Convincing her

Chapter 113: Long Night

Later on, the two of them were laying in bed together with one Jen's hands across Lucas' bare chest and her head resting on his chest. He had pulled her so close that half her body was on top of his.

"What are you going to be doing on Saturday?" Jen asked curiously because she had only heard of the party but had no other details on how he wanted the day to go.

"We'll go to my parent's house for lunch and then we'll go to the estate out of town" Lucas as his other hand stroked the curved arch of her back making her body shiver.

"Oh," Jen replied and stayed silent.

"Is there something you wanted to say?" Lucas asked.

"Well, I had a request but you-" Jen started but was cut off by Lucas.

"What is it?" Lucas asked.

"Well, I was wondering if it would be okay if I brought my friends along. You know I don't know anyone there-" Jen said as she looked at him with her big brown eyes which softened his expression.

"No problem, we have enough room to accommodate people, even if you brought along another twenty people" Lucas said indulgently.

"I won't bring twenty people, just four. Including Laura and Rachel, I'll ask if Leanna and Nancy want to come along. Besides, I have a feeling that the party will be a sausage fest" Jen said as she carried a mischievous expression on her face.

"It will be a sausage fest for them, I'll have you around" Lucas said and rolled them over so he was laying on top of her.

He looked at her from his higher position and saw her close her eyes before looking at her pouty lips. His thumb traced her cheekbone making her open her eyes to look at him.

She felt completely surrounded by his presence. She then wrapped both her arms around his neck before pulling him closer to her so that their lips barely touched.

"Are you just going to stare at me all night?" Jen asked and wrapped her legs around his waist.

"What do you want me to do to you then?" Lucas asked as he used one of his hands to grab her thigh.

"What do you want to do? I plan on fully compensating you since you wanted compensation for tonight" Jen said as she bit her lower lip and tightened the grip that her thighs had on his waist.

"Then, you'll have to excuse me" Lucas said and pressed his lips against hers and one of Jen's hands tangled in his hair. He parted his lips against her mouth and she reciprocated the movement before he slipped his tongue in her mouth making her arch her back pressing her chest closer to his.

She reciprocated his actions and her tongue was also sent his mouth a good number of tips with her licking and biting his lips.

Lucas rubbed their crotches against each other making Jen shudder in excitement and resulted in her turning her head therefore separating their lips but he did not slack off. Instead he enthusiastically kissed her bare neck and shoulders. Soon enough they were both naked with their bodies enthusiastically tangled with each other.

Since Jen had given him free reign, he properly took advantage of her that night, and although she regretted it the next morning, she would not have had the heart to stop him since she had also enjoyed it.

The following morning Jen was woken up by Lucas' alarm she was used to getting up before him to make breakfast. She wondered how he had managed to get up every morning in the past because he was always so fussy about waking up.

[A/N: You need to ask Dave]

However, that morning she was feeling tired from last night. He was too enthusiastic and he had gone on for hours and she had only managed to sleep for about three hours. She was exhausted and didn't even want to think about waking up, much less making breakfast.

"Lucas, you should wake up" Jen said in a husky voice although she did not make any movements to wake up she was already getting annoyed by his alarm.

She wanted to keep sleeping but because of the incessant ringing of the alarm her patience was rapidly running out.

She finally could not stand it anymore and viciously poked Lucas' ribs startling him awake.

"What is it?" he asked as he wrapped his arms tighter around her smothering her into his chest.

"You have work, hurry and wake up. I won't be making you breakfast today, you tired me out" Jen said but did not receive a response from Lucas who had gone back to sleep.

She poked his ribs again from annoyance and when he woke up she pushed him out of the bed. Thankfully he had some weight on him and the bed was big enough otherwise he would have fallen off the edge of it.

He knew that he had stalled for long enough so he voluntarily got off the bed stark naked and turned off the alarm, carelessly throwing his phone on the bed. He twisted his body before stretching his arms over his head before pulling on his elbows and stretching his back.

"Hurry and wash up. Even though I can't make you any breakfast make sure to grab something to eat on your way to work," Jen said as she watched him stretch and the muscles on his back flex with his movements making her almost sigh in admiration.

She propped herself on the pillows so she could talk to him comfortably and the movements caused her to feel her sore muscles.

[A/N: We know it was to watch him more comfortably hehe]

"Never mind, I know you won't get yourself any food, I'll ask the restaurant to pack you some food." Jen said and shamelessly continued to ogle him.

Lucas turned around and their eyes met making Jen feel as if she was caught doing something bad causing her face to become flushed. He walked to her side of the bed and kissed her lips gently before releasing her.

He had never had someone make such a fuss about him having breakfast, besides, she had blatantly looked at him shamelessly so he was happy when he saw that she could still be embarrassed.

"Mmh," Lucas said with a smirk before he rolled his neck and turned to walk towards the bathroom.

After he closed the bathroom door, Jen was woken from her daze and picked up his phone to call the hotel manager.

She quickly ordered his breakfast and asked that it be packed and sent to his office when it was done. After taking care of other details she finally cut the call and went back to sleep.

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