ninja is very fast.

Especially in the case of elite.

In a moment, Sand Ninja has chased Kaede and chased out several li.

Except for the leader Pakura, and some other Jonin, who got a little closer, the other large ninja units have been left behind.

“Not an ordinary ninja…”

Pakura brows frowned.

This speed is not what an ordinary ninja can have. I don’t know which village person is on the other side. I’m afraid it should be a Jonin!

When an unknown Jonin notices his whereabouts, the situation is a bit troublesome. Even if the other side is Jonin from Hidden Rain Village, it is still possible to pass the information to Konoha, destroying their detour to raid the Konoha camp. plan.

“The troops in the rear stop and rest!”

“Yuki, Muna…you guys follow me to chase!”

Pakura pupil light for a while After flashing, Shen Sheng gave the order.

Kaede is a Jonin, it seems a bit too stupid to continue to let the big troops follow. On the one hand, it can’t catch up and won’t work. On the other hand, it’s too easy to expose so many people together. Once discovered by other who, or Kaede rushes into a certain village, the probability of information leakage will greatly increase.

So the best response strategy is to chase after her with a few Jonins in the team, which can greatly reduce the probability of exposure.


There was a ninja, and immediately passed the order back, and the ninja at the back also stopped.

Pakura and Yuki and the others continue to chase Kaede.

sou! sou!!

As the pursuit continued, the distance between Pakura and the others and Kaede gradually narrowed until they were close to a certain distance, and the cold glow flashed in the eyes of a Jonin next to him.

“The distance is enough!”

“Earth-Style! The art of earth surge!”

He shouted in a low voice, and quickly hand sealed with both hands, Press on the ground.

Earth-Style Ninjutsu in the humid Land-of-Rain reduces the formidable power, but some special Ninjutsu are exceptions, such as earth flow, large rivers, earth movement, etc., but will increase formidable power and range!

With the release of this Earth-Style Ninjutsu, the entire front of the earth suddenly surged, like a carpet, which suddenly made it difficult for Kaede to stand on the ground, and the silhouette was stopped, moving forward. The speed dropped sharply.


The other Sand Ninja next to him didn’t hesitate, holding a dagger and leaped directly, and the dagger suddenly slashed towards Kaede from behind. .


Kaede, limited by the surging ground, seemed to be unable to avoid this cut in a hasty. After in midair dodges hard, he was still struck by a sword from his left shoulder to his right abdomen. The man was split in half.

Kaede, who was split in half, didn’t show any blood stains, but puchi sounded, turning into white smoke and dissipating.

Clone Jutsu!

“On your right!”

A reminder from his companion came from behind.

Sand Ninja, holding a dagger, swung the dagger without hesitation, and slashed to the right. The dagger in his hand collided with the Kusanagi sword in Kaede’s hand, which appeared on the right.


The sound of gold and iron clanging, Kaede’s silhouette fell to the rear.

“I am used to using the short blade, but I am not used to changing to the Kusanaru sword. This Kusanaru sword does not seem to be able to stretch or shorten…”

Kaede glanced at his hand After the sword of Kusanaru, the left one-handed hand seals, Chidori’s neighing sound appeared, and the rays of light of lightning were intertwined on the sword edge.

sou! sou! sou!!

Almost at the same time, three silhouettes raided Kaede from three directions, without using Ninjutsu. Obviously, to avoid accidental injury, they planned to use the advantage of a large number of people to directly solve Kaede with Taijutsu.


The eyes of the three people are flashing cold glow.

When the eyes looked flanking in three directions, it is difficult to avoid, and it must be torn apart anyway.

Kaede’s pupils seemed to have a golden clock flashing past, and the whole person suddenly showed a strange speed. Sword edge flicked and flicked from the three people’s grip. Shuttle out!


Silver’s rays of light surging, accompanied by the flickering of a faint trace thunder arc, a strong and violent Chakra wave surging from Kaede’s body, making Pakura and the others face a sudden change .

“This Chakra…who are you?!”

Pakura stared at Kaede, with a vigilant look in her eyes.

Such Chakra fluctuations are not just as simple as Jonin, and even stronger than her. In Ninja World, she is definitely not an unknown person, but she does not know Kaede, and Kaede’s appearance is too young!

“Konoha, Jonin.”

Kaede replied casually, accompanied by an unintelligible voice, his silhouette turned into a touch of silver light, disappeared instantly, and attacked him before One of Jonin’s flashes away.

That Jonin’s face changed drastically, and his whole body was swollen. Kaede, who didn’t expect Kaede, who was slower than them before, could show such a terrifying speed!

“…It’s too late!”

At this speed and distance, Body Substitution Jutsu Body Flicker Jutsu is too late to use. He can only inject Chakra into Kunai and move towards that flash. The coming silver light slashed down.

As the Jonin of Hidden Sand Village, his movements are still extremely fast under rush.


Under the eyes of Kaede at the quadruple speed, all this is extremely slow, like slow motion, and you can clearly see Hidden Sand Jonin’s kunai waving trajectory.

The ability of Time Acceleration is not just the acceleration of the body, but everything within the body is in a state of acceleration, whether it is consciousness or sight-the Quadruple Speed ​​Time Acceleration means that Kaede From the perspective of, the entire world equivalent to slowed down four times!

What is this concept? !

Even if it is between Jonin and Chunin, it is difficult to have a four-fold gap.

Why in front of Kaede, any Jonin who dared to fight melee can hardly support a round, only relying on Body Substitution Jutsu and Body Flicker Jutsu, is it possible to reluctantly avoid it, because in Time Acceleration In the state of, the time flow speeds of the two are different, and they are equivalent to being in two completely different worlds!

Shit! !

silver rays of light flashed by.

The look of that Jonin stiffened on his face, and there was still a trace of horror and disbelief in his eyes, and he did not expect this to happen.

He is the Jonin of Hidden Sand Village. He can’t resist even a move at the speed of the other side!


Several Sand Ninja nearby were shocked.

In their sight, they saw Kaede turning into silver light flashed by, and Yuji’s body froze in place motionless, and then the whole person split to the sides, blood splashing!


“This guy… deliberately!”

Pakura looked this scene, the pupils shrank, and his face changed.

With such a speed, it is impossible for them to catch up on the other side. There is only one reason for them to catch up, and that is that the other side is deliberately caught up!

“Scorch-Style! Super Steam Kill!”

Without any hesitation, she decisively released her signature Ninjutsu, which is formed by the combination of the wind and fire double attribute Chakra and Nature Transformation. Scorch-Style Kekkei Genkai was born!

Kaede, who was bathing in silver rays of light, saw this scene and tilted her head slightly, saying: “I said how familiar, it turned out to be the famous ninja, Hidden Sand Village’s-Scorch-Style Pakura?”

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