“Sure enough, this wont do?”

Seeing Kaede being imprisoned by Stone Ninja’s barrier, there is still a bit of shocking Konoha Ninja nearby, and I feel suddenly in my heart. Shen.

I thought Kaede could completely reverse the battlefield situation with the power shown by Kaede. Now it seems that it is still too difficult. The other side is the elite of Stone Ninja, and there is also a very powerful ninja!


Trapped in the barrier, Kaede, whose silver rays of light faded, did not show any panic, but slightly tilted his head.

“Take advantage of the split second when I kill, use the restraint Ninjutsu, and then make up for the restricted movement and Chakra’s Barrier Ninjutsu… I really have experience in dealing with the speed ninja, and I do it in advance Ready.”

I can feel that the first three gates of Eight-Inner Gates are still open, but the flow of Chakra within-the-body is several times slower, so that the three gates are open. The gates are almost equal to not opening, and due to the slowness of Chakra, the fourth gate cannot break through.

It is Stone Ninja’s elite troops, so it is impossible to withstand a single blow under his three gates.


This level is still far away!

In an instant, under the gaze of some consternation and disbelief in the frozen ground, the silver rays of light on Kaede’s body shone again, and the ninja sword White Fang in his hand once again appeared intertwined with lightning arcs. , Chidori’s neigh burst out.

“This impossible!!”

The frozen soil showed an almost unbelievable look.

His barrier can restrain Chakra Flow to a great extent. Even Cloud Ninja using Lightning-Style Chakra mode can no longer activate Ninjutsu under this restraint!

Kaede has a calm expression.

This is-time goes back.

The bondage still exists. He can’t let the barrier disappear directly, but his physical state has returned to the state before the bondage. The slow Chakra regained his frenzy, and Chidori appeared again.

Before the barrier’s restraint took effect again, Kaede within-the-body renewed berserk’s Chakra, rushing down suddenly, and the fourth gate of the Eight-Inner Gates broke through.

“It seems that we still have to spare no effort.”

“Gate of Pain-Thunder!”


The fourth gate of Eight-Inner Gates was breakthrough by Lightning-Style Chakra, and his hair began to scatter, and a faint trace intertwined thunder arc appeared between the silver hair.

The state of the fourth gate broke out. Kaede smashed the blocked rock, and the ninja sword White Fang in his hand wrapped the lightning, and suddenly cut it forward!

This cut is too fast.

So fast that even the Dojutsu of Hyuga instant and Uchiha Tsuki could hardly see the trajectory, the blade slashed through the air, so that it caused a trace of flame.

The flame and lightning are intertwined, turning into a sun-like slash, which brutally split the entire Earth-Style Barrier in half from the center!


The slash that flew through the air and entangled with flames hit the earth tens of meters away, blasting the ground apart, and a ravine spreading tens of meters appeared!

“The blade can rub against the air to create flames…It can no longer be regarded as a mere thunder flash, and it exceeds the moon flash. This move should be called a’flame flash’.”

Kaede whispered in his heart, and his body disappeared instantly.

The face of the frozen earth changed drastically.

Oops! !

He didn’t know how Kaede broke out such a powerful attack in his barrier to destroy the barrier, but now Kaede is undoubtedly coming to him!

Without any hesitation, the instant that almost disappeared in Kaede, both of his hands was just a hand seal, and the whole person disappeared silently.

Soil Body Flicker Jutsu!


Kaede’s silhouette appeared where he disappeared, and the blade in his hand fell on the ground, tearing the earth through a crack, and flames could be seen burning.

“…How many times can you escape?”

After cutting off the air, Kaede’s expression not at all changed. The silhouette disappeared again, turning into a silver light shuttle through the battlefield.

Someone in nearby Stone Ninja tried to release Ninjutsu to stop Kaede, but the released Ninjutsu couldn’t keep up with Kaede’s speed. Under the silver light shuttle, they all fell into nothing!

Not far away.

As soon as the frozen ground appeared, Kaede’s sword engulfed in flames hit him.


The frozen ground was chopped in half, but instead of spilling blood, it turned into two rocks.

The silhouette of the frozen soil reappeared more than ten meters away, with a trace of panic in his eyes, his hands quickly hand-seal, and tried to continue to avoid it, but this time was too late.

A flash of flame entangled his body.

The silhouette of the frozen soil froze in place, and the gesture of completing the hand seal in his hand was solidified.

Kaede, bathed in silver light, appeared behind the frozen ground, and the ninja sword White Fang in his hand maintained a slashing posture.

Able to escape his attacks twice at the fourth gate’s quadruple speed. This frozen ground is the strongest Jonin he encountered on this battlefield. It should have reached Quasi-Kage. level.

It’s pretty strong.


The frozen earth turned his head hard and looked towards Kaede.

He can’t hear Kaede’s voice clearly, what he can hear is crowded together, as if playing at multiple speeds, but this is not important, what is important is that he can’t understand how Kaede can break away from his barrier Fettered, normal ninja Chakra is absolutely impossible to do this.

Unless—Kaede is Tailed Beast Jinchuriki!

Unfortunately, he can’t get the answer.

After spitting out a word with difficulty, a clear blood line appeared on his body from the left shoulder to the right abdomen.

Then blood spewed out, the body broke into two pieces, fell to the ground, and his consciousness plunged into darkness.

From Kaede breaking free of the barrier to killing the Elite Jonin permafrost in Hidden Stone Village, the whole process was almost instantly between, nearby Stone Ninja and Konoha Ninja, even some of them failed to react.

Until I saw the frozen soil’s body broken into two pieces and falling to the ground with blood, the surrounding Stone Ninja showed shock and unbelievable expressions.

“Frozen…Lord of frozen soil!”

“How can…”

The status of frozen soil in Hidden Stone Village, second only to Tsuchikage assistant Those who are at the highest level are also the Captain of the thirty people who are ambushing, regardless of their strength or means, they are trustworthy existences!

But such a ninja is dead!

I was chased to death by a ninja from Konoha, almost unable to resist!

Konoha’s ninja are also shocking.

Senai Ibim and the others, there is almost a blank in his mind. No one didn’t expect Kaede’s strength to reach such a level, not only easily slaughtering Chunin, but also the frozen soil. The famous ninja who had a certain prestige in Ninja World died in the hands of Kaede!

A dozen Chunin and three Jonin were killed before. Stone Ninja still did not collapse, but the death of the frozen ground obviously affected the entire battlefield, and all Stone Ninja began to chaos.

Together with the red soil that besieged Orochimaru and the others, they were all affected. One of them was caught by Orochimaru’s weak spot and cut off an arm with a sword!

“It seems that you are in a mess.”

Orochimaru licked his chin with his tongue out, showing a strange smile, but his heart was also ups and downs.

The strength that Kaede revealed was also beyond his expectations. Such a speed was hard to catch even for him, and it would be very difficult for him to deal with it.

[That state is not only Eight-Inner Gates…it’s weird, not only the speed increase, but more like—’Frequency’ increased]

Orochimaru There are mysterious rays of light in the eyes.

From the weirdness seen in some details, it can be inferred that Kaede is not simply using Lightning-Style and Eight-Inner Gates, there should be some more weird ability!

But in any case, Kaede’s shocking strength and role played have reversed the battlefield situation.

Only strength of oneself!

That silver flash,

Like the Konoha’s White Fang back then!

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