Convincing her

Chapter 166: David's call

Laura ended up buying more than she thought she would and after another two hours, Nancy and Leanna finally succeeded in persuading her to go back home. After dropping Laura home, the two girls left for their own house as well. As Leanna was driving home, she noticed that Nancy kept looking at her phone as if she was waiting for a message.

"Are you waiting for a call?" Leanna asked curiously.

"Actually, I texted David earlier today but he hasn't replied yet" Nancy said as she bit her lip.

"He must be busy since Lucas is hurt, he probably has more things to do now" Leanna rationalised making Nancy feel more at ease. 

Even though David was not known for his conversational skills, he always replied to her message as soon as he saw them and it wouldn't take him this long.

She even started thinking that he had probably blocked her or something since he hadn't even opened the message yet. She remembered Laura's workaholic comment and she sighed before putting her phone back in her purse.

"What is it now?" Leanna asked when she heard Nancy sigh. She knew her friend tended to overthink things and would get herself in a mood for no reason at all.

"I just remembered the workaholic comment that Laura made, and I'm wondering whether I'm setting myself up for heartbreak" Nancy said openly. Leanna took a peek at her friend before she continued driving.

"If you're that bothered then stop. I'm sure Laura said that becaue she was frustrated with James, you shouldn't take everything she says seriously. You know how she normally is right?" Leanna asked.

"Um, well-" Nancy started but she was promptly cut off by Leanna.

"Starting a relationship is risky. If David was not interested, according to his personality, he would have probably asked you to stop contacting him right?" Leanna said accurately hitting the mark. Nancy had never thought about it that way, but what Leanna said was true.

David did not look like someone who would tolerate her at all. This new perspective made her smile brightly making Leanna chuckle in amusement. Did she like it that much? she wondered as she looked at Nancy.

They soon arrived at their apartment complex and as they got inside, they both went to their respective rooms to shower before they prepared their dinner. As Nancy was getting undressed, she heard her phone's ringtone from her purse. 

She threw the shirt that was hanging off one arm on the bed as she rummaged through her purse for her phone. When she finally got it and saw who was calling a smile blossomed on her face before it turned into a frown and then into a panicked expression.

She thought of calling Leanna but she was probably already in the shower and it wasn't like she could pick up the phone for her. Nancy looked at David's name that flashed on the screen. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before clearing her throat and with a shaking finger picked up the call.

"Hello?" Nancy said hesitantly as she sat down on the bed. SHe hoped he hadn't pocket dialled her or something because she would feel embarrassed.

"Hello, Nancy?" David responded 

"David, hi" Nancy said as she tried to compose herself.

"Hi, how are you doing?" David asked as he placed his glasses on his desk and leaned back on his office chair.

"I'm alright, and you?" Nancy asked.

"I'm just tired. Sorry I didn't see your message earlier" David said. He really felt bad since she had sent it almost six hours ago and he hadn't been able to reply.

"It's alright, I figured you were busy" Nancy said and crossed her legs on the bed.

"I'll be pretty preoccupied over the next couple of days, i'll be apologising in advance" David said with a chuckle that made Nancy blush uncontrollably. She was wondering why he was so friendly not knowing that his guard has lowered because he was exhausted.

"It's alright" Nancy answered. She was just happy that she got the chance to talk to him and that he actually took the initiative to call in the first place.

"Oh, do you have plans next Saturday?" David asked remembering how Lucas told him he should show up to the launch party with a date.

"No, I haven't made any plans" Nancy said forgetting how Jen told her that she could go to the launch party on Saturday.

"Then can you accompany me to a launch party that is being held by the company?" David asked hopefully.

"Ah, of course" Nancy said with a bright smile. If David could see her he would feel embarrassed from how happy she looked just because he called. He could have asked her to skip class for the whole of next week and she would have agreed. She was not thinking at all at that point.

"Thanks, You were the only one I thought of asking" David thought out loud making Nancy blush even harder. She wondered if he was drunk again but he did not sound like he did when he was drunk at the party. 

"Is that so?" Nancy teased with a laugh.

"Yes, if you said no I'd just go alone" David replied completely unaware that what he was doing could be considered as flirting. Nancy had to put her hand to block her own mouth to stop herself from squealing from excitement.

"Then I'll definitely come" Nancy said.

"Mmh, I'll pick you up. I'll send you the details on the event tomorrow" David said seeming as if he had gone back to his normal character. The phone call had really refreshed his mind and he felt like he could work for a bit longer before he went home.

"Okay, are you still at the office?" Nancy asked curiously.

"Mmh" he replied.

"Have you eaten today?" Nancy asked again. If he was as busy as he said he was then she doubted that he had anything to eat.

David smiled when he heard her question, he had to thank Michael who brought him food when he came to work he remembered how Jen always nagged at Lucas to eat and now that someone was worried that he was skipping meals, he could understand how Lucas normally felt. It was a warm endearing feeling.

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