What I just said to Elisa is not false, because the magic used by Kaede is only the level of the Saint Ten Great Demon’s guide, and Elisa’s innate talent It is not particularly difficult to reach the Saint Ten Great Demon level.

After commenting on Elisa’s magic, Kaede looked up at the sky, then left the guild and headed to the southern part of the Fiore Kingdom.

“It’s already started.”

His gaze swept far to the direction of the royal capital of the Fiore Kingdom, pale-gold glow appeared in his eyes, as if see through everything in the past and the future.

At this moment, somewhere in the capital of King Fiore, a golden-haired Protoss wizard is trying to pour his magic power into a strange gate ahead.

A total of eleven keys can be seen inserted into the door, which are the keys of the zodiac used by the Protoss wizard, but the Aquarius one is missing.

This gate is exactly the eclipse star gate built four hundred years ago. Its function is to open up the passage of time, send people from the past to the future, or bring people from the past to come and open The key to this door is the Protoss key of the zodiac.


Because of the lack of a key, in order to protect this door spanning four hundred years, this generation of the star wizard Lei of Hatfield Pull, had to use his own magic to fill the gap.

Her magic power is quite powerful, and she is also the most outstanding Protoss wizard in the contemporary era. Therefore, when her magic power is almost exhausted, she can finally open the sun without a Protoss key. The gate of the eclipse.


Due to the lack of a key, the opened door is not stable enough, so that the split second when the door is opened again, the magic is drastically unstable, making the first five figures, split second turned into five meteors , Penetrated the ceiling, rushed out from the sky, and scattered around the world.

Layla raised her head and looked at this scene, with a touch of shock in her eyes, but she could not stop her with excessive magical power consumption, and could only look at the occurrence of this scene.

“Unbelievable, someone can actually open the door that our kingdom has guarded through the ages.”

The king of the Fiore Kingdom stood not far away looking at this scene, in his eyes There was a look of shock.

Layla gave a slight gasp for breath and did not answer.

And just at this time.

From the gate of the eclipse, another silhouette emerged. She looked almost the same as Layla, both of which were golden hair, and she seemed to be the same age.

She is the ancestor of the Protoss wizard who entered the Solar Eclipse Protoss Gate with five children of the Dragon Slayer wizard 400 years ago, and is also the ancestor of Layla-Anna Hart Philia!

“What age is this…?”

Anna, who walked out of the eclipse star gate, looked at all around, and roughly sensed the magic factor in the air. After the state, Leila asked, looking forward.

Layla calmed her breathing, and felt that she used her magical power to forcibly fill the missing Aquarius door, causing her body to suffer from a serious lack of magical power, but at this time she saw Anna Later, she temporarily ignored her physical condition and replied:

“It’s x777.”

“After four hundred years? That means we succeeded.”


Anna could not help taking a breath when she heard Layla’s answer.

Building the gate of the eclipse star spirit to cross time and space is also uncertain for her. After all, this kind of magic is already the magic that breaks the World Rule.

At this time, Anna did not notice the silhouettes of the five dragon-killing wizards including Naz, who had come by one step before her. She couldn’t help but be surprised, looked towards all around, and said, “What about the children? Where are the five children who came together?”

The king of the Fiore Kingdom said solemnly: “I don’t know if it’s five children. The split second with the door opened has five lights flying out. Look at it. The ceiling has penetrated.”


Anna raised her head and looked towards the five holes in the ceiling, her eyes changed.

But she quickly calmed down, because Fire Dragon King Igunilu and Grantini and other dragons have sealed themselves in Naz and other five dragon-killing wizards within-the-body Protect them, even if they fly to all parts of the world, they will not easily encounter danger.

The plan of the Eclipse Protoss Gate was implemented jointly by the Protoss wizard, the black wizard Jeff, and Dragon Race. At the beginning, many issues were considered.

Think of this,

Anna sighed lightly and went to find Naz and the others in no hurry, turning around and looking towards Leila, nodded and said: “I am Anna. Hatfield, what about you?”

Layla: “…”

That is when Anna and Layla started communicating, they just left the Fairy Tail Guild Kaede retracted his gaze in the direction of the royal capital.

He knows the plan of the eclipse protoss naturally, or that he and Anna met 400 years ago, and Anna once asked him about space-time magic.

The overall story is like this.

