In Hidden Leaf Village.

On the top floor of Hokage Residence, a meeting is being held at this time. The atmosphere of the whole meeting is very depressing. Sarutobi Hiruzen is sitting at the very center and Danzo is sitting aside.

“Hidden Sand Village did not listen to our explanation, and believes that the disappearance of Third-Kazakage is directly related to our Konoha. Now the newly appointed Fourth-Kazekage has led a large number of troops to attack the border of Land of Fire. , Must make a response.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen pupil light flashes with a deep voice start to talk.

Third-Kazakage is missing!

This happened about a month ago. Hidden Sand Village has been trying to conceal the news and looking around for Third-Kazakage, but it has never been found. In the end, it was deemed that Konoha had been kidnapped secretly. Third-Kazakage and directly declare of war to Konoha!

The declaration of war in Hidden Sand Village made the situation a bit bad. The original Hidden Stone Village invaded Land-of-Grass was only an advance force, and at most it was only some harassment and tentative Attack and make some strategic deployments, not at all immediately set off a battle.

In Hidden Sand Village, the battle was launched as soon as it came up!

“Fourth-Kazekage is out, I think Lord Hokage, you should go to the frontline yourself…”

There was Elite Jonin sitting on the side and started to talk in a deep voice.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has a serious look.

In fact, he also wants to go to the frontline in person, but the problem is that the news of Hidden Sand Village’s full-scale offensive comes, and it is difficult to ensure that Hidden Mist Village and Hidden Cloud Village do not move.

The country where Hidden Mist Village and Hidden Cloud Village are located is not adjacent to Land-of-Wind, and it doesn’t exist to take the opportunity to invade the probability of Land-of-Wind, only with the help of Hidden Sand Village Attacked Land of Fire.

“I’ll go.”

Jiraiya stood up, looked towards Sarutobi Hiruzen, with a serious and serious look, and said: “Teacher Sarutobi, you still stay in the village and sit in the town to deter others village.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked towards Jiraiya, he knew the strength of Jiraiya very well. He was more at ease when going to the Hidden Sand Village frontline, but after all, it was a massive invasion of Hidden Sand Village. Jiraiya alone is extremely difficult to deal with.

“Danzo, you go with Jiraiya.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen turned his head and looked towards Danzo.

Danzo sat there with a cane, his eyes indifferent, and when he was about to say and so on, Jiraiya suddenly said: “Lord Danzo should guard against Hidden Mist Village, the attack from Hidden Sand Village , As long as Minato goes with me, I can resist.”


Sarutobi Hiruzen was slightly muttered and finally nodded.

Danzo and Jiraiya have never been able to get along well. It is indeed not suitable to go to a battlefield together. Namikaze Minato and Jiraiya are more suitable to go together.

“The next thing is the issue of staffing…”

Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced across the Conference Hall. In the Conference Hall, not only some Konoha’s Elite Jonin, but also Uchiha are sitting. Clan Leader of Great Clan, Hyuga, etc.

The real purpose of holding this meeting is to tell the Great Clan about the bad situation, put pressure on the Great Clan, and let them send their own personnel to deal with the war.

“Since it is a full-scale war, everything is subject to Lord Hokage’s scheduling and control.”

Uchiha Clan’s Clan Leader slowly started to talk.

The Hyuga Clan Leader next to him also expressed the same attitude.

Sarutobi Hiruzen summoned their Great Clan to participate in the meeting. They knew what the purpose was. At the moment of the war, it is impossible to stay out of the way.

“That’s good…”

See all Great Clan’s comments, Sarutobi Hiruzen was satisfied with nodded, and released some ninja information and list, ready to form a block to resist Hidden Sand The frontline troops of the Village.

As he was sorting the list of personnel, an Anbu ninja suddenly appeared. Under one-knee kneels in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the right hand held up a scroll and said:


“Lord Hokage! Frontline urgent report!”

“Is it the battle?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen stopped and looked down towards the Anbu, pupil light Weiwei Flashed.

Anbu ninja nodded.

“Well, that should be good news.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen hummed and took the scroll.

With Orochimaru leading the team, and Might Duy, a special ninja that can burst out extremely strong under unexpected circumstances, no matter what strategy Stone Ninja has, most of them are impossible to achieve.

After opening the scroll, I glanced at the first few lines roughly, and Sarutobi Hiruzen’s brows were loosened, because he had already confirmed his judgment, so he began to read while talking.

“The frontline report…The Konoha advance troops arrived at the border, and the tracking Stone Ninja troops encountered and engaged in a battle in the wasteland. Eventually, they repel Stone Ninja troops and killed more than half of the enemy ninja, heavy injury Hidden Stone Village Advance troops.”

The total within-the-body content of the first line is read out in the Conference Hall, which makes the atmosphere in the Conference Hall suddenly relaxed a lot, and the Clan Leaders of the Great Clan also have their brows Stretch slightly.

In the case of Hidden Sand Village launching a full-scale offensive, the information about the victory from the frontline against Stone Ninja is undoubtedly excellent news. In this case, the Land-of-Grass border situation It is stable, and you can watch Stone Ninja’s actions before responding. There is no need to send support troops in a hurry.

In this way, most of the battle strength can be used to deal with Sand Ninja.

These clans can also reduce losses.

“Orochimaru did a good job.”

Danzo also looked towards Sarutobi Hiruzen and commented indifferently.

Border’s response to Stone Ninja’s great victory is also good news in his opinion. Next, he can concentrate his forces to defeat Sand Ninja first, and then deal with Stone Ninja, even if the two fronts fight.

“Orochimaru guy, you can still be trusted at this time.”

Jiraiya, who was sitting next to him, showed a smile and confidence, and said, “Then Sand Ninja I won’t let them mess around!”

He has been fighting with Orochimaru for a long time, and now Orochimaru has achieved great success, then he can’t fall behind.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took the scroll and continued to look back. The following is a report of the specific situation and the detailed battle situation. He also needs to look at the loss of Konoha.

“…In this battle, our advance troops killed 11 people, serious injury four people, and 21 people were slightly injured.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen read this, great victory The color of joy eased slightly.

War cannot avoid damage.

Eleven people were killed in battle, serious injury four people. This record was exchanged for Stone Ninja’s advance force for more than half of the deaths. It is still an unquestionable victory report.

“What about the specific situation? Sarutobi.”

Danzo looked towards Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

Sarutobi Hiruzen continued reading as he watched: “Orochimaru led our tracking Stone Ninja to locate the enemy in the wasteland and launch an attack. The number of our and the enemy is about 80 against 70. Take advantage…Stone Ninja has nearly 30 elite troops here to ambush, half of whom are Jonin, who suddenly burst out of the ground during the battle…”

When I saw this, Sarutobi Hiruzen The tone paused suddenly.

Danzo in the Conference Hall and the Clan Leaders of the Great Clan also changed their eyes slightly, revealing a bit of grave expression. They looked over and waited for the following text.

Although the understood is a good news, nearly 30 Stone Ninja elites set ambush and suddenly broke out. The situation is undoubtedly extremely dangerous. In this case, how did Orochimaru reverse the situation? !

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