As for Uchiha Shisui’s BUG-rank Genjutsu’Kotoamatsukami’ and ultimate Genjutsu’Infinite Tsukuyomi’, whether it will take effect for the Eight-Gates Released Formation status, it is impossible to speculate.

After all, it has not been shown in the original work.

Kaede can’t tell.

But he will not let Kotoamatsukami act on him, nor will Infinite Tsukuyomi happen, as long as he can be immune to most Genjutsu, it is enough for him.

This is why he still endures the hardship and continues to train Eight-Inner Gates.

Seven hundred and seventy-five,

Seven hundred and seventy-six,

Seven hundred and 77……

With the continuation of the numbers Ascension, Kaede’s gasp for breath also began to become violent. The sweat continued to drip. Finally, when he reached 777, his arms softened and he couldn’t support it anymore, and he fell on the ground. .

After a full gasp for breath for half a minute, Kaede sat up again.

“Unfortunately, I can’t use time back to relieve fatigue.”

Kaede shaking one’s head.

Reverse time is to let the body return to the previous state, and use time backward to eliminate fatigue, which is equivalent to having never done these hundreds of push-ups, but it is a helpless thing.

After a few minutes of rest, Kaede took a sip of water, looked at the ground that was wet with sweat, shake one’s head, and said: “Forget it, let’s go outside.”

The province made the tent smell of sweat all over, and it was troublesome to clean it.

I came outside the tent.

Kaede hugged the back of his head with both hands and started the squat exercise.

Push-ups, squats, and sit-ups, these three are the most basic exercises. You can exercise everything from arm strength to legs to waist. They are also the Eight- of within-the-body. The most effective exercise for gates to become loose.

Two hundred twenty-one,

Two hundred twenty-two,

Two hundred 23……

Kaede continues in the heart Count silently.

The squat exercise outside the tent also attracted some ninja’s attention.

“Hey, what do you see that guy is doing?”

Someone saw Kaede’s movements and started to talk at his companion who was moving nearby.

Sino Ibimu held a box and followed the gaze of the person next to him. When he saw Kaede doing squat exercises, he couldn’t help showing a weird look.

“Is that guy…exercising Taijutsu?”

“It seems to be.”

The corners of Morinoi Himi’s mouth shook slightly, and he couldn’t bear it Lived: “How do you feel a little…well, not very smart? Is that kid really the genius of dísciple by Lord Orochimaru?”

Here is the border!

There may be battle at any time!

In this kind of place, at this time, it’s not good to recuperate, but instead spends energy to exercise Taijutsu. He almost always wants to directly say the sentence’is there a problem with the brain’, but then When it came to his lips, he barely became “not too smart”.

After all, Kaede is the dísciple of Orochimaru.

“Who knows?”

The companion next to shrugged, somewhat helpless said: “How can there be such a reason to train again? What did you do before? “

Mori Ibim also has a headache.

If this fight suddenly occurs, they might have to protect Kaede, who has no fighting strength, so what are they doing to put Kaede, a young and immature ninja, into the advance force? !

If he is still in the village at the moment, he will most likely question Orochimaru, but now it’s useless to say anything, he has already followed the frontline, and he can’t kick Kaede back.

“Forget it, leave it alone.”

Mori Ibim finally shakes one’s head and walks into the tent.

Anyway, Kaede is Lord Orochimaru’s dísciple. Even if the behavior is a little stupid, Orochimaru should be responsible for teaching. It doesn’t matter what they do, even if it is a burden.

Over time.

Kaede did sit-ups from a squat exercise, and then repeated push-ups.

He ignored some of the weird gazes that ninja came over, because he could feel the scorching heat of within-the-body, and felt that the chains of the Eight-Inner Gates fourth gate-Gate of Pain had passed. It’s getting looser!

In this case, even though the muscles of the body began to aches and every movement was more painful than before, he still clenched his teeth.

The fourth gate is here!

A little bit forward, you can push open!

Kaede’s exercise was not only noticed by other ninjas, but even Orochimaru was aware of it. He looked far towards Kaede’s The direction, frowned slightly, with some doubts in his heart.

“…This time, are you still training Taijutsu?”

Compared to Morinoi Hime and the others, he is more familiar with Kaede, in his opinion Kaede shouldn’t be able to do something that seems very stupid and meaningless.

Kaede wears weights, and on the way from Konoha to the border, he often spares time for training. He noticed this, but he did not interfere at all.

In Orochimaru’s view, never let up under any circumstances, always working hard to train, this is an excellent behavior.

But it’s different now.

This is already the Land of Fire border, and there may be battles at any time. Kaede’s mind should not be clear about this.

While knowing this, Kaede still chooses to exercise. There should be only one possibility, that is, a certain distance to breakthrough of Kaede is just a bit short.

“Eight-Inner Gates…”

Orochimaru thought about it, then slightly shaking ones head, decided not to stop Kaede.

The probability of a sudden outbreak of battle now is not great. If Kaede is really close to be able to strengthen one step further, it is worth taking a little risk to try breakthrough.

Kaede’s strength is estimated to have reached the Jonin Level. If you can make a little more progress on the Eight-Inner Gates, maybe the Eight-Inner Gates can be comparable with Elite Jonin in the Gate of Opening state.

Although the maintenance time may not be long, and there will be great side effects, the fighting strength of Elite Jonin, even on the battlefield with a larger number of ninjas, is also very useful.

Orochimaru did not choose to interfere.

Even though the other ninjas felt a little outrageous about Kaede’s behavior, Orochimaru did not give any instructions, and there was no reason to stop Kaede. At most, he could only complain.

I thought Kaede was a Chunin anyway. Even if he was young, he should be a little bit more reliable than Might Duy. Now it seems that it is just as unreliable.

“Six hundred and sixty-four…”

“Six hundred and sixty-five…”

Kaede put his hands behind his head, in the heart silently The numbers for sit-ups.

Sweat continued to flow down, and he constantly stood up hard, feeling that the strength of his waist and abdomen had reached the limit, but he still clenched the teeth.

Within-the-body’s Chakra is in the flow, constantly converging to the position of the Eight-Inner Gates fourth gate, you can feel the heat in that area, and feel the sting of a faint trace.


After getting up again.

Kaede felt a sudden change at the fourth gate.

The barriers that had been weak to the extreme before have completely disappeared. What can be felt is that if he wants to, he can open the fourth gate of the Eight-Inner Gates!

This feeling is no stranger to Kaede.

The appearance of this feeling means that the fourth gate-breakthrough!

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