Kaede chuckled while holding Kakashi’s fist, and said, “I’ve grown a bit taller. It’s only a few months…Is it the effect of cell activation?”

Although he only used the quadruple speed and did not open the Eight-Inner Gates, Kakashi could barely react, indicating that Kakashi’s current strength has gradually fallen out of Chunin’s category.

Under normal development, Kakashi became Jonin at the age of twelve.

But now there is the teaching of the elder brother Kaede, who trained the cell activation technique, and also trained the Chidori obtained from Kaede. It can be said that now he has almost the strength of Jonin, just fighting experience and In some other respects, it was not up to Jonin’s standards.

“Perhaps it is.”

Kakashi tilted his head, revealing a lack of vitality, and said, “But the gap with you is getting bigger and bigger. “

It seems that he avoided Kaede’s’attack’, but in fact it was an attack launched by Kaede over a distance. He has a reaction distance and time.

And the most important thing is Kaede’s previous record in the Land-of-Grass battlefield, killing a large number of Jonin, there is a qualitative difference between his strength and the current him.

“You are growing, and I am also training. It is not so easy to be close to me.” Kaede let go of Kakashi’s fist said with a smile.

Not far away.

Namikaze Minato gave Kaede a slightly surprised look.

Although Kaede didn’t use Eight-Inner Gates just now, the speed of revealing was indeed a bit surprising. No wonder he was able to achieve such a record in Battlefield on the Land-of-Grass side.


Obito is a little unhappy.

Originally, when he came out to execute the mission this time, he suddenly encountered an accident. He wanted to show off his skills. As a result, he suddenly ran into Kaede, and the audience’s attention was on Kaede’s side.

He walked to the two Hidden Sand ninja corpses, and after a little inspection, he was a little surprised: “Look at the traces of Chakra. This should be the Jonin of Hidden Sand Village. The split second was taken by Teacher Minato. Have you solved it all?”

From the time I noticed the battle here, to when Namikaze Minato used Body Flicker Jutsu to check, and then they came over, there was a gap of at most ten seconds in the middle.

Solved two Jonins in such a short period of time, although as the dísciple of Namikaze Minato, he was familiar with the teacher’s strength, but he was still a little surprised.


Namikaze Minato shake one’s head, saying: “I didn’t start it…”

Speaking of which, he turned his head and looked towards Kaede .

With Shinku Yuhi with some Genin, it should be difficult to solve the two Hidden Sand Jonin, and it was a very short time from hearing the movement here until he came over, plus Kaede arrived earlier than him, probably Kaede’s handwriting.

Can solve the two Hidden Sand Jonin, Kaede’s strength is really excellent, and looking at the traces, if the battle ended in a flash as he guessed, then Kaede’s strength is still Go to another level.

Of course.

Such strength is not enough to move him, because he can do it too. What really makes his heart fluctuate is that Kaede’s age is much younger than him, and ninja at this age is far from growing. To Peak.

“It was really weird just now, Kaede, what is your technique?” Kurenai Yuhi looked Kaede, barely calming down, couldn’t help asking.

Kaede laughed and said, “Do you mean that state? It should be considered a combination of Lightning-Style and Taijutsu Secret Jutsu. I call it’Eight-Gates Lightning-Style’.”

Speaking of which, he couldn’t help but glanced at Namikaze Minato.

Eight-Gates Lightning-Style was something he thought about temporarily, lest Namikaze Minato would see it in the future and suddenly give him something like’silver flashing Super Wheel Dance roar style’.

Obito is a bit stiff at this time.

Didn’t expect the two Jonins of Hidden Sand were killed by Kaede. Namikaze Minato was a little late. He obviously wanted to try to divert everyone’s attention.

Everyone did not continue to talk too much here. After dealing with the corpse and cutting the head seal into the scroll, the entire group returned to the direction of the Konoha camp together.

Kurenai Yuhi asked Kaede as he walked: “Lord Hokage dispatched you here, which means you will execute the mission with us next?”

“No OK.”

Kaede shaking one’s head, saying: “It depends on Lord Hokage’s command and Lord-Jiraiya’s command, but the probability of acting alone should be greater.”

Speaking of Kaede glanced at Namikaze Minato’s direction, and Namikaze Minato also looked at him again, the two people’s eyes touched in the sky, and then they retracted again.

Namikaze Minato gave a slight smile.

From the perspective of Konoha, Kaede’s coming to battlefield here is a good thing for the entire war situation. After all, Kaede’s contribution in the Land-of-Grass battlefield is enough to prove strength.

As for Kaede as Orochimaru’s dísciple, coming to battlefield here, there is a feeling that he has formed a competitive relationship with him, but he doesn’t really care.

If he is in Battlefield of Land-of-Grass, with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, he believes he can do better.

And his goal is to become Hokage.

Those who have the qualifications to become Hokage ninjas are the targets he needs to compete with, such as Orochimaru, Tsunade and the others, while Kaede will only be competitors of the next generation and don’t need to pay special attention.


In two hours.

Kaede and Namikaze Minato and the others returned to the frontline camp in Konoha, and went to the largest camp in the middle of the camp together, reporting to the commander-in-chief Jiraiya here.

“…I am understood, and I will leave the information to Inoichi Jonin.”

Jiraiya, after listening to several people’s descriptions, nodded, took it from Shinku Yuhi Seal the scroll with the head of Hidden Sand Village Jonin.

Then he looked towards Kaede.

Kaede is Orochimaru’s dísciple, which can be regarded as his Martial Nephew, but the relationship between him and Orochimaru is both companions and always competing with each other. Now Sarutobi Hiruzen has assigned Kaede to battlefield here, but let He was a little helpless.

Originally Orochimaru and Kaede solved the battle on the Land-of-Grass side. He and Namikaze Minato solved the battle on this side, which was just right.

But now that Kaede has been deployed to battlefield here, he feels like he and Namikaze Minato are not good enough, and he needs Orochimaru to send a dísciple to help him.

It’s always weird.

But now blocking is also impossible.

Because Kaede has interfered with the battlefield here… before Kaede destroyed a nearly 100-strong elite Sand Ninja unit that detoured Land-of-Rain. When it came to him, let He was startled in a cold sweat.

If the other side is to be implemented as planned and sneak attack on the rear camp during the frontal full-line attack, then Konoha will definitely suffer a heavy injury even if it is not defeated!

And what shocked him the most was.

Kaede has solved nearly a hundred Sand Ninja elites alone!

The dísciple collected by Orochimaru is almost like a monster.

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