Convincing her

Chapter 10: Not Her Little Brother.

"Don't you think you're overreacting?" Leanna said trying to hold back her laughter. Jen looked at the two girls and saw their amused expressions which just ended up getting her annoyed.

She glared at the two of them and refused to respond to their questions.

"Come on Jen, are you older than he is?" Nancy asked curiously, Jen looked at her like she was stupid, was it not obvious? What other reason would she have for freaking out that much about his age?

"Hey, don't look at me that way, how would I know if you prefer guys who are much older than you, besides, you don't look a day over twenty in fact you'd look even younger if you weren't so tall" Nancy said with a pout not understanding why Jen was behaving like she was.

"I'm twenty-five," Jen said expecting the girls to be shocked, but she was disappointed.

"So?" Leanna asked still not understanding why Jen was fussing.

"Never mind, talking to you two will just annoy me to death," Jen said dismissively while waving at them to indicate they change the topic.

"I don't understand, there's like a three-year difference, it's not like your fifty, why are you so worried?"

"I'm not worried per se, it's just, he is too young, if you have siblings you'll understand, I was hoping that we'd at least have been the same age in the worst-case scenario"

"I don't see the problem though, he isn't your sibling, or is it that you just don't like younger guys," Leanna asked seriously, unconsciously finding herself taking Lucas' side.

"I've never entertained the idea, I have zero experience with them, and since my ex I had decided to go for older men, I have no reason to worry, it's not like we're dating anyway right?" Jen comforted herself.

She had had to mature early because of her family and treated her siblings like her children as she had assumed responsibility for her family at an early age. So anyone in the age group of her siblings felt that much younger to her.

This is why she finds older men more desirable, she dated Tyler who was older than her by three years but even he felt immature majority of the time if she wasn't so stupidly in love with him she probably wouldn't even consider him as a romantic interest.

Actually, she had decided to date men with a larger age gap after him hoping to find someone who would match her level of maturity, yet, here she was, having slept with a younger man.

Leanna and Nancy ignored her after seeing that she was lost in her thoughts. They thought that she was being naïve in thinking that Lucas will leave her alone. He even dropped her off at the university, wasn't he announcing to everyone that she belonged to him?

Jen bid the girls goodbye before rushing to the library to study. The two girls watched her leave and started talking about how she was such a bookworm. Leaving the two girls alone, she arrived at the library and after thirty minutes she was completely immersed in her books.

She didn't notice the time until she felt her phone vibrate, she saw that it was Lucas calling looking at the time it was already 4:30 pm she hurriedly packed her books and rushed out of the library to pick up the call. She finally picked up her phone when Lucas called again for the second time.

"Hello?" Jen said still trying to put the things inside her bag in order.

"Hi, are you done with the class?" Luke asked

"Sorry, I totally lost track of time, I was in the library. Did you come to campus?" Jen asked

"Yeah, I'm at the parking lot, where I dropped you off this morning" Lucas answered

"Awesome, I'll be there in five minutes" Jen hurriedly said and started walking towards the parking lot.

Lucas spotted her almost immediately, he watched as she walked towards him, her hips moving from side to side, her long legs moving at a leisurely pace with the sound of her heels drawing attention from the surrounding people, at that moment the wind blew at her face and her hair flew towards the back of her neck.

Lucas thought he was going to swallow his tongue, he noticed how the people around were staring at her, he grew increasingly annoyed at the looks that she was being given by some of the men around. Meeting her halfway, he took the books she was holding in one hand while his other arm snaked around her waist possessively which served to surprise her but she decided not to make a fuss.

He quickly led her to his car and quickly opened the passenger's door, after she was settled in the car he quickly shut the door and sent glares at some of the men who had been looking at Jen. Jen could only shake her head in amusement as she watched him.

He finally got into the car and hurriedly sped off. After a period of silence, Jen couldn't stand it anymore.

"What did you do today?" Jen asked as she turned to look at him. His side profile looked too good she was tempted to touch his face. Shaking her head she waited for his response.

"I had an exam today, it was around 1 pm"

"Really? I thought it would have been in the morning" Jen responded

"I just wanted to see you this morning" Lucas answered and turned to face her with a charming smile on his face. Jen quickly turned to look outside the window so that he wouldn't see her slightly reddened face.

He decided to pretend that he didn't notice her reaction but he couldn't help that his smile had gotten wider

"How long was it?"

"About two hours" he answered again

"Then you must have been waiting for long"

"Not really, I had something to do so I had left first before I came back to pick you up," he said smoothly. Jen looked at him, feeling a bit touched as she had noticed the messages that he had started sending the moment it was 4 pm.

He was probably waiting around campus since he was done with his exams. At this moment she thought he was so adorable and reached out her hand to pat his head.

Lucas had a slight frown when he felt her hand patting him on the head like a pet. 'What is this about?' he thought to himself but decided to keep quiet about it. They finally arrived outside her house.

They both got out of the car since she had asked him to stay for dinner. When he agreed she had ruffled his hair again which made him slightly frown again.

He watched her as she busied herself in the kitchen before she placed a glass of orange juice in front of him.

"Can I help with anything?" Lucas asked as he caught her arm before she left his side.

"No, I can handle it," she said and reached out her arm again wanting to pat his head. he caught her other arm while pinning her between himself and the kitchen counter.

"What is that about?" Lucas asked

"What?" Jen asked genuinely confused by his sudden actions

"Why are you patting my head like some… child?" Lucas asked spitting out the word child like it was distasteful. After he mentioned it Jen finally realised that she had been treating him like her little brother. She closed her eyes because she thought she would laugh.

"Do you hate it?" Jen asked after getting her emotions under control

"That's not the point," Lucas said while waiting for her answer.

"I'm sorry, I just learned that you were young today and unconsciously treated you like my young brother, don't be upset, I won't do it again," Jen said like she was trying to coax him.

After he heard her he couldn't help but freeze. 'She treated him like her what?' Lucas couldn't help the cold chuckle that escaped his lips making her shiver.

"Would your brother do this?" Lucas asked as his face drew closer to her's before capturing her lips with his.

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