“I have seen Orochimaru teacher.”

Kaede salutes Orochimaru.

The matter has been determined, and there is no other choice. You can only follow this route and think about some coping methods.

“Mhmph hmph…”

Orochimaru looked Kaede, gave out a burst of laughter from some evil monsters, and said, “The matter here is over. Come with me. “

When the voice fell, Orochimaru’s silhouette flickered and disappeared into the hall.

Kaede turned his head to look at Sarutobi Hiruzen and saw Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded. After looking towards Sarutobi Hiruzen, the flash disappeared, and he followed Orochimaru.

sou! sou!!

The two quickly left the central watchtower.

Kaede followed Orochimaru and was thinking about how to deal with Orochimaru, a teacher, when Orochimaru came to the death cave somewhere and stopped.


Kaede looked at all around. This is the place where he fought Hoshigaki Kisame before. The water flow has almost disappeared, but the ground is already wet. Muddy.

Orochimaru glanced all around, and soon found an arm in the mud. It was the arm of Hoshigaki Kisame, which was cut off by Kaede before.


Orochimaru’s mouth showed a curve, suddenly opened his mouth, and suddenly spit out a sticky scroll. After reaching out and holding it, his tongue suddenly appeared. Flew out, curled up that arm, brought Hoshigaki Kisame’s arm back, and placed it on the scroll.

pu chi!

The white smoke flashed, the arm disappeared, and it was sealed into the scroll.

After finishing all this, Orochimaru turned his head and looked towards Kaede, holding the scroll and said: “This unique physique is the first time I have seen it. It is a very valuable research material. Type of ninja…try to bring me some samples.”

Kaede’s mouth twitched, nodded and said: “Understand.”

“Let’s go.”

Orochimaru rolled his tongue, swallowed the scroll again, and continued to move forward.

Can we not do this.

Really…it’s disgusting…

Kaede Xin Chunin couldn’t help but complain, and suddenly felt that she was even more tired than after a battle with Hoshigaki Kisame, but she could only Helpless to keep up with Orochimaru, the two quickly left the Death Cavern.

After arriving near Konoha, Orochimaru made a seal with one hand somewhere, and suddenly a passage leading to the underground appeared on the ground.

This should be Orochimaru’s secret base.

Kaede secretly judged in her heart and followed Orochimaru in.

After entering the base, I can see that Kaede in the entire base is biased towards dark tones. After passing through the silent tunnel, there are all kinds of’curious’ pictures in the hall that appears. , There are weird insects soaked in a certain liquid, as well as organs such as the heart and liver.

Fortunately, Kaede’s previous life is a medical specialty. He has a strong psychological endurance for such things, and he does not feel uncomfortable, and even silently evaluates some of the specimens as rough.

“Worthy-of is the child of White Fang, and it seems that he is very adapted to the situation here.”

Orochimaru has been observing Kaede’s state and is leaving After a while, he started to talk with a smile and said: “Sure enough, you are quite suitable for my dísciple.”

“Is this the institute of Orochimaru teacher?”

Kaede glanced all around, knowingly asked Orochimaru start to talk.

Orochimaru nodded, walked to one of the empty glass bottles, spit out the scroll of the arm of Seal Hoshigaki Kisame before, took out that arm, and threw it into the glass bottle.

After finishing this, Orochimaru ate the scroll again, turned his head and looked towards Kaede, a flash of interesting rays of light flashed through a pair of snake pupils, saying: “From White Fang you should inherit Many Taijutsu Ninjutsu, you don’t need to learn some of my methods, but at your level, you should be able to know what you need?”

Kaede muttered took a moment and raised the most critical question. Said: “I don’t have enough Chakra Reserves. I don’t know if Orochimaru teacher has any way to improve Chakra Reserves.”

“Chakra Reserves?”

Orochimaru laughed and said:” In your situation, in a few years, when your body grows up, Chakra Reserves will not be worse than Jonin, but from your appearance, it seems that you want to have more Chakra. Well… it’s not impossible.”

Kaede’s eyes shimmered, looking Orochimaru, waiting for Orochimaru’s next words.

Orochimaru looked away from Kaede and swept over the specimens in the room, saying: “Chakra is extracted from the 13 billion cells within the human body, which also incorporates spiritual energy. There are few ways to increase spiritual energy, and I don’t have a particularly effective method here, but I have one method to increase cell energy.”

Speaking of which, Orochimaru spit out a scroll with Tongue curled up to Kaede.

Kaede reached out and took it, silently complaining in his heart.

——I can’t take this hand.

However, the desire for surgery has overwhelmed the nausea of ​​scroll. Kaede opened scroll and saw the first line of labels in scroll at first glance.

Cell activation!

“This is the technique of cell activation, which can make the cells of the whole body have more vitality. It not only improves Chakra Reserves, but also has strong characteristics in self-healing…”

Orochimaru folded his arms in front of him and said: “This Jutsu is the basis of many of my techniques, but you have White Fang’s White Light Chakra Sabre, and Lightning-Style Ninjutsu that suits you, my follow-up You shouldn’t be able to use it, and it seems that you don’t want to learn…hehe.”

After hearing Orochimaru’s words and reading a small part of scroll, Kaede already understood What is this Jutsu? This is a very basic technique. Its effect is to improve the recovery and life force of cells!

If you guessed correctly.

This Jutsu should also be the basis of Orochimaru’s “Molting Art”, “Regeneration Jutsu” and so on. Only after cells have strong activity can they perform operations that are close to Immortal Body.

“many thanks Orochimaru teacher.”

Kaede closes the scroll and salutes Orochimaru.

This Jutsu is indeed a suitable technique for him, not even a general fit!

The general method of exercising physical strength can only reduce the negative effects of Eight-Inner Gates at best, and cannot be completely eliminated. However, the cell activation of this Jutsu should be able to improve the effect of Eight-Inner Gates to a certain extent. Negative effects are offset!

Because its essence is not to enhance cell strength, but to enhance cell activity, life force and resilience!

“Go to training.”

“If you want to watch me do the experiment, you can also take a look.”

Orochimaru looked slightly like Kaede Smiled, no longer caring about Kaede, but each minding their own business walked into the laboratory and began to prepare to study the arm of Hoshigaki Kisame just obtained.

Kaede is also a little interested in Orochimaru’s experiments, but this interest can’t compare with his training desire for cell activation this Jutsu. After saluting Orochimaru again, Kaede left Orochimaru’s Research Base.

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