Outskirts of Konoha.

The two silhouettes are competing fiercely.

One of the sillhouete, the Chakra bathed in blue water, that is the Chakra mode of Three-Tails, the Chakra of Three-Tails converged into a chakra blade in the hands of Nohara Rin.

Ding Ding dong dong!!

The person who is fighting Nohara Rin is Kakashi.

Kakashi bathed in lightning, the ninja sword White Fang in his hand kept staggering up and down, colliding with the Chakra blade in Nohara Rin’s hand.


After the blades collided many times, Rin silhouette shook. When he swung the chakra blades of his hands to suppress Kakashi’s White Fang, a touch of Chakra suddenly threw out from behind and turned into A huge tail swept towards Kakashi’s body.

Kakashi complexion slightly changed, loudly shouts, slammed Rin’s Chakra knife hard, and retreated to the back, then swung the White Fang sword in his hand, cutting off the Chakra tail.


Kakashi retreated not far away, gasp for breath violently.

Rin on the other side also had a little sweat on his forehead, and his chest was slightly undulating. Chakra, who manipulated Three-Tails, was also a huge burden for her.

The duel between the two was a draw.

In the previous confrontations, Kakashi suppressed Rin in the Three-Tails Chakra mode.

But this time, Rin has basically been on the same level as Kakashi’s battle, and even started to put a lot of pressure on Kakashi in turn, and it is obvious that Rin has the upper hand between the two.

another side.

Kaede is standing in a clearing. Opposite him are two wooden piles. The wooden piles are engraved with peculiar patterns. That is Kaede’s Flying Thunder God Jutsu technique formula.

Kaede condenses the position where the two wooden piles are located, and senses the spatial orientation of the technique formula he has engraved, and then the within-the-body Chakra runs.


The split second fell on one of the wooden piles.

But people have passed.

Other things were left in place.

The Kaede split second on the wooden pile felt the whole body cold, and then there was no pause, and then flashed back to the original place again. Afterimage flashed, the clothes that had not fallen to the ground again He was put on in an instant.

Because this is not the first time this problem has occurred, his movements are also very skilled.

The difficulty of moving with clothes and moving only with the body is completely two concepts. Even though he has been training at five times speed for nearly a month, he still occasionally appears when using Flying Thunder God Jutsu. This situation, but the number of times is extremely small, at most once in ten times.

“This is almost done…”

Kaede murmured.

His innate talent in space is slightly stronger than Kakashi, but it is also a little stronger. Using Flying Thunder God Jutsu still takes about a second to locate the sense technique formula. There is this With a second delay, Flying Thunder God Jutsu is basically meaningless in battle.

The power of Flying Thunder God Jutsu is that there is no need for a hand seal, and a one-second delay is enough to release two Body Substitution Jutsu prints.

However, for Kaede, who is not fighting, but simply using this Jutsu for long-distance teleportation, it doesn’t really matter whether there is any delay.

The focus is on the sense of long-distance technique formula.

This is because his spatial innate talent is a little higher than Kakashi, so he can also sense the position of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu technique formula at a long distance, but it is blurry. The farther the distance is, the need to lock the technique formula The longer it takes.

According to his judgment, if he leaves a technique formula in Roran, he will sense it in Konoha, it will take about ten seconds to half a minute to lock the position of the technique formula and transmit it.

This is enough.

Stopped training, Kaede silhouette flashed a few times, and came to the side where Kakashi and Rin were fighting, ending the confrontation between the two, saying:

“Okay, Let’s get here first.”

After terminating the fight between the two, Kaede glanced at Kakashi, who was obviously in a worse state, smiled, and said: “At last I can’t win Rin at first, Kakashi. “

The previous confrontation basically ended with Kakashi’s victory, but as Rin became more and more proficient in Three-Tails Chakra Control, the situation gradually changed. Now is the first time Kakashi has Rin’s confrontation fell into the losing end.

Kakashi calmed his violent breathing, sighed dullly, and said: “If I live and death battle, I can still win.”

Rin’s battle experience is still Very bad.

If he is a life and death battle, he disregards issues such as injuries, and is sure to kill Rin if he is injured, but that kind of tactics are only used against the enemy.

Rin dismissed the Chakra of Three-Tails, smiled indifferently to the outcome, and said: “Kakashi is still very strong, I just borrowed the power of Three-Tails.”

“Let’s go, eat.”

Kaede walked towards the two laughed and looked towards in the direction of Konoha.

Rin and Kakashi also kept up.

Just when the silhouette of the three people disappeared, a masked ninja fell from the treetops about a hundred meters away.

He gazed Kaede away from the direction and looked for a few seconds, then his silhouette shook, and quickly entered Konoha from the other direction, and quickly came to the underground of Konoha.

This is the base of the root organization.

“Lord Danzo.”

The ninja who monitored Kaede entered the base, went down to Danzo one-knee kneels, and reported in a deep voice: “Hatake Kaede and Hatake Kakashi, Three -Tails Jinchuriki is still training at the previous location, and there is no abnormality for the time being, but Three-Tails Jinchuriki’s control over the power of Tailed Beast has become stronger, and the fighting strength seems to have surpassed Kakashi.”

Listening to the report from his subordinates, Danzo paced the room with a calm face.

Three-Tails’s Jinchuriki strength has become stronger, which is bad news, because the enhancement of the strength on the other side means that Kaede will be harder to control.

If Three-Tails Jinchuriki grows one step further and reaches his rank, then it will be a big threat in itself and will become a huge resistance for him to deal with Kaede.

Can’t wait any longer!

A cold glow flashed in Danzo’s eyes.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has disagreed with his plan to control Kaede so far, but just sent Anbu to monitor Kaede’s actions. This kind of decisive behavior will sooner or later become a disaster in his opinion.

“For balance? But Kaede’s particularity is difficult for you to balance, Sarutobi…”

Danzo made a decision.

It must be done.

As long as Kaede is controlled and Kaede becomes his power, then he can immediately reach the level of fighting against Sarutobi Hiruzen, and his opinion will be absolutely dominant in the high level of Konoha , Took away the power held by Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato.

Next, he can gradually and completely control Konoha, then start the war again, and truly begin to implement his plan to unify Ninja World!

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