“What is this…”

Gajiro’s iron dragon stick hits the golden magic barrier on that side, and it feels like an iron pillar. It was so strong that his body was subjected to a violent shock.

He showed a look of surprise, squeezed the fist tightly, mobilized his magic power, and struck the golden barrier with a fist.

“Strong Fist of Iron Dragon!”

bang!! !

This fist knocked on the golden barrier, like steel hitting a huge bronze bell, and burst out with a deafening buzzing towards all directions.

Lebby inside the barrier also raised her hand subconsciously to cover her ears, but then she was surprised to find that not only did she not suffer any harm inside the barrier, but even with the strong reaction The sound transmitted by the shock is partly isolated.

“This kind of magic power, how is it possible, the barrier that my fist can’t break…”

Gajiro showed a somewhat shocked look, looking at that pale-gold barrier.

And just myself for a moment.

There was a ripple on the golden barrier. The ripples converged toward the front and turned into a huge palm. Then, the fingers were bent, and one of them bounced toward Gajru.

It seems that the wind is light, but Gajru facing this finger frontally feels great terror and threat. His pupils shrank violently, loudly roared, his arms folded in front of him, Exploded his magic power and tried his best to resist the finger that bounced over.

But even so, when his fingers fell, his whole body was still shaken, and the iron shell of the iron dragon magic appeared on the surface, and the split second appeared densely packed cracks. It was fragmented, and at the same time, he didn’t even yell out his whole person, just like a marble that had been bombed, flying far into the sky, and disappeared.

After golden’s magical power flicked off Jahjiru, it gradually became dimmed and disappeared completely, leaving Lebby standing alone.

Nothing is heard.

Kaede walked out of the shadows behind, came to Lebby’s back, and looked in the direction of Jajru flying far away, saying: “Sure enough, some tricks were used. “


The sudden voice behind Lebby made her whole person shivered, but she quickly recognized the person behind her from the familiar voice.

She took a short breath, then turned around, looking towards the peaceful and handsome face that was gazed down to her, and said: “Thanks, thank you…Kaede, you happen to be here, Or…”


Kaede smiled easily, and said: “My house has a special array of magic. Anyone who has gone in and out of my house will have With my magic power, the more times I go in and out, the more my magic power will be contaminated. This part of the magic power can become the guardian power at the critical moment.”

“Just when I sensed you The magic power was stimulated, so I came here.”

Not all girls know that they have Kaede’s magical guardian. The only people who know before are Elisa, Mila, Lisana and the For others, Lebby and Lucy don’t know.

Mila and Elisa deliberately did not tell Lucy and Rebby before, but also to prevent them from relaxing their vigilance in the mission.

After all.

If you know in advance that Kaede has left everyone with the magic power to protect them, and can protect them at a critical moment, then you will not be very vigilant in some more dangerous commissions, and you will not be able to get up. The effect of exercise.

Rebby’s character is too gentle, second only to Wendy, in the eyes of Mila and Elsa, of course it also requires experience, so many people with tacit understanding did not tell her about it.

“It turned out to be like this…”

Lebby showed a look of awakening, a little light appeared in the gaze looking towards Kaede, and a light red appeared on her cheeks.

This means that Kaede really cares about her and cares about her safety. She feels uncomfortable when she thinks of this.

After she looked up at Kaede, she had always been a little timid. At this time, she suddenly seemed to arouse some inexplicable emotions. She took a step forward and opened her hands to hug Kaede forcefully.

After a short duration of three seconds.

She gradually recovered from the surging emotions, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes, some not knowing what to do let go of her hand, and stepped back, her cheeks flushed: “Yes, I’m sorry, I suddenly felt a little…”

Seeing the girl in front of me suddenly bold, and then suddenly timid and flustered, Kaede couldn’t help but chuckled and put his hand on her On her little head, and looked at her said with a slight smile:

“You are so cute.”

This sentence made Lebby’s whole person pause. It seemed to be immersed in the emotion of incomparable joy, if other people commented on her, she would only smile once, but Kaede said so, it brought her endless joy.

I was said to be cute by…Kaede.

It wasn’t until Kaede had already stepped away and greeted her that she reacted, and hurriedly caught up with Kaede, and ran all the way to behind Kaede.

Just as she was following behind and hesitated to say something and so on, her gaze suddenly stopped, showing a touch of shock, and her expression became a little pale, looking towards a big tree in front.

Can see.

On the sturdy tree trunk of that big tree, there are two people hanging impressively, Jet and Troy!

“Jett? Troy?!”

Lebby reached out her hand to cover her mouth, couldn’t help exclaiming, she looked towards that nailed Jet and Troy to the tree The nails and the iron ring on the top, said: “This… is also made by Jajru…”


Kaede slightly nodded, looked towards Lebi , Said: “Go and call everyone in the guild.”

