the power of Jinchuriki and couldn’t stop the current Obito.

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