Four hundred years ago, dragons ruled the world, but dragons are also divided into one that is close to humans and one that is hostile to humans. There is constant confrontation between the two sides, because human magic is too insignificant for dragons. , So human beings can’t help much in this kind of confrontation.

So the dragons who got close to humans gave the magic that can kill the dragon-the dragon-killing magic, to the humans, so the dragon-killing wizard was born.

At this moment.

Jerf, suffering from the contradictory curse, wants to commit suicide, so the evil intent guides one of the dragon-killing wizards to escape into the darkness, let it grow step by step, gain the supreme strength, and slaughter Countless Dragon Races have become the king of dragons as human beings.

That is Black Dragon Akunorokia!

But after this operation, Jeff found that even Akunorokia could not break the curse of contradiction and could not kill him.

It can be said that the operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the record is zero five.

What’s even more troublesome is that after the birth of Akunorokia, even Dragon Race is not his opponent, let alone human beings. Although Jeff will not be killed, he is the same. Unable to stop Akunorokia, Akunorokia began to wreak havoc in that era.

After that.

The remnant Dragon Race, Fire Dragon King Igunilu and Jeff and the others judged that it was impossible to defeat Akunorokia in this era, so together with the Protoss wizard Anna, we formulated A plan was made to send the fire of the Dragon Slayer wizard to the future.

Defeat Black Dragon Akunorokia in the future!

So the Eclipse Protoss Gate was built accordingly, Anna finally escorted Naz and other five children into the Eclipse Protoss Gate, and then the time spanned four hundred years later .

As for Kaede’s encounter with Black Dragon, it was after Anna and the others’ plan was implemented. After that, Kaede also started to study magic alone, making the entire world still follow its original schedule. The trajectory is developing.

Of course.

Kaede is actually not interested in these trajectories, including the Solar Eclipse Protoss Gate, because he can freely cross the past and the future without these.

Kaede is only interested in the only thing, and that is the power of the soul, the power that can override the curse of contradiction, the abyss of the demonic path-the magic of one.


The southern part of the Kingdom of Fiore.

Somewhere in the jungle.

I can see a little girl with blue hair, about five or six years old, wandering in the jungle, with a timid and weak look in her big eyes, as if she would cry at any time.

“Grantini…Where are you…”

She is one of the five dragon-killing wizards sent 400 years later, Heavenly Dragon Granty Ni’s child, Wendy Mabel.

Because Wendy and Naz and the others don’t know Akatsuki’s plan for the eclipse protoss at this moment, and they suddenly came to this era because they lacked the key to Aquarius because of the eclipse’s door. Caused unstable and separated from Anna to all parts of the world.

“Woo…Don’t scare me, Grantini…”

Wendy was calling out Grantini’s name while exploring the jungle, but Heavenly Dragon Grantini, who can usually get a response by just shouting, did not give her any response at this moment, as if he had completely disappeared.

Wendy, who could not find Grantini, looked scared and burst into tears in her large, weak eyes, but she could only hold back her fear of searching in the jungle.

From time to time, seeing a few light spots in the jungle will make her startled and shivering. It feels as if there are countless wild beasts hidden in the jungle, and they will come out at any time.

The more she walked alone in the jungle, the more fear she felt in her heart, and her body was unconsciously cut out by some sharp sword grass in the jungle.


After walking for a while, she got into a bush, and when she poked her head from the other side of the bush, she saw the first encounter after Grantini disappeared. personal.

She was in a daze, and then crawled out of the bushes a little confused, recalling the way Grantini taught her to say hello, and said weakly to the silhouette standing there:




Kaede looked Wendy who crawled out of the bushes smiled.

Wendy is also one of the members of Fairy Tail under normal circumstances. There is no problem in guiding her to join Fairy Tail in advance. As for the other Naz and Gajru… well, they are all ages. Much older than Wendy, he is already a youngster who can take care of himself.

Wendy’s weak looked towards Kaede, and Kaede’s gazes met each other, and Kaede’s face saw the sun’s look and gentle gaze, which relaxed the tension in her heart slightly , Judging Kaede should be a friendly human.

“Then, that…Excuse me, do you know where Grantini is?”

Wendy held her two small hands together, breaking her fingers, pointing at Kaede asked carefully.

Kaede looked and she smiled gently and said, “You know, do you need me to find it for you?”

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