Rebby looked at Jet and Troy who were nailed to the tree, and after looking at Kaede, took a deep breath, nodded, and then ran backwards quickly.

Somewhere in the Kingdom of Fiore.

This is the location of the Nether Ghost’s Guild of Dominators.

At this moment.

On the top floor of the guild building, in a room that looks quite has several points of noble aura, there is a long oval table with a few people sitting on one side of the table.

The person sitting at the door by the window picked up the tea cup on the table, took a leisurely sip of tea, and then looked towards the window, saying: “I don’t know the Jahji Rugan of your guild How’s it going?”

“He won’t have any problems doing things.”

Joseph Paula, the president of Nether Ghost’s ruler, sat opposite, faintly smiled, said : “Fairy Tail will definitely be irritated and found.”

There are a total of four people sitting in this room. The other three people are not the four elements of Nether Ghost. Two of them are other The presidents of two wizard guilds!

Everyone has the same purpose, that is, to fight the fairy tail together!

“That’s good.”

Another president sneered and said: “When they take the initiative to call up, we can use legitimate reasons to support you , Give them a fiercely lesson!”

Today’s Fairy Tail’s status in the magic world is the strongest guild standing at the top of Ishgar. Most missions and commissions will be given priority. It was delivered to Fairy Tail.

When many other guilds fell into insufficient commissions and difficult expenditures, Fairy Tail was unable to finish with too many commissions, which undoubtedly caused jealousy.

The most important thing is.

Having a close relationship with Fairy Tail, the “Priestess of the Phoenix”, which is the first place of Ishgar’s Saint Ten Great Demon, has not appeared for nearly a hundred years!

Although the Phoenix Heart Guild is located, there is still a powerful seal of Phoenix magic. No one can pass it, but it will not appear for a hundred years, and it will always make people gradually rise in dissatisfaction.

Of course.

If only this is the case, even if the three guilds are united, they would not dare to attack Fairy Tail easily, because Fairy Tail still has a veteran who is still in the ranks of the Saint Ten Great Demon guide. The fifth place exists, Volod Shinken!

Among the Saint Ten Great Demon guides, the first is Priestess of the Phoenix, who has not been shaken for hundreds of years. It is recognized as the strongest wizard of Ishgar, and then the second to fifth place. They are called the Four Heavenly Kings of Isugar!

The magic power of these four people far surpasses other Saint Ten Great Demon guides.

Although Joseph Paula, the president of Nether Ghost, is also the director of Saint Ten Great Demon, he knows that his strength is the most against Makarov, and he is far behind Volod.

The one who really made the three guilds brave the courage to provoke Fairy Tail, and insidiously designed to fight with Fairy Tail, is the fourth person sitting in this room.

“What do you think?”

Joseph Paula looked towards the silhouette sitting at the front end of the oval long table, with respect in his tone, and said: “Mr. Serena.”

It just so happened that the moonlight came in along the window, shining on the person, clearly reflecting the figure and face of that person.

Is the second place in the Saint Ten Great Demon guide——

Heavenly God Serena!

“I have no interest in fairy tails.”

Serena sat there on his side, with one hand resting on his cheek, his eyes flickered slightly and said: “I am interested Only the power of the wizard, the fairy tail contains clues of his power.”

As the second leader of the Saint Ten Great Demon, he has almost raised his magic power to the extreme, in all aspects. It can’t advance completely.

He knows his strength very well. The so-called Four Heavenly Kings of Ishgar is just a joke. It can be said that from the third place to the tenth place, all together, it is not his opponent!

The so-called’king of heaven’ at this level by Volod Xinken is not worth mentioning at all!


Even the strength he possesses today is still far behind his absolute death enemy-Black Dragon King Akunorokia!

He was afraid of Akunorokia, he wanted to get stronger power, he wanted to be able to fight against Akunorokia.

In the absence of Kaede’s interference with the world line, the final choice he made was to abandon the position of the Saint Ten Great Demon leader, to defect to the Western Continent Albares Empire, to join Jeff’s command, hope Rely on Jeff’s power to fight Akunorokia.

And here.

He didn’t turn his gaze to the Western Continent, but stayed here.

Because here is the power that can fight the Black Dragon Akunorokia, that is the great wizard who repeled Akunorokia head-on four hundred years ago!

Fairy Tail’s First-Kage president was his dísciple, and Phoenix’s Priestess was his follower. Even though the wizard has not reappeared in 400 years, his power still affects this. A continent, and various rumors are also extremely numerous.

Among them.

One of the most widely circulated rumours is that the great wizard has passed away, but he has retained his power. It is the legendary seven magic balls!

Although this is just a legend, Serena is almost certain that this is not a legend, but true, because at this time he… already has five of the magic balls in his hand!

The last two remaining.

He is not sure where one of them is, but he is sure where it is, and that is in the Fairy Tail Guild!

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