Kakashi’s idea, Kaede, naturally has no way of knowing.

He only knew that Kakashi was back. After stopping at the door, he didn’t seem to want to deal with Kurenai Yuhi and the others after he heard the movement in the house.

Even understood Kakashi’s thoughts, Kaede will give an evaluation of “too nonsense”. He is only nine years old now. Is he thinking too far? !


After sending off Kurenai Yuhi and Nohara Rin, Kaede went into training again.

There are still three days to Chunin Exams. It is impossible to upgrade White Light Chakra Sabre to Second-Stage in a short time. The development of Chidori, the A-Rank Ninjutsu, is also unlikely, the only hope It is the opening of Eight-Inner Gates third-gate, Gate of Life.

“If Eight-Inner Gates can open third-gate, even if Time Acceleration is not used, it should be able to easily crush Chunin Exams.”

Kaede judged in his mind.

Time flies.

In the afterglow of the sunset, Kaede spent the last day before Chunin Exams.


Gazed sunset, Kaede stretched his body and stopped training.

It’s almost there.

Tomorrow is Chunin Exams, and it is also the first mission after becoming a ninja. I remember a line to say… By the way, readyperfectly-fully prepared!

Kaede fist clenched, showing a slight smile.

After packing his things, he returned home all the way. He did not turn on Time Acceleration again. After dinner, he slept until the early morning of the 2nd day.

Kakashi is not at home. It seems that he has left home very early. Kaede doesn’t care. After breakfast, he went all the way to the location of Chunin Exams.

At this time.

A lot of people have gathered in the classroom of Chunin Exams.

Rough calculations, there are about sixty people, most of whom are ninja from Konoha, and only a dozen people are from other Ninja Village.

For Konoha’s ninja Kaede, he only glanced at it and didn’t pay much attention. His eyes focused on the ninja from Hidden Cloud Village and Hidden Mist Village.


When his eyes fell on Hidden Mist’s ninja, Kaede was a little surprised because he saw among the three ninjas of Hidden Mist team, There is a silhouette of a person familiar to him.

If you read correctly, the other side should be——

Hoshigaki Kisame!

One of the future Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, Akatsuki member, partner of Itachi.

But Hoshigaki Kisame at this moment should be only about ten years old.

As if aware of Kaede’s gaze, Hoshigaki Kisame looked sideways and glanced at Kaede. A pair of shark-like eyes gave people a cold feeling.

“Hoshigaki Kisame when I was young, I don’t know what strength was like.”

Kaede stared at the other side for a second, then retracted his gaze, muttering low. With a murmur, his eyes continued to sweep towards the ninja from Hidden Cloud Village and other villages.

He didn’t know Genin from Hidden Cloud Village, nor did he remember the other two Genins from Hidden Grass Village and Hidden Rain Village, including the other two Genins from Hidden Mist Village, they are also characters without any memory.

When Kaede was observing other ninjas, his eyes fell on him.

“Who is that guy?”

“Silver’s hair…is that Hatake Kakashi?”

Some ninja looked Kaede from Konoha whispered.

Kakashi, a five-year-old graduated six-year-old promoted-to Chunin, is almost known to everyone in Konoha. Kaede’s hair and figure that resemble Kakashi immediately attracted a lot of attention.


Someone who knows Kaede is shaking one’s head, and said: “That’s not Kakashi. His name is Kaede. It’s the elder brother of Kakashi, far worse than Kakashi. “

Next to Inuzuka Tsume touched the chin and said: “When did that guy become Genin, I have no impression at all… So, is he the one who came to Chunin Exams?”

“It seems to be.”

Someone sighed and said: “Innate talent is not great, but it is quite bold to dare to participate in Chunin Exams alone.”

This is already his third time to participate in Chunin Exams. He still remembers the scene when he was almost killed when he first participated in Chunin Exams.

Chunin Exams and the Academy’s Genin graduation exam are not a concept at all!

“Hatake Kaede? Not the clansman of Hyuga and Uchiha.”

“It should be trash.”

Two Genins of Hidden Mist Village heard nearby He also glanced at Kaede’s direction.

Jonin, who led the team, made them vigilant, only Uchiha and Hyuga, the Two Great Clans, both Sharingan and Byakugan, have great abilities worthy of fear. Except for Hyuga and Uchiha, the others There is basically nothing to be concerned about.

“It doesn’t have to be trash.”

Hoshigaki Kisame showed a shark-like fang, looked at Kaede’s direction, and said: “The guy noticed when he came in I am now, and there should be some abilities too.”


The Mist Ninja’s eyes flickered, coldly smiled, and said: “Some abilities are just right, lest this time The exam is too boring.”

Just as everyone was discussing, a ninja walked into the room.

The one headed is Jonin of Konoha.


Yamanaka Inoichi started to talk with a deep voice in the classroom, an oppression force split second belonging to Jonin filled the room, making the many ninjas in the room almost Both were silent at the same time.

“I’m Yamanaka Inoichi, the head examiner of the First Stage exam. Submit the personal information form that was given to you in order, then get the number plate and sit on the corresponding seat. The first stage exam paper will be ready soon Send it down.”

Kaede leaning against the wall at the door, glanced at in the direction of Yamanaka Inoichi.

If you remember correctly, this guy is Ino’s father, one of the older Ino–Shika–Cho three people group. It seems that Konoha really attaches great importance to this Chunin Exams. All head examiners are held by Jonin, not Special-Jonin.


Kaede got the number plate and went to the corresponding seat to sit down.

Because his mission was for Mist Ninja and Cloud Ninja in this exam, he eliminated the other side as much as possible, so he understood the content of the exam yesterday.

The Chunin Exams that participated with’Konoha Twelve-Youngest Strong’ is almost exactly the same. First Stage is a written examination to test the ability of information, but there is no so-called tenth question, and the second stage is Forest of Death competes for Heaven and Earth scroll, and finally is a one-on-one battle.

The examination papers were issued quickly.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

After getting the test paper, Kaede quickly started writing.

Because of knowing the content of the exam in advance, Kaede naturally has almost no difficulty. Before entering the classroom, he had already let a Shadow Clone use Transformation Jutsu, which changed to look like a proctor Chunin. Followed those Chunin proctors and walked in.

Besides, he can make most of the exam questions himself, and there is no need to cheat, and he will finish all of them in less than a moment.

“Hand in papers in advance?”

Looked Kaede walking over with the test papers, Yamanaka Inoichi glanced at Kaede with a slightly flickering look, took the test papers and reviewed them and confirmed After answering the test questions, there are basically no problems, nodded at him, and said: “OK, you passed.”

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