Chiyo’s face is a little ugly and said: “…is it the support force that Konoha sent from the village? But we didn’t get any information either.”

“Impossible, the ninja unit with more than 300 men could not hide its tracks anyhow, arrived at Land-of-Rain quietly, and went straight to Pakura’s unit.”

Ebizo Shaking ones head with ugly face.

Although not many scouts infiltrated Konoha in Hidden Sand Village, and it was very difficult to pass information, the ninja transfer of more than 300 people was impossible without notice.

Even if the scouts on the Konoha side were unaware and did not pass the information back, there are many places along the way with their scouts.

Just like on their side, sending a hundred-man troop will have to detour Land-of-Rain and make a big circle to be sure that Konoha will be unaware, let alone triple. The number of troops out.

“Could Rain Ninja cooperate with Konoha?”

Fourth-Kazekage Rasa started to talk in deep voice.

The place where the accident happened was in Land-of-Rain. If Hidden Rain Village and Konoha cooperated, it would indeed be possible to do this.


Ebizo shake one’s head, said: “The Hidden Rain Village does have the power to destroy the Pakura unit, but it takes almost all the troops to do it. The same impossible is silent, and the cautious style of the guy Hanzo of the Salamander makes it absolutely impossible to dispatch all members easily.”

If several judgments are rejected, then the probability is very small. The first point is that Konoha did not dispatch a large number of ninjas, and the second is the incident in Land-of-Rain.

“Have you been in an ambush…”

Chiyo started to talk slowly.

Only this reason can be established. Pakura and the others were in an ambush, were defeated by a small amount of troops, and blocked the escape route.

Ebizo had already thought of this conclusion, but he didn’t want to say it, because the ambush and the enemy’s defeat by a large number of troops are completely different.

It is responsible for the enemy to ambush and to be destroyed more by less. Pakura, the commander of Jonin, is responsible for the weight, and it is him who named Pakura to lead this unit!

“It seems that there is only this kind of probability.”

Rasa started to talk in a deep voice, pupil light weird looked towards Ebizo, and said: “Lost that many elite, You are responsible for this attack, Ebizo Elder…”

There is depression in the camp.

Many Elite Jonin of Hidden Sand Village have a gloomy expression.

And just as Rasa had prepared in advance how to shake the pot, deprived of Ebizo’s authority and weakened Chiyo’s influence, a Sand Ninja suddenly entered the camp.

“Report to Lord-Kazekage, Land-of-Rain has found a new clue!”


Rasa frowned.

The Sand Ninja lowered his head and quickly reported: “We found more traces in the battlefield over there, as well as information about Pakura Jonin’s course of action, and found…”

He quickly stated the information he collected.

There are two general information. One is that the location of the accident is not on the route of Pakura and the others, but a small bend. There is a small town not far from the bend. Going through it, I found that there used to be a ninja in this town, and on the day that Pakura and the others had an accident, a strange ninja had arrived in the small town.

Another information is based on the scene that has been extremely damaged. Through various remaining traces, Secret Jutsu is used to deconstruct and analyze, and it is concluded that almost all the causes of death are related to Lightning-Style Ninjutsu. And some ninja used Summoned Beast to send a little message before dying legacy.

A person… Kusanagi sword… Thunder… Speed…

According to these very few information and the information obtained after the small town was completely overturned, they got A somewhat unbelievable conclusion came out.

A certain ninja had been to that small town and snatched a Kusanaru sword from a certain ninja hidden in the small town, and then encountered the troops of Pakura and the others!

As for what happened after the encounter, it is difficult to recover.

The final result is——

The elite troops led by Pakura are completely destroyed!

“This is impossible!”

To this conclusion, Chiyo immediately denied it.

If Pakura and the others were in an ambush, you can still understand that a certain ninja wiped out the troops of Pakura and the others by strength of oneself. It was a fantasy story!

Even if the ninja really has terrifying strength, Pakura led an elite force that could not be taken and be defeated, but it is also impossible that none of them escaped and all died!

“This is a combination of all the information analysis…”

The ninja had cold sweat dripping on his forehead.

He also knows that this conclusion is a bit too unimaginable, but it is indeed consistent with all the information and clues, and other inferences are difficult to explain.


Rasa also shake one’s head.

Alone killed Pakura’s troops. This is a fantasy story, unless the other side is God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama, who ended the Warring States Period’s legendary.

But that person is already dead. If he is still alive, Konoha will not hide it. No one in Ninja World dared to move Konoha, no one dared to start a war.

But the problem is.

Even if Pakura’s troops are completely destroyed because of the ninja alone, the ninja must have played an extremely important role, and it may even be that he defeated Pakura!

The strength of Pakura in Hidden Sand Village can still be recognized by many people. It is a powerful ninja with Kekkei Genkai, otherwise it will not become the Captain of the surprise force.

Then the question is…

Who is that ninja!

Destroyed the entire elite army led by Pakura in one hand, and it is very likely to defeat Pakura. Who is the ninja? Is it Konoha’s ninja? !

The only certain information about that ninja now is that he will use Lightning-Style Ninjutsu, hold a Kusanaru sword, and there is no other information!

“Anyway, that ninja must be in a hostile relationship with us, no matter which village he comes from…”

Ebizo took a breath and started to talk with a gloomy look.

The complete destruction of the surprise attack force itself is already an extremely bad thing. Now that an unknown ninja is standing on the opposite side of the enemy, the situation in battlefield has become extremely pessimistic.

But now they can’t retreat. Once they retreat, Konoha will definitely pursue it. They spent such a large amount of troops to fight Konoha, and they are also impossible to surrender to Konoha and passively sign an unequal agreement.

“At the moment of the war, the situation is indeed very bad. Ebizo Elder, your responsibility will be held after the war… What are your battle plans now?”

Rasa eyes narrowed looked towards Ebizo.

This incident is a very bad thing for the entire Hidden Sand Village, but for him personally, it is a good thing, which greatly affected the reputation of Ebizo and made him No need to worry about Kazekage’s position being emptied.

The only thing that needs to be vigilant is the unknown ninja who holds the Kusanaru sword. Now all the information about the other side is unfamiliar. Once it appears on battlefield, it may be a very troublesome character.

Good at Lightning-Style……

Could it be the ninja of Hidden Cloud Village……

If Hidden Cloud Village and Konoha join forces, it will definitely happen Extremely bad, but it can’t be said that Cloud Ninja will bypass Land-of-Earth and cooperate with Konoha to attack their troops in Land-of-Rain.

“Although I don’t know who you are, you did me a great favor.”

Rasa’s eyes flashed with rays of light.

Next, we will fight symbolically, and die some ninja who opposes his superiority. After that, it will be nothing to surrender to Konoha. As long as he can secure Kazekage’s position, this war is for him victory.

The only thing I want to know is who is the ninja who destroyed Pakura’s surprise force.

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