Convincing her

Chapter 170: Hormonal

Jen took a glimpse of the documents she was holding and saw AT Technologies printed out in one of the documents. Her eyebrows furrowed but she was able to stop herself from reading the contents of the document and took them to Lucas' study.

As she placed the documents on the desk she hesitated for a few seconds before she turned and left the office. 

Her mood had changed again but she went to the kitchen to make breakfast because she was really hungry since she neglected to eat the previous night. As she was frying up some bacon, she felt hands wrap around her waist and a kiss landed on her shoulder.

"Goodmorning beautiful" Lucas said against her ear as he continued to cling on to her.

"Mmh, good morning love. How are you feeling?" Jen asked as she slightly leaned sideways so she could check on his face but ended up being kissed instead. Her jaw was held by Lucas who gave her a short intense kiss before he released her so she wouldn't burn the food.

Jen flattened her lips when she was released and gave Lucas a teasing glare before she finished making breakfast. Lucas helped her bring breakfast to the table and even made her a warm cup of milk tea.

Jen ate her breakfast slowly, she couldn't really taste anything since her mind was so far away. Lucas looked at her and saw that she was completely unfocused and was just eating mechanically. He felt that if she was not hungry in the first place, she wouldn't even bother with eating.

"Jen" Lucas called her but she did not respond making him frown with worry.

"Jen!" Lucas called louder when he saw that she was about to put her fork in her cup of tea. Jen was startled out of her thoughts and directed her gaze towards Lucas.

"What is it?" she asked with wide eyes.

"What are you thinking about so seriously?" Lucas asked and took the fork from her and put it on her plate.

"It's nothing," Jen said as she looked down at the table. Lucas' frown deepened even further when he saw her act like that.

"Do you expect me to believe that while you're looking like that?" Lucas asked seriously. Jen did not know why she was so bothered when she saw the documents on AT technologies.

"I'm just being silly, don't mind me," Jen said and picked up the warm mug and held it in her hands. She knew she was just being hormonal, her emotions always went haywire whenever her period arrived.

"Would you be able to do the same?" Lucas asked and even stopped eating in his worry. He had even lost his appetite.

"I'm just being hormonal, it's really not a big deal," Jen said with a smile but the smile did not reach her eyes.

Lucas looked at her for almost a minute without saying anything before he stood up and started clearing the table. He did so because he really was not sure about how to handle their current situation. He didn't think it was right for him to force her to tell him anything and since she was keeping it from him then it means that she was uncomfortable sharing what she was thinking with him.

However, it did not feel good at all. Especially when it seemed like she was really bothered by whatever she was thinking about. At these moments he really wished he had had more experience with proper dating. He was even starting to feel a bit upset with her.

Lucas stayed in the kitchen and washed the dishes before he came out and found Jen still sitting in the same position he had left her in before.

"I'll be in my study when you want to talk," Lucas said and only left after he received a nod from Jen. He sighed as he went upstairs not knowing that Jen had heard him sigh.

Jen felt bad for some reason but she had managed to frustrate herself too. She had started thinking that there are chances that she was going to run into Tyler are high since they are in the same circle.

What especially worried her was that she did not know how she would react to seeing him since she has not seen him since they had broken up. She had been too busy to even comfort herself back then, so she could not help but worry about all of these things that were yet to happen.

Jen finally finished drinking her tea after thirty minutes and took the dishes to the kitchen and cleaned them before she went to the living room and laid down on the carpeted floor with her upper body on one of the large floor cushions she had bought.

She turned on the television and switched to a music channel and just stared at it not really paying much attention to it. That was until she suddenly saw a familiar face making her get out of her reverie. She unconsciously smiled as she watched Jason's music video but she was smiling because of the uncanny resemblance he had with Lucas.

As she watched Jason charismatically dance on TV, she remembered Lucas' bruised nose and how she had planned to give him the ointments she had bought for him, but she felt that she had put him in a mood and wasn't sure how she should approach him.

After the music video ended, Jen looked at the bag filled with medication that was resting on the coffee table and decided that she was going to take it up later when she could actually talk about what was bothering her since she had been told she should go to the study once she was ready to talk.

She lay back down on the floor and continued watching tv. Before she fell asleep she saw at least five songs by Jason, she hadn't realised how much new music he had released or that they would be so popular that she would see him after every other song. Unfortunately, she couldn't continue counting since she dozed off.